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bad stuff thread.


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I would suggest having words and telling them the same thing? Surely it is in their interests too?




Woke me up at 5 today, I knew there was a reason I went to bed really early, I knew the fecker would wake me up 5 hours before my shift. -.-

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I would suggest having words and telling them the same thing? Surely it is in their interests too?


I guess this was for me..


The only other guy in the committee and I have just both posted on the Facebook group (as a comment to where they told us about it) exactly what we though. I had to rewrite my comment a number of times because I think the girls would've thought it quite harsh. It was harsh, but fair, in my opinion!

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I'd suggest not sitting under the letter box! [/Joke] Hope you feel better!


That was horrible, and thus I found it hilarious! :laughing:




I feel fine. I was just curious as to whether anyone had suffered from them.




I have in the past and something I read earlier made me reminisce about that time.

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bah i'm really getting to hate carveries.. I cut down on eating pretty much everything and i still feel like i'm bursting at the seams... I miss how hunger feels :( My bowels have just been screaming at me for 3 days and my insulin resistence is relapsing too.... i went into a funny state earlier on because i hadnt eaten a lot in prep for this dinner...:(


I had a dermy appointment today too. Just keeping check on my bloods, and all the legal stuff they has to do with dmards... I asked her if there was every going to be a time where they'd want to take me off the drugs...


my dermy said "as far as I'm concerned you'll be on them [dmard drugs] for the rest of your life"


If I come off them its a certainty that I'll relapse.. maybe slowly but it will eventually get back to the life threatening stages again... and they said the drug then becomes less effective if they decide to put me on it again. So I have to keep on with these drugs and hope I don't get TB or any serious infection... yay


Oh and these drugs are the ones making it nearly impossible for me to lose weight... Yayyy....


and my hip arthritis is playing up!!!



There, 4 medical complaints in one post. I are win.

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Great. A different jaw surgeon removed my wisdom teeth. He sucked. Apparently he damaged a nerve. It feels like the anesthesia isn't wearing off. Most of my left cheek feels numb and I can't move some muscles. Hopefully this is just temporary...


Oh, and Portal 2 still isn't here...

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Thankfully not too bad here at the moment but im right there with you on hating the heat. Last summer I was sat in my room with two fans pointed at me to stay cool.


I was out in the sun today twice felt like I was gonna die :P Decided to sleep in my room (windows open, curtains closed etc) to cool down. 2 hours later and even tho the room is cold im still really warm!


Sigh. Bring back snow.

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I was just getting changed whilst listening to some music, when Wynter Gordon's "Till Death" came on. I immediately dropped the t-shirt and pair of trousers that were in my hand and began dancing manically around the room. As the final chorus kicked in, I noticed the guy who lives on the opposing side of the street glaring at me with judgemental eyes through his bedroom window.


I'm filled with half-naked shame.

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I was just getting changed whilst listening to some music, when Wynter Gordon's "Till Death" came on. I immediately dropped the t-shirt and pair of trousers that were in my hand and began dancing manically around the room. As the final chorus kicked in, I noticed the guy who lives on the opposing side of the street glaring at me with judgemental eyes through his bedroom window.


I'm filled with half-naked shame.


Psh, shame? F that guy, you were having fun! This so belongs in the good stuff thread.


Regarding the heat, it's been great today, but it really shouldn't get any hotter, otherwise the Boy Dane won't be happy.

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So quick question about something I am currently viewing as bad;


If some random bloke came on your friends suggestions and their profile picture of them stood there arm round your girlfriend how would you feel?


He isn't totally random she went to high school with him and I am vaguely aware of him, we bumped into him once when I was over in Canada. He isn't part of her core group of friends though. At the moment I'm fuming and want to have it out with her, because something and I dunno what just doesn't sit well with me right now. The other thing is though this happens on the day I've got to see the engagement ring I've been busting my guts to save for finally all done and finished. So I feel really down about things.

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Thought I had the day off after hurting my tailbone at work yesterday, but have to work from 4 - 11 now :( I don't think there's ever been a week that's gone by smoothly without someone taking the day off/leaving early. Reminds me of P.E. in secondary school, when people regularly handed in notes saying "Please excuse _ from P.E. today, as she has a sore throat" (really? You use your throat to play sport?). Why are people (in this town) so unreliable? Yet they have the audacity to say that foreigners are "stealing" all of their jobs, and taking over businesses.

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Thought I had the day off after hurting my tailbone at work yesterday, but have to work from 4 - 11 now :( I don't think there's ever been a week that's gone by smoothly without someone taking the day off/leaving early. Reminds me of P.E. in secondary school, when people regularly handed in notes saying "Please excuse _ from P.E. today, as she has a sore throat" (really? You use your throat to play sport?). Why are people (in this town) so unreliable? Yet they have the audacity to say that foreigners are "stealing" all of their jobs, and taking over businesses.


Yeah I see that around too, people who go out drinking and turn up pretty much still pissed in work are the same people who give out foreigners are taking their jobs. They point out a few rackets where foreigners only hire other foreigners or people they know, which I have also seen and hate. Goes both ways really.

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