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Another day of revision and a headache to go with it. Fun times :nono:


It wasn't all bad as I did come up with a nice little idea for my dissertation next year about an hour into revision, which was good as I'd been trying to figure out the basis for something, but I can't remember it now! Epic fail. It'll probably come back to me in a few days.

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Came back from my weekly soccer session. Got an injury because some asshole doesn't know how to play fair. I got lucky that I haven't gotten injured for an hour...he was just there to hurt people it seemed.


I guess he'll be there again next week. I might show him that I can play like this, too. Probably even worse.

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Came back from my weekly soccer session. Got an injury because some asshole doesn't know how to play fair. I got lucky that I haven't gotten injured for an hour...he was just there to hurt people it seemed.


I guess he'll be there again next week. I might show him that I can play like this, too. Probably even worse.


'Interestingly' I just came in to post about an injury I got playing football tonight too :hmm:


I went over on my right ankle tonight and tore the ligaments in it :hmm: The same thing happened with my left ankle in January and it was only just starting to feel half decent again.


Looks like I'm gonna be sidelined for several weeks again :sad:

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I played football twice the other day, first just a little kick about in the park and the second in a 5 a side match someone begged me to play (lack of numbers otherwise). By the middle of the match, I had cramp in both my calves which was surprisingly painful when trying to run. Wish I had known I was expected to play later on, I would've conserved my energy in the first kick about.


Like heroic, I've never had cramp before whilst actually doing sport so it was weird.

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My library lift sucks ass, I'm on level 2 wanting to go to level 4

Lets go to level 1 first!

Then three to pick up someone who wants to go to level 1!

Now to level 4!


Damn thing can't get its priorities right.


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My library lift sucks ass, I'm on level 2 wanting to go to level 4

Lets go to level 1 first!

Then three to pick up someone who wants to go to level 1!

Now to level 4!


Damn thing can't get its priorities right.





I tried it once (and did it wrong), and the elevator made a really scary noise, so try at your own "risk"...

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I tried it once (and did it wrong), and the elevator made a really scary noise, so try at your own "risk"...


I've tried that on a few lifts about uni and it didn't work. Would've been good fun in the Livingstone Tower which is 14 floors and I had to go to the top, stopping at pretty much on the way.

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Wow, the woman across the road is a skanky bitch. She apparently received a letter stating that (because her kids are reaching age of not needing constant supervision ~13ish~) that her benefits will be reduced/stopped/or something so she'll have to get off her skanky bitch, witch-cackling ass and do some work.


So she got herself pregnant.


Oh and she is smoking. Like a chimney. Awesome.






Feel like dipping some BBs in ink and firing them at her clothes line, stealth style.

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I wake up to a text to find my girlfriend still annoyed other a little spat we had last night.


Usually I find sleep cures most problems. We go to bed annoyed but a nice refreshing sleep should cure all that so in the morning you're all positive again but no, she had to bring the argument back up as soon as I awoke.


>_> What a start to the day.

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Sex causes a lot of problems, when it's with someone other than your partner! :heh:


I'm not talking about having an affair :p


Or when the female is usually upset, they're not likely to just want sex there and then :heh:


So what? Take what you need. :D

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Shame Ell can't have it for a month. :heh:


Seriously though, I hope everything works out for you. Girls can be well annoying about tiny little arguments, which are generally their fault in the first place!


Ah you boys, you really have no idea who annoying both sexes are, personally I don't know how being a lesbian or a straight guy is a good thing, girls are crazy, but by christ you lot can be just as bad at the best of times with your whinging.


Yes I mean all men generally and yes I'm going to generalise.

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Ah you boys, you really have no idea who annoying both sexes are, personally I don't know how being a lesbian or a straight guy is a good thing, girls are crazy, but by christ you lot can be just as bad at the best of times with your whinging.


Yes I mean all men generally and yes I'm going to generalise.


Just as people generalise about women!


I find people difficult in general :heh:

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