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Excellent. More than a match for "poor" Enterprise.


In other news, it's not yet 3am and I've had 2 hours sleep between 10pm and midnight. It's been this way for almost a week now. I won't sleep again until tonight. For another two hours.


You mean you usually have more than 2 hours sleep between 10pm and midnight?? :o

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You mean you usually have more than 2 hours sleep between 10pm and midnight?? :o


No, but sometimes I have even less! It six am now and I've had a grand total of those marvelous two hours I snatched earlier. Yay.

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Been trying to organize a fun evening at my place tomorrow for a week now. 9 out 11 people responded with "Yeah, maybe" every fucking time I asked them.





Gonna play FIFA 13 with a couple of mates and dive into the 3DS XL, as I've already posted in the good stuff thread.

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I had work today and an after school football club. It went a little like this.


-Woke up fine.

- Arrive at school. Still feel ok.

- Greet class. No problems.

- 9:00 slight headache.

- 9:30 slight shiver. I decide to put my coat on. Despite everyone being warm.

- Headache worsens.

- Dizzy spells.

- Arms and legs ache, as well as lower back pain.

- Dinner time: I hardly eat as I can't keep my eyes open.

- Free period. Head on desk.

- 3:00. Told by staff that I should go home and rest. Afterschool club cancelled.



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I'm meant to be going to Download Festival next week, but my bloody ticket hasn't arrived yet. So I called customer services, was stuck in a queue for 40 minutes, and had to give up. It was charged at 20p a minute too! Seriously starting to stress about my ticket now, and if I can't get through to them, I think I'm pretty much screwed. :(

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Just left my former landlord an angry voicemail, pointing out:


- Its been 31 days since our deposit was due back

- Its been four weeks since we proved to him we did pay the last month's rent was paid (which he said is why it wasn't paid back), and his excuse that he has to check with his accountant doesn't hold ground after this long

- He is legally obligated to give us this money

- We also need this money

- I called his actions "morally reprehensible" because why not?

- I told him I expect to be contacted "within 24 hours and, more importantly, for the money to be in our accounts by the time you do".


It felt like one of those drunken messages you leave when someone breaks up with you. Except I wasn't drunk and we never dated.


He won't do it, I know that. History has proven how fucking useless he is. Already started a dispute about it with the deposit protection thing and contacted the estate agents about it many times. They've been slightly more helpful, but still not very. Popped in today and she couldn't get in touch with him as he was in the mosque (at mosque? grammar?) so she would contact me when she hears from him. Phoned around 4:50 and apparently she was busy so I told the person to tell her to contact me and she didn't. Even if she had nothing to report, she could have at least still confirmed this.




Oh wait he called. Seemingly not checked his voicemail, but if someone calls four times I suppose you phone back out of curiosity.


He flustered a bit after I started off with a tirade of words (as I knew he'd try and be defensive, so I just went straight into it without letting him talk for a while). He kept trying to come up with excuses why he wouldn't be able to such as:


- "You've already raised a dispute" "Yes, four weeks after you were due to pay us back" "Well you'll have to wait for me to pay them and them to pay you" "I checked, I can close the dispute if you pay us back" (not sure if its true, but nor do I care)

- "You'll have to wait until Monday" "There's internet banking and banks are open tomorrow" "What banks" Then I just listed off all the banks I could think of. He's asked for the bank details (which he should have) so when I send them I'm going to tell him his bank is open until 12:30 (I've checked) tomorrow. Although I still expect him to wait until Monday


I just kept repeating "you legally owe us this and haven't paid for over a month" until he seemed to concede a bit. We'll see what happens. Annoyingly (in this regard), I'm out of the country on Monday.

Edited by Ashley
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Just left my former landlord an angry voicemail, pointing out:


- Its been 31 days since our deposit was due back

- Its been four weeks since we proved to him we did pay the last month's rent was paid (which he said is why it wasn't paid back), and his excuse that he has to check with his accountant doesn't hold ground after this long

- He is legally obligated to give us this money

- We also need this money

- I called his actions "morally reprehensible" because why not?

- I told him I expect to be contacted "within 24 hours and, more importantly, for the money to be in our accounts by the time you do".


It felt like one of those drunken messages you leave when someone breaks up with you. Except I wasn't drunk and we never dated.


He won't do it, I know that. History has proven how fucking useless he is. Already started a dispute about it with the deposit protection thing and contacted the estate agents about it many times. They've been slightly more helpful, but still not very. Popped in today and she couldn't get in touch with him as he was in the mosque (at mosque? grammar?) so she would contact me when she hears from him. Phoned around 4:50 and apparently she was busy so I told the person to tell her to contact me and she didn't. Even if she had nothing to report, she could have at least still confirmed this.




Oh wait he called. Seemingly not checked his voicemail, but if someone calls four times I suppose you phone back out of curiosity.


He flustered a bit after I started off with a tirade of words (as I knew he'd try and be defensive, so I just went straight into it without letting him talk for a while). He kept trying to come up with excuses why he wouldn't be able to such as:


- "You've already raised a dispute" "Yes, four weeks after you were due to pay us back" "Well you'll have to wait for me to pay them and them to pay you" "I checked, I can close the dispute if you pay us back" (not sure if its true, but nor do I care)

- "You'll have to wait until Monday" "There's internet banking and banks are open tomorrow" "What banks" Then I just listed off all the banks I could think of. He's asked for the bank details (which he should have) so when I send them I'm going to tell him his bank is open until 12:30 (I've checked) tomorrow. Although I still expect him to wait until Monday


I just kept repeating "you legally owe us this and haven't paid for over a month" until he seemed to concede a bit. We'll see what happens. Annoyingly (in this regard), I'm out of the country on Monday.



