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bad stuff thread.


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Really in a depression spiral atm. Trying to focus on other things but the loneliness is just getting to me.


It doesn't help that atm, my friends are almost never up for doing stuff, and when it is, it's just stuff round a flat (Usually it's plans to go out which turn into that, if they even occur at all), never out so I will seldom meet people. Stuck in a dry spell of over 4 and a half years :/


I would get a part-time job to expand the social circle, but I really can't spare the time. I'm just stuck and nothing seems to be likely to bring me out of it

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Really in a depression spiral atm. Trying to focus on other things but the loneliness is just getting to me.


It doesn't help that atm, my friends are almost never up for doing stuff, and when it is, it's just stuff round a flat (Usually it's plans to go out which turn into that, if they even occur at all), never out so I will seldom meet people. Stuck in a dry spell of over 4 and a half years :/


I would get a part-time job to expand the social circle, but I really can't spare the time. I'm just stuck and nothing seems to be likely to bring me out of it


I'm pretty much the same, although I've been trying to meet new people.


Clubs are great. For me it's car clubs. The other week I went to the Volksrods annual BBQ on my own and met loads of new people. Great fun. At the weekend, I went to a music festival with a friend and one of the bands (who I'd never really met before). I'm now talking to the drummer of the band on FaceBook (who happens to be female and pretty/awesome). I'm fairly certain nothing will come of it, but it's all practice.


Al this is stuff that I used to be to shy to do, now I just do it and don't worry about being nervous until I get there.


What you basically need to do is find any excuse to meet new people and just do it. Sort of "Yes Man" style. If you see any opportunity, just do it. No excuses.

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Can I just say that Goafer is pr0 like a mother fucker.


To be fair, I pretty much have you/the NE meets/Themefest to thank for it. I think that was around about the time I started doing random meetups. Haven't regretted a single one yet.

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What you basically need to do is find any excuse to meet new people and just do it. Sort of "Yes Man" style. If you see any opportunity, just do it. No excuses.


That's EXTREMELY good advice.


That's how I learned to jet ski and the reason I moved to China.


By the by, girls in China be muy muy lovin' de non-Chinese guys, so... anyone who is lonely should consider getting a job out here.

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Don't you need friends to ask you do do things in order to say yes?


Go watch yes man - noaw! You can get pretty ladies to ask you to say yes too not just friends.


Honestly, I've started doing this stuff myself, I know I move around mostly for jobs, but I'm hitting up a couple of gaming conventions this year, going on holiday etc.


Oh that reminds me, I suppose I need to make a Eurogamer thread!


Today: headache, I've not had one in a while, wondered when it was going to hit!

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