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Bad day at work.


Topped off by coming home and finding a tiny hairline crack in the bathroom, y'know my rented bathroom.


I'm pretty certain it's due to how the tiles were lay, mostly because the grout that was laid originally was shocking, very cracked and done incorrectly (i've since fixed this.) but it's annoying, I'll lose part of my deposit if my landlord sees that.



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Feeling a bit sad cause I might not be able to see one/some of my friends before I move. =(


Been trying to arrange meeting up with three of them, but there was only one day this month where they could all meet, and it'd be at the other side of the country. Now one of them has cancelled and I know one of the others won't stay over to sleep, so now it just doesn't feel worth it as I'd see her for 2 hours or something but travelling there takes 3 hours (plus 3 hours back)... pff.


February is feeling like a bit of a crappy month at the moment. =(

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If you are both close friends then I see no alternative to meeting her! If she means something to you, I (personally) would deem the 6 hr journey worth the 2 hr meet-up. It would be awful if you were to regret not seeing her / others before you move.


You sound like you need a little breather :) Relax and know that what happens is what the Universe had in mind. [Probably being patronising, sorry :p]

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If you are both close friends then I see no alternative to meeting her! If she means something to you, I (personally) would deem the 6 hr journey worth the 2 hr meet-up. It would be awful if you were to regret not seeing her / others before you move.


You sound like you need a little breather :) Relax and know that what happens is what the Universe had in mind. [Probably being patronising, sorry :p]


We can't all travel long distances on a whim. :heh:

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Ugh, spent the evening with some friends last night...and one of my friends bought two friends along. And they were complete cocks. A few situations occured that I fucking would rather not have been in (confrontational stuff)....I wasn't involved, but being there was stomach turning enough, and....Jesus some people are just so unbelievably pathetic.


Choice quote from the taxi home from Cunt Number 1 ; "I should have fucking punched her, but you know....woman innit."


Absolute prick.


Then Prick Numero 2, who I actually thought was pretty cool for the rest of the night....started on our taxi driver. So there went my lift home, had to call another taxi at 3:15am. Luckily those cunts didn't have work in the morning, so it was only my shit they were fucking up.


I'm okay though, not too tired. Day will hopefully go quick, on a good stuff angle, I've been learning (one of the most complicated admin tasks, normally not taught to people as their first admin, and normally admin itself is only taugh after 12 months), anyway and today I'll probably be on my own on it. EEeeek/I'm king, so.

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Was woken up this morning at 3am to a phone call from my younger sister (who is 21) who is at uni in Birmingham, to tell me that she was out walking on her own to clear her head from like 1-2 and a car pulled up with two lads in with the wolf whistles and stuff and wanted her to speak to them, she didn't and eventually they tried to force her into the car but while that was happened someone came round the corner and they fucked off.


I'm so angry, I have told her a million times to not go out walking on her own in the evenings/nights because there are dickheads like that out there, I just don't see it worth the risk. Stuff has happened in my town before with girls out on their own but I said to her it tends to be worse in a city.


But she is stupid and thinks she will be fine. To that I said "Well no-one goes out expecting for something bad to happen to them" but there are ways to minimize the risk.


She is shaken up (as you can imagine), I know I said i'm angry but it's only because I care, I dread to think what could have happened to her had they been successful. When my sister got back to the flat her friend phoned the police to report it (my sister rang me while waiting for them, she said that she wasn't going to ring them!!???) Stuff like that needs reporting.

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Ugh, spent the evening with some friends last night...and one of my friends bought two friends along. And they were complete cocks.



I always seem to find that my friend's friends are always dicks. It's weird how it always happens. It hasn't been so bad recently though actually.

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The Madonna tickets I bought and was so fucking excited about are now nothing to me as I got the dates my family and I are going to Turkey wrong, we're in fact going to be away the date of the concert.


So now I'm £137 down on my very minimal bank account but mostly really really upset I'm missing the one show on earth I'd most want to see. Can't believe it.


And my family never go on holiday anymore...the one time...


