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Quite the opposite, she's trying to decide between me and a girl. None in particular, just women in general.


We've been texting for a few hours now and each time it goes downhill. It's worth mentioning she suffers from depression and other issues that means she can't always coherently recall timelines of events, one day she'll be fine and the next she'll be anti, but it keeps messing with my head. I sort of want her to just get it over and done with and decide but she's really the only person I see outside work these days - I really don't want to lose that either.

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Quite the opposite, she's trying to decide between me and a girl. None in particular, just women in general.


We've been texting for a few hours now and each time it goes downhill. It's worth mentioning she suffers from depression and other issues that means she can't always coherently recall timelines of events, one day she'll be fine and the next she'll be anti, but it keeps messing with my head. I sort of want her to just get it over and done with and decide but she's really the only person I see outside work these days - I really don't want to lose that either.


Well, if it's that serious, it won't just go away like that. If it really is messing with your head, you'll have to ask yourself if you can deal with it in the long run as well, because there's a good probability you'll have to.

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I've been in Saudi for, lets say, 7 days now, even though the days and nights are interminable and I've lost all track of real time that isn't tied to some abstract number I see on my computer monitor. Been lying in bed pretty much all day every day, because there is 45C heat on a daily basis and I genuinely cannot muster the motivation to get out/ do anything other than read and drink way way too much coffee/ steal sedatives out of my parent's medicine shelf. On top of that I've got the worst back ache, and a gnarly unkempt beard.


Need to come back to England, my blood is too thick for this climate.

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Realizing that a girl you left for a job opportunity was maybe the only girl you ever truly loved :-(


Can't really regret it as I know that had I not gone for it I'd have resented staying behind. But being with my very close friends tonight they make me see sense and I know this girl meant way more to me than I let her at the time. Unfortunately I burnt all bridges with her and she doesn't even want to acknowledge me anymore.


Feel pretty shit right now which is something I very rarely do. Just wish there was some way to sort things out with her, unfortunately I don't think there is :-(

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Ashley - what other option does he have? Either he moves, protests about the buses which will take time and may not amount to anything or desperately hope he can find some taxi service that does it cheaply - ie the parentals.


Thats one of the reasons I learnt to drive, yes it IS expensive to learn, especially now, with petrol and that, but when you don't really have any other option it isn't that stupid an idea.

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Personally I'd say he move, but then I'm a city lover :heh:


I'm not saying its impossible to learn to drive, if anything I was merely mocking Ell for his response. Although it does annoy me when people talk about driving as something easy, or even something everyone should want to do. I have no desire to learn to drive (although will one day because I know its practical).

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I'm not saying its impossible to learn to drive, if anything I was merely mocking Ell for his response. Although it does annoy me when people talk about driving as something easy, or even something everyone should want to do. I have no desire to learn to drive (although will one day because I know its practical).


Is that not a bit contradictory? I think that driving is a skill that everyone should have and having a driving license helps your job prospects in a lot of different professions. If you live in a village where there's a poor public transport service then driving is even more important as it allows you to get out of your village to go to work.


Yes, it's expensive and the costs of owning a car are soaring right now but it's worthwhile. If I didn't drive I wouldn't be able to get to the office because its in someones garage in their house and there's 2 buses a day at weird times. It would also take me hours to get there each day. Driving takes 20 minutes. When I'm doing my teaching I'm at pools which are totally different parts of the city and while there is public transport available to some of them, which I've used on occasion, it takes a hell of a long time and because my teaching generally only lasts a couple hours max there's no point in going on a huge journey.

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Is that not a bit contradictory? I think that driving is a skill that everyone should have and having a driving license helps your job prospects in a lot of different professions. If you live in a village where there's a poor public transport service then driving is even more important as it allows you to get out of your village to go to work.


Yes, it's expensive and the costs of owning a car are soaring right now but it's worthwhile. If I didn't drive I wouldn't be able to get to the office because its in someones garage in their house and there's 2 buses a day at weird times. It would also take me hours to get there each day. Driving takes 20 minutes. When I'm doing my teaching I'm at pools which are totally different parts of the city and while there is public transport available to some of them, which I've used on occasion, it takes a hell of a long time and because my teaching generally only lasts a couple hours max there's no point in going on a huge journey.


No. I said I know driving is a skill that is pretty much necessary nowadays and thus I will learn one day. It's just I don't want to. Driving doesn't interest me.

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No. I said I know driving is a skill that is pretty much necessary nowadays and thus I will learn one day. It's just I don't want to. Driving doesn't interest me.

I'm the same. I'll learn to drive when I need to. Until then, it's a wasted expense

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I never said about wanting to :p There are lots of reasons for driving, but my response to Happenstance was a logical answer. He doesn't have a lot of other options!


New York - concrete jungle where dreams are made oh

There's nothing you can't do.

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Do you pay any rent Happenstance?


No I dont at the moment, only when im working.


To be honest guys, I already know I need to learn to drive and move out but I cant afford to move out until ive got a job and ive had a problem with cars ever since I was in a crash back in college. Goafer will tell you im not the best passenger to have.

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