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Note to self


Don't go out and drink so much that you can't recall much, except waking up on the stairs 3 hours after leaving a pub. Neck is hurting now because of that.


Also, i would need to stop blanking out flirts. Could of scored a girls number yesterday, but because of myself and being a complete twit i missed out.

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I think N-Europe has spoiled me. 99% of you/us are usually well-reasoning and intelligent individuals. Even the younger members are mature and seem to have been raised well.


Well not on another forum I frequent. Its unbelievable the stupid shit I read on there sometimes. Serious lack of general common sense.

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I think N-Europe has spoiled me. 99% of you/us are usually well-reasoning and intelligent individuals. Even the younger members are mature and seem to have been raised well.


Well not on another forum I frequent. Its unbelievable the stupid shit I read on there sometimes. Serious lack of general common sense.

I know exactly what you mean. People are stupid and idiotic

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Its because we're such a tight not community who have essentially grown up together. I've been a member since 2002/2003 and have been posting regularly since then. That's almost half my life I've known some of you guys. We've picked up new people along the way who slot into our way of doing things. If the community was bigger then unfortunately we'd have more of the morons who plague other forums.


We also actively ban people who stir things up and annoy us.

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Pretty sure the house I want and have put my name down for living in Cambridge isn't going to be mine, both my old landlord and a work friend told me to put them down as references and apparently they haven't been picking up their phones when my ''new'' potiental landlord wants to speak with them, so if they don't pick up tomorrow..


Well yeah, I'm pretty screwed, I can't go back down to see more properties as I don't have the money, so I'll have to just ring people and if they have pictures go off them.


I'm so unbelievably fed up now, I had hoped to get somewhere nice and live there for 6-12 months so I could chill out and live peacefully for a bit, but now it's looking like I won't even have anywhere to live!



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Pretty sure the house I want and have put my name down for living in Cambridge isn't going to be mine, both my old landlord and a work friend told me to put them down as references and apparently they haven't been picking up their phones when my ''new'' potiental landlord wants to speak with them, so if they don't pick up tomorrow..


Well yeah, I'm pretty screwed, I can't go back down to see more properties as I don't have the money, so I'll have to just ring people and if they have pictures go off them.


I'm so unbelievably fed up now, I had hoped to get somewhere nice and live there for 6-12 months so I could chill out and live peacefully for a bit, but now it's looking like I won't even have anywhere to live!




Aw, that sucks. :( Is the place you were looking at completed ruled out?

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Aw, that sucks. :( Is the place you were looking at completed ruled out?


Not yet, seeing how it goes tomorrow, my mum is trying to get my friend reference sorted and if the landlord one doesn't work I have two others.


I've got just been given a room at another place, quite nice, own parking etc, so if that one fucks up I have another room to go too, so we'll see, I just want it sorted!

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Was anyone else aware there is apparently a Friends-with-benefits zone? Because I think that's where me and London Girl have slipped to. I wasn't aware such a place existed until now, but fuck me it's frustrating. Just commit or let me go already. I can't be doing with the indecision.


Encircle me, I need to be taken down. (Letting loose my inner @Paj\!)

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Was anyone else aware there is apparently a Friends-with-benefits zone? Because I think that's where me and London Girl have slipped to. I wasn't aware such a place existed until now, but fuck me it's frustrating. Just commit or let me go already. I can't be doing with the indecision.


Encircle me, I need to be taken down. (Letting loose my inner @Paj\!)


How did you not know of that circle?

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How did you not know of that circle?


I was more than aware of the friend zone - having been there many times in the past - but I wasn't aware of the place I'm in now because it hadn't really happened to me.


It's just frustrating because we both really like each other, and have done for a while as is evident in us seeing each other as much as possible (and explicitly telling each other this) and essentially being a couple in all but name; yet she doesn't want to commit to being in a relationship because she hasn't before.


I dunno. We feel almost perfect for each other in all other areas and I want us to settle down and work on building a relationship (although we feel like we have already) but she doesn't seem ready to take that step. I just can't wait around forever.

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Encircle me, I need to be taken down. (Letting loose my inner @Paj\!)

I don't think watching black and white French films with the subtitles off and saying "Stun/ning" is going to help you here.



I would suggest two things:


1] Ultimatum Massive: Tell her to decide which side of the fence she's on.


2] Ride It Out: Keep going, mention it every now and then, maybe she'll warm to it.


At least with [2] you're getting some experience. With [1] you may push her too far away so she may not even want to hang out with you anymore.

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I was more than aware of the friend zone - having been there many times in the past - but I wasn't aware of the place I'm in now because it hadn't really happened to me.


It's just frustrating because we both really like each other, and have done for a while as is evident in us seeing each other as much as possible (and explicitly telling each other this) and essentially being a couple in all but name; yet she doesn't want to commit to being in a relationship because she hasn't before.


I dunno. We feel almost perfect for each other in all other areas and I want us to settle down and work on building a relationship (although we feel like we have already) but she doesn't seem ready to take that step. I just can't wait around forever.



Yeah, I'll go with the "this sucks" line. It seems a massive reversal of gender roles that the man is pursuing the relationship, but when you want something,its hard to shake that feeling.


However, if she's not willing to commit and she's just happy with casual sex...that says something about her character that needs to be considered. It's hard to break away from those overpowering feelings you're having, but try and look objectively for a moment.


I've been there, and with hindsight, I wish I had not wasted so much time. You want to give them the world, but they want the twat their mate lives with who never shaves, bathes or cuts his toenails. It hurts.

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