I'm going to wear black and lie in a ball on the floor I also managed to damage with water the other day. Maybe I'll be fined by the landlord too, above everything.






I just don't care anymore. She'll die next year and I'll have never seen her. *starts to dig own grave*

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The Madonna tickets I bought and was so fucking excited about are now nothing to me as I got the dates my family and I are going to Turkey wrong, we're in fact going to be away the date of the concert.


So now I'm £137 down on my very minimal bank account but mostly really really upset I'm missing the one show on earth I'd most want to see. Can't believe it.


And my family never go on holiday anymore...the one time...


I'm going to wear black and lie in a ball on the floor I also managed to damage with water the other day. Maybe I'll be fined by the landlord too, above everything.






I just don't care anymore. She'll die next year and I'll have never seen her. *starts to dig own grave*


And you can't/won't opt out of the holiday?

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No cause that's mean on my family/I agreed to it and I'm not paying for the holiday.


It's fine cause Chair bought tickets for the London show on the 17th now, when I'm still in the country. I'll just have to sell my Edinburgh ones when I get them/when they're all sold out.

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Also that's a really shitty story Mike.


You should give her a knife.


It worked in Face-Off.


Good idea! Learn the old 'twist in the skin' technique ey?


Maybe a knife in her left coat pocket, a tazer in her right coat pocket and pepper spray in her trousers. Just for safety of course...

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I got laid off today. I am now jobless. I am 20th on the list to go back to work, so not until March or later it seems.


However, the refinery has a 30 day call back meaning they can skip the list and get me back within 30 days. Bonus, they're having a shutdown in March and will be hiring on.


No guarantees though, but I'll treat this as a mini vacation.

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So now the other friend also cancelled on meeting up... So it seems I won't be seeing any of them before I leave. And they don't seem to be available on any other days either. Fun. =(


Don't you hate it how it sometimes feels like no one gives a shit about you? Not even the people who are supposed to care about you the most (not even talking about my friends here 'cause I guess we're not even that close). Urgh.



Plus my dad has given me his cold so now I feel all miserable and I want to curl up in bed and just sleeeeeeep.

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So now the other friend also cancelled on meeting up... So it seems I won't be seeing any of them before I leave. And they don't seem to be available on any other days either. Fun. =(


Don't you hate it how it sometimes feels like no one gives a shit about you? Not even the people who are supposed to care about you the most (not even talking about my friends here 'cause I guess we're not even that close). Urgh.



Plus my dad has given me his cold so now I feel all miserable and I want to curl up in bed and just sleeeeeeep.


Just imagine how sad Jim will be when you come to England and make all his friends like you more than they like him. That'll be heartbreak. :)

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Just imagine how sad Jim will be when you come to England and make all his friends like you more than they like him. That'll be heartbreak. :)


Odders <3.


He's right, my friends have been pretty crap too, the ones in Sheffield, I very rarely get to chat to them now and they only perk up if I'm willing to drive over there (it's about 5 hours in total.)


But I've made good friends here, work friends, but lovely friends I can call on regardless.


If your friends aren't willing to make an effort, let them go, you'll make better ones Ine! You're lovely. :D

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I don't blame my friends, I'm sure they have busy lives, plus we don't live in the same area so meeting isn't easy. It just sucks 'cause I've been trying to arrange something for weeks and now it's just not happening.

Maybe I can still meet some of them separately, but I'm not getting my hopes up heh.

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Since leaving Facebook I realised that most friends are indeed shit.


You'd think a friendship would be good enough for someone to simply return an email.




Fuck that you, I can't like it or repost/blog/fuck it.


Maybe you can fuck an email...


Maybe that's what they're doing with my emails.

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Since leaving Facebook I realised that most friends are indeed shit.


You'd think a friendship would be good enough for someone to simply return an email.




Fuck that you, I can't like it or repost/blog/fuck it.


Maybe you can fuck an email...


Maybe that's what they're doing with my emails.


Totally agree. It's a sad world when the only way to contact some people is via Facebook. I miss simple phone calls and e-mails :cry:

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