Landlords are shit, but then again, everyone is shit when it comes to money.

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Landlords are shit, but then again, everyone is shit when it comes to money.


Agreed, my last landlord was pretty shit tbh. I'm sure he screwed me over for cash when I moved out too, I didn't get some of my deposit back due to bullshit reasons. Mind you, dealing with him was such a pain in the arse, that I really couldn't be bothered to sort it. I was just thankful to be out of that place...

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Agreed, my last landlord was pretty shit tbh. I'm sure he screwed me over for cash when I moved out too, I didn't get some of my deposit back due to bullshit reasons. Mind you, dealing with him was such a pain in the arse, that I really couldn't be bothered to sort it. I was just thankful to be out of that place...


Troo dat.


In the second year of Uni ourcleaning bill came to £167 which we split between us - even though it was just two guys that wrecked the carpet.


In my house in Xujiahui here, a light bulb and the starter switch for it burned out - a really simple thing that would have cost £2 for a bulb and £3 for the starter and the landlord threatened to "have the whole ceiling down to find out what the problem was." It would have cost hundreds of pounds.


So I replaced the bulb and starter and he was like "Um... Good! I was just testing to see how lazy you were! Well done!"


I hate to say this, but I've only ever met one Singaporean that I liked, and it wasn't him.

Edited by Iun
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Just left my former landlord an angry voicemail, pointing out:


- Its been 31 days since our deposit was due back

- Its been four weeks since we proved to him we did pay the last month's rent was paid (which he said is why it wasn't paid back), and his excuse that he has to check with his accountant doesn't hold ground after this long

- He is legally obligated to give us this money

- We also need this money

- I called his actions "morally reprehensible" because why not?

- I told him I expect to be contacted "within 24 hours and, more importantly, for the money to be in our accounts by the time you do".


It felt like one of those drunken messages you leave when someone breaks up with you. Except I wasn't drunk and we never dated.


He won't do it, I know that. History has proven how fucking useless he is. Already started a dispute about it with the deposit protection thing and contacted the estate agents about it many times. They've been slightly more helpful, but still not very. Popped in today and she couldn't get in touch with him as he was in the mosque (at mosque? grammar?) so she would contact me when she hears from him. Phoned around 4:50 and apparently she was busy so I told the person to tell her to contact me and she didn't. Even if she had nothing to report, she could have at least still confirmed this.




Oh wait he called. Seemingly not checked his voicemail, but if someone calls four times I suppose you phone back out of curiosity.


He flustered a bit after I started off with a tirade of words (as I knew he'd try and be defensive, so I just went straight into it without letting him talk for a while). He kept trying to come up with excuses why he wouldn't be able to such as:


- "You've already raised a dispute" "Yes, four weeks after you were due to pay us back" "Well you'll have to wait for me to pay them and them to pay you" "I checked, I can close the dispute if you pay us back" (not sure if its true, but nor do I care)

- "You'll have to wait until Monday" "There's internet banking and banks are open tomorrow" "What banks" Then I just listed off all the banks I could think of. He's asked for the bank details (which he should have) so when I send them I'm going to tell him his bank is open until 12:30 (I've checked) tomorrow. Although I still expect him to wait until Monday


I just kept repeating "you legally owe us this and haven't paid for over a month" until he seemed to concede a bit. We'll see what happens. Annoyingly (in this regard), I'm out of the country on Monday.


I cant see why the deposit protection scheme wont release the money to you.


If you are having difficulties getting your deposit back let me know.

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I'm having issues with the DPS at present.


4 years ago (in April) I moved into a flat in the city centre of Birmingham and my Deposit was paid in to the DPS by a guy called Neville @ a company called Apple Letting.


However, I paid my rent to another company called Claremont. After about a year of living there the person who owned the flat had not kept up the mortgage repayments, so the bank seized the flat and transferred it to another company called Bruton Knowles. I then started paying the rent money to them.


A while later the property was transferred to a company called Arkdade property and I began paying rent to them. Everything was running smoothly till on the day before my Birthday - a letter arrived from the DPS saying Neville from Apple was trying to claim the deposit money back from me, on the grounds he had tired to contact me (totally untrue) and didn't think I was living in the property any longer.


I was furious, and rang Neville and screamed at him a lot. Who said he had been an error etc. I contacted Arkade who said they would sort out changing the deposit into their name, so Neville could never try and claim the money again.


Skip forward a year later and I've moved out and I'm in my new flat. However Arkade are having problems getting the money back- because it was never taken out of Nevilles name at Apple lettings and the company no longer exists.


I need the money back £595 + the rent for last week I didn't live at my old flat to cover what I paid on my credit card to move into my new place £1680.


Hopefully this is sorted sooner rather than later.

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Not sleeping - at all.


Driving me a bit nuts, I've always had a tough time with sleep, sometimes I'll over-sleep (sleeping way too much, the only thing that stops that is work.) and now I'm back into the cycle of not enough.


This isn't usually a problem, but combine that with the lack of appetite and I'm one grumpy bugger. :(

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In my house in Xujiahui here, a light bulb and the starter switch for it burned out - a really simple thing that would have cost £2 for a bulb and £3 for the starter and the landlord threatened to "have the whole ceiling down to find out what the problem was." It would have cost hundreds of pounds.


So I replaced the bulb and starter and he was like "Um... Good! I was just testing to see how lazy you were! Well done!"


I hate to say this, but I've only ever met one Singaporean that I liked, and it wasn't him.


Talk about being way too over the top! Seriously, that's a load of crap! Fair play for showing him who's boss though.

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