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@Iun, are you exaggerating and simply periodically venting your anger?


No, we have an argument about once a week. It's invariably over money. "I need (want) x and you need to give me money for it." And if I say no I'm irresponsible, thoughtless, I don't love her and she doesn't feel safe in the relationship.


I should probably leave, yes. But that's a pretty hard thing to do. In her defence, I could be viewed as miserly - I always make sure our mortgage is paid and that we have a minimum value of savings, and then we can do other things. Problem is she views herself as sole owner "MY car!" "MY house!" But it's me that has to fork over the big bucks.


In fairness, she pays the food and bills and she earns less, so there is a kind of balance. But all the big outgoings are mine alone to handle.


For example,I started my PGCE at last, and that's costing 6 k to do via distance. It wiped out all of my savings for retirement that I'd been putting together and necessitated me earning another 2k in 2 months - over and above everything else. Then she gets nasty when I say I'm going to have difficulty giving her money for the plane tickets. I slaved to earn another 50% of my salary, and then she makes out I'm a bad person because I won't do more. For the last four years of marriage, I have had maybe ten complete weekends that weren't government-mandated holidays as I have to work Saturdays in order to save for retirement. When I get in at home she then complains that I spend no time with her and demands that I teach her son for an hour every Saturday evening...


I'm an idiot for staying with her, but despite this, there is love here and severing the cord scares me - I'm effectively alone here.

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Play.com completely wasted a load of my time. They contacted my company - a textile company - about selling on their marketplace as they are opening a "Home and Garden" category. They discovered us through Amazon, as we sell our fabrics on there.


So, we figured it was a good idea. I explained what we did, we signed up to a merchant account and paid for the first six months. I then had to create a spreadsheet for all the listings and submit it.


A few days after that, I got a response stating that none of the products will be listed as they don't have a "haberdashery" section (buy neither do Amazon - it's in "Arts & Crafts", which is the category we chose. I don't think we've ever even used the word "haberdashery" at work). I responded to ask them to confirm that they won't list any of our products, and stated that we were using the same category that we were on Amazon.


No response. I phoned our merchant account manager later that day. No answer. I tried our technical contact. No answer. I tried some more times. The next day (today), I decided to try a different way. I phoned their normal customer support and managed to get a general merchant account number (instead of the direct lines to our contacts). I phoned, spoke to someone, he said he'll talk to the account manager - he was apparently in a meeting, but he'll contact me later. I asked if there was anyone else I could spoke to, he said the team leader, put me on hold then told me the team leader was busy.


He didn't. I phoned again later that day. I had pretty much the same conversation. So I phoned again later still, I explained to the person who then put me on hold, he said the account manager was busy but he'll sort out a refund (which confirmed to me that he did speak to the account manager, and he's been avoiding me), I asked him why they won't list the products, he didn't know, I asked him why Amazon allowed them and not Play, he didn't know, I asked them why Play even contacted us in the first place. He didn't know.


So while we may get a refund, I've still wasted a lot of time on it and I still don't have an answer from them as to why it happened.


I've also contacted them through my personal account, asking them to delete my account and any records they have on me. I'm never even going to consider using them again.

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Play.com completely wasted a load of my time. They contacted my company - a textile company - about selling on their marketplace as they are opening a "Home and Garden" category. They discovered us through Amazon, as we sell our fabrics on there.


So, we figured it was a good idea. I explained what we did, we signed up to a merchant account and paid for the first six months. I then had to create a spreadsheet for all the listings and submit it.


A few days after that, I got a response stating that none of the products will be listed as they don't have a "haberdashery" section (buy neither do Amazon - it's in "Arts & Crafts", which is the category we chose. I don't think we've ever even used the word "haberdashery" at work). I responded to ask them to confirm that they won't list any of our products, and stated that we were using the same category that we were on Amazon.


No response. I phoned our merchant account manager later that day. No answer. I tried our technical contact. No answer. I tried some more times. The next day (today), I decided to try a different way. I phoned their normal customer support and managed to get a general merchant account number (instead of the direct lines to our contacts). I phoned, spoke to someone, he said he'll talk to the account manager - he was apparently in a meeting, but he'll contact me later. I asked if there was anyone else I could spoke to, he said the team leader, put me on hold then told me the team leader was busy.


