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bad stuff thread.


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So quick question about something I am currently viewing as bad;


If some random bloke came on your friends suggestions and their profile picture of them stood there arm round your girlfriend how would you feel?


He isn't totally random she went to high school with him and I am vaguely aware of him, we bumped into him once when I was over in Canada. He isn't part of her core group of friends though. At the moment I'm fuming and want to have it out with her, because something and I dunno what just doesn't sit well with me right now. The other thing is though this happens on the day I've got to see the engagement ring I've been busting my guts to save for finally all done and finished. So I feel really down about things.


Personally I dont think it would bother me. If all the photo shows is his arm around her, I dont really see what the problem is. I hope you didnt end up having it out with her because it doesnt sound like anythings happened and at the moment I can only see this coming off badly for you.

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If I were to have an argument with Flinky every time he got close to a girl (in a picture or real life) I'd be fighting constantly. =P


I don't think it's something to worry about really. It's probably just a friend, nothing more.

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If I were to have an argument with Flinky every time he got close to a girl (in a picture or real life) I'd be fighting constantly. =P

At least you knew his raw sexual energies were irresistible to the ladies when you started dating him. :hehe:

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Personally I dont think it would bother me. If all the photo shows is his arm around her, I dont really see what the problem is. I hope you didnt end up having it out with her because it doesnt sound like anythings happened and at the moment I can only see this coming off badly for you.


If I were to have an argument with Flinky every time he got close to a girl (in a picture or real life) I'd be fighting constantly. =P


I don't think it's something to worry about really. It's probably just a friend, nothing more.


Yeah cheers guys.


I've kinda simmered. I dunno I still have my suspicions about this guy which is based on nothing more than way my girlfriend has spoken about him on occasion.

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Keeeep talking, guys. This is making me feel good. :heh:


Yeah cheers guys.


I've kinda simmered. I dunno I still have my suspicions about this guy which is based on nothing more than way my girlfriend has spoken about him on occasion.


How has she talked about him? What has she said about him?


There's not usually a problem if the person is purely a friend. Guys will have girls as friends and vice versa. It depends on the friendship with that person. It could be like a brother-sister type of thing, or the harmless flirting kind. I wouldn't worry about anything personally. Its a photo.

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Keeeep talking, guys. This is making me feel good. :heh:




How has she talked about him? What has she said about him?


There's not usually a problem if the person is purely a friend. Guys will have girls as friends and vice versa. It depends on the friendship with that person. It could be like a brother-sister type of thing, or the harmless flirting kind. I wouldn't worry about anything personally. Its a photo.


I dunno she was very upset when he couldn't make it for her birthday not sparing my thoughts that I didn't wanna hear that when I'm stuck thousands of miles away and can't attend my girlfriends birthday. Just theres some weird pictures of him with her where he looks a little bit too happy to be with her. Without posting pics its hard to explain.

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More often that not it is nothing and just your paranoia/ belief something is up.


My girlfriend is definitely of the jealous type. Never pleased when I'm spending time with friends that are girls. Even though I've known them a lot longer than I've known her and she trusts me but still gets moody/uneasy.


Flameboy I'm sure it's fine.

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More often that not it is nothing and just your paranoia/ belief something is up.


My girlfriend is definitely of the jealous type. Never pleased when I'm spending time with friends that are girls. Even though I've known them a lot longer than I've known her and she trusts me but still gets moody/uneasy.


Flameboy I'm sure it's fine.


We all know she should be worried about me.

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FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU I just realised I'm working during Nintendo and Microsft's E3 conferences.


And going to London after my shift on Tuesday too..




Yeah I'm gonna miss Microsofts as gotta go hand in final uni assigment of the year after work. I think I'm gonna sneak off early to watch nintendo's and then sony's is in the middle of the morning so dunno wot will do yet.

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99 Fucking degrees out and I have to go out and load 140 bales of hay into a trailer then unload and stack it in a barn. Fucking miserable saturday. Didn't even get home until 10:40pm. took a shower and now I'm drinking.


My hands hurt too.

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A girl from my STX class threw a small reunion party yesterday, though it was with short notice, so not many could make it. Still, it was really fun and nice to see some of the others again. I had a great time.


... Until I woke at 5 o'clock in the morning, having only slept (badly) for about an hour, and had to run for the bathroom where I spent the next hour and a half emptying my stomach violently. Stomach ache, dehydration and utter exhaustion is a lovely combo.


I went home and feel better now, but am still tired. The strange thing is I was neither drunk nor hungover; I guess my stomach just disagreed with something I had eaten.

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