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bad stuff thread.


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Mother's day is so depressing...I usually manage not to think about it, but one of my best friends died the day after Mothers day, coincedntally the day after my sisters wedding. I still remember the class I was sitting in and where that monday morning when the school announced it on the speakers. I didn't know how to feel, but I called my sister and the tears started flowing when I tried to tell her. Can hardly stop them now, 6 years later and I still miss the fucker.



I'm going to cross pos this in the drunk thread so please excuse any random mistakes that are horrid. whelp Crtl-V time.

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Boooh MSN keeps saying i'm signed in at 2 places. Looks like someone has my e-mail account information thanks to Sony's epic security fuck-up.


Looks like I might need to close my e-mail account down and get a new one >__>

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Boooh MSN keeps saying i'm signed in at 2 places. Looks like someone has my e-mail account information thanks to Sony's epic security fuck-up.


Looks like I might need to close my e-mail account down and get a new one >__>


Change the password?

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Boooh MSN keeps saying i'm signed in at 2 places. Looks like someone has my e-mail account information thanks to Sony's epic security fuck-up.


Looks like I might need to close my e-mail account down and get a new one >__>


Oh msn constantly does that for me. Have a friend with the same problem (and heard from someone else too). None of us own a PS3. =P


Just keep trying, it'll work eventually I think.

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So it looks like the hard drive in my laptop in knackered. I backed up all my music the morning before it decided to break completely. Unfortunately some of my photo albums are now lost forever :(


The good news is that since my laptop is only 5 months old, Toshiba are sending me a new hard drive under the warranty. Still have to wait til Friday though, with no laptop.

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I loved tonight@!


Onluy bd tihnfs can be viwed positively in tetrospect snce they'll e dealt iwith.




Only bad things can be viewed positively in retrospect since they'll be dealt with. Like, the bad was only present because the good stood so tall above the rest.

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I came in here to post something but got interrupted by kitteh cuddles and I forgot what I was going to say :3


that's not a bad thing, Kitteh cuddles are awesome. Unless they drool on you, not so cute then [shakes fist at Smokey]

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Urgh, bad stomach cramps today. Make me want to curl up in a ballll. Being a girl can be really annoying. =(


Also, got a phone call earlier that sorta freaked me out. Someone from the police left a voice message that said to call him back on a specific number. I soon realised he had called from a city my dad was in at that moment. Thought maybe something had happened.


So I called back, hands shaking and heart pounding.

"Are you family of this man?" they asked.

"Yeah, he's my dad..."

"Right, could we have his cellphone number please? His car is parked wrong somewhere and we want him to move it."



So yeah, stress for nothing haha. But mannn, this is not good for my heart. And my already painful tummy. =P

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