He didn't. I phoned again later that day. I had pretty much the same conversation. So I phoned again later still, I explained to the person who then put me on hold, he said the account manager was busy but he'll sort out a refund (which confirmed to me that he did speak to the account manager, and he's been avoiding me), I asked him why they won't list the products, he didn't know, I asked him why Amazon allowed them and not Play, he didn't know, I asked them why Play even contacted us in the first place. He didn't know.


So while we may get a refund, I've still wasted a lot of time on it and I still don't have an answer from them as to why it happened.


I've also contacted them through my personal account, asking them to delete my account and any records they have on me. I'm never even going to consider using them again.



Didn't I read somewhere that play.com has gone exclusively "marketplace"? If so, this is a shabby way to treat its sellers.

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Didn't I read somewhere that play.com has gone exclusively "marketplace"? If so, this is a shabby way to treat its sellers.


It's true. And it's been bullshit since it has. I rarely order from them now, if at all.


Which is a shame as they had some banging deals beforehand.

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It's true. And it's been bullshit since it has. I rarely order from them now, if at all.


Which is a shame as they had some banging deals beforehand.


You're telling me. I remember I got XIII for the original xbox back in the day for 4.99 - and delivered to my address in France! The no delivery charge deal was fantastic and made them a much better choice than Amazon in 70% of cases.

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I hate it when you've been trying to achieve something for what seems like forever yet your brain is somehow hardwired to make you fuck things up. It's like compulsion, even though you know you shouldn't do something and you know logically why you shouldn't, you do it anyway.

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It's Saturday, and i have to spend the whole day in the library. I'll be in tomorrow as well...


In fact, i have to spend every weekend in October in the library.


This is bad.



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Feel so crappy lately. Lot of bad shit going on at home and you'd think being ~150 miles away from it would help, but instead I feel like I have to deal with it in isolation. It would be more difficult to be there, but the inherent support network would also be there to help deal with it. At the moment I feel like I've got to process all this alone. Because, naturally, I don't talk to people about it. That would be the emotionally mature thing to do.


Plus I just feel like my social life has taken a dive lately and I do kind of rely on that to keep me sane. I just feel so isolated from everything right now, floating on the outside of human interaction.


Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself. ::shrug:


Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life is DOA.

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Went for an assessment interview day on Friday for a factory line supervisor job - everything went perfectly. Nailed the presentation, stayed fluid in the five interviews, got right in on the team exercises. This morning I was called to tell me I wasn't successful. Apparently although they thought I was great they feel a factory is a "feisty" environment and "it would not be the right time now" for someone with "a retail background" to "make that leap."


Maybe I'm bitter but I can't help but suspect the translation to that is "You work in a shop - how good can you be?" Then again, perhaps I only think that because I get multiple people walking in apparently just to tell me that each week.


Well, never mind. Now if you will excuse me I have another 8 hours of clearing 300+ boxes of stock while while making sure the new hire IDs correctly while serving an endless wave of people who won't even deign look you in the eye as they all become increasingly drunk and aggressive until 10pm. But thank god I don't work in "a feisty enviornment." Right?




<incoherent screaming & crying>

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Maybe I'm bitter but I can't help but suspect the translation to that is "You work in a shop - how good can you be?" Then again, perhaps I only think that because I get multiple people walking in apparently just to tell me that each week.


Well, never mind. Now if you will excuse me I have another 8 hours of clearing 300+ boxes of stock while while making sure the new hire IDs correctly while serving an endless wave of people who won't even deign look you in the eye as they all become increasingly drunk and aggressive until 10pm. But thank god I don't work in "a feisty enviornment." Right?


Do you have the opportunity to reply to them? It seems like a reasonable course of action to me; what's the worst that could happen?

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@gaggle64 you seen The Office? When I worked at Argos you had the retail bit and the warehouse bit, and the warehouse guys were exactly like those in the TV show. No-nonsense alpha-males who aren't looking to please, just looking to crack knuckles, skulls and on. That doesn't make much sense. But srsly you can do better! Keep at it man.
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@gaggle64 you seen The Office? When I worked at Argos you had the retail bit and the warehouse bit, and the warehouse guys were exactly like those in the TV show. No-nonsense alpha-males who aren't looking to please, just looking to crack knuckles, skulls and on. That doesn't make much sense. But srsly you can do better! Keep at it man.


Were you allowed to touch the Laminated Book of Dreams?

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