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Quote from your existing insurer or is this the price after searching yourself? Quotes from your existing insurer are often rubbish.

From my original insurer, but I am exploring the options. I got the best price from gocompare (Admiral) and they price matched it. The thing that's really getting to me is that an accident from last year, where I was completely not at fault (some woman drove straight into the side of me from a junction), and all costs were recovered and my NCB wasn't affected... puts my premium up by £160!


Going straight to Admiral instead of comparison sites seems to be the best price so far funnily enough, and I'm quite tempted to pay for 10 months instead of 12. The rate is slightly higher but it would be nice not to be paying my insurance around my Birthday and Christmas for the rest of my life :/


Another thing is that my reg seems to bring up that my car is an SXI+ even though it's an SXI, which puts the premium up a bit.


Either way it's way too much for me right now :red: I'm currently making a tidy profit on ebay which I was looking forward to spending on something nice, now it's going to go towards slightly denting this bill.

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Bit upset at the moment. Called the doctor about a blood test I did in relation to my painful hip/pelvis, which has been hurting for about two years now.


She was gonna test for rheumatism, which I assumed would come back negative. If it did, she would send me to a physiotherapist, which is kinda what I want as I feel the pain in my hip is not really bone related (but I'm no doctor eh) but more to do with movement (I looked up 'Clicking Hip' and that sounds very much like what I feel).


Anyway just gave her a call and she said something about HLA (what?) and geneticness and that she wants to send me to a rheumatologist. Bahhhhh. She better be right and they better be able to fix me, or I won't be happy. =(




*dislikes doctors*

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She probably was testing your blood for presence of alleles (different forms) of the Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) group of proteins. These are proteins that are heavily involved in the function of your immune system, and so the presence/absence of different forms can be used to flag up your susceptibility to various autoimmune conditions (those where your immune mistakenly attacks your body). It's likely she identified something like HLA-DR4, which is a variant that's associated with increased rheumatoid arthritis and various other conditions, so she sent you to a rheumatologist, as the positive result for HLA-DR4 makes it more likely that there could be rheumatism involved, so you need to get it checked out. Note, however, that increased susceptibility doesn't necessarily mean you have something - I have some of the HLA alleles associated with arthritis, but have yet to exhibit any symptoms, and probably won't until I'm much older. Hopefully that helps a little, although check with the doctors as I may be off the mark - this isn't medical advice. And good luck with your follow-up appointments!

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Think I caught a cold off of my presentation partner from Tuesday. Feeling awful. Yet I'm sat in the library at Uni trying to program my dissertation study and getting nowhere because I don't understand what it is I'm supposed to be doing and my supervisor hasn't exactly been helpful. Fun times....

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That insurance is outrageous. I have full coverage for less than that on my new truck.


Well last night was shitty. My buddy had his car impounded for driving on a suspended license without insurance. He had to get insurance to get his car back, but hes basically broke so I'm out $261 for his bill at the towing place.


Plus the wind knocked out my power.


My money is now all going to bills instead of fun things.

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That insurance is outrageous. I have full coverage for less than that on my new truck.


Well last night was shitty. My buddy had his car impounded for driving on a suspended license without insurance. He had to get insurance to get his car back, but hes basically broke so I'm out $261 for his bill at the towing place.


Plus the wind knocked out my power.


My money is now all going to bills instead of fun things.


Moral of the story, don't help out tossers.

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She probably was testing your blood for presence of alleles (different forms) of the Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) group of proteins. These are proteins that are heavily involved in the function of your immune system, and so the presence/absence of different forms can be used to flag up your susceptibility to various autoimmune conditions (those where your immune mistakenly attacks your body). It's likely she identified something like HLA-DR4, which is a variant that's associated with increased rheumatoid arthritis and various other conditions, so she sent you to a rheumatologist, as the positive result for HLA-DR4 makes it more likely that there could be rheumatism involved, so you need to get it checked out. Note, however, that increased susceptibility doesn't necessarily mean you have something - I have some of the HLA alleles associated with arthritis, but have yet to exhibit any symptoms, and probably won't until I'm much older. Hopefully that helps a little, although check with the doctors as I may be off the mark - this isn't medical advice. And good luck with your follow-up appointments!


Well I arranged an appointment with my doctor yesterday and she said I'm HLA positive, but didn't really explain it so I have no clue what that really means.


But she said since I don't have any signs of rheumatism at the moment (from the blood test), she is sending me to the physiotherapist first. Since they deal with more general things like muscles and movement and all that jazz. Only if that doesn't help do I need to see a rheumatologist.


So yay, the doctor listened to me! One of the first times she's ever done that heh. =P


Now if only the physiotherapist would answer the phone so I can make an appointment... I called 5 times today and got no answer, boooh.

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Just almost ran over a cat. It bolted out from under a parked car right in front of mine for some reason. Definitely hit it as I heard a bit of a thud. Luckily I was going pretty slow (the road leading up to my house is pretty tight due to parked cars), but it was way too close for me to stop. Literally spotted it just before it went out of view behind my bonnet. Got out and had a quick look, but I guess it ran off. Went back with a torch to see if it was still there, but couldn't see or hear it.

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Not sure if this really belongs here, as its more amusing than bad, but anyway... My friend messaged me on Facebook today asking for a favor. His female friend had asked him to Photoshop her face onto a nude body, and he asked me to do it because I actually have the skills necessary to do it. Anyway it turns out she wanted this to give to her boyfriend because she thinks he might share any real pictures she gives him if they break up. So he sent me the pictures and the porn picture she wanted for the body was this picture of a heavily Photoshopped pro model with the perfect body and everything. Didn't even match her body type (which is making this that much harder to do).


I'm not really sure what to think about the situation as funny as it is. I didn't think people got this devious over something so petty.

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went to bed nice and early as I'm starting in a new part of the building with a new manager on a new campaign... wake up 5 mins after I'm supposed to be there. STUPID ALARM CLOCK WHYYYYYY...


Phoned up and said I'd be there for 10 (could've rushed to be there 20 mins late but figured I could take some time to get ready and wake up and stuff).


Not a good start. Horrible when you have that first-minute thought of "... what if I just don't bother going in?" Money. Need money. Money money money.

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Following on from the good thread.


The bad side is, i hate contact centre work. Talking to whiney, moany people who always have an attitude with you. They never listen, they are rude and all that. No wonder people quit work here on a near-weekly basis. Also, with management contradicting everything that was done, people failed quality checks even after being told the call was correct. I was unchallenged in that line of work and felt like a robot doing it. Which means, job searching is now in order to find a replacement job.


Oh, it will also mean that if i am still in HMRC in July, i won't be able to go to London for the you know what (if we do one that is). I was barely able to go last time.

Edited by Jimbob
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