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Urgh, really irritated with my boss right now. He changed a 1-to-1 lesson without telling me, so I spent ages planning a class I wasn't going to teach, despite having better things to do with my time (applying for other jobs, funnily enough). John, apparently, was teaching this one lesson with the student, and he only found out when I found out I wasn't, 10 minutes before it was meant to start. Very annoying.


Things got worse when said student showed up 45 minutes late, and, come 2 hours after the intended start time, John finished the lesson when it was meant to. The student got really pissed off (on account of her being an idiot, it seems) and complained to Hasan, the boss. Hasan, in his unenviable nature, chose the stupidest way of handling it and walked into a classroom were John, other John and I were chatting and had a go at John, and getting us other two involved too. We both took John's side as, well, the class has a start and end time so, ooh, I don't know, so everyone knows when it starts and ends. It's a busy school, and the idea that some students have that they can turn up when they want and have a lesson is ridiculous, and Hasan, not being a teacher, doesn't understand why we find it so objectionable...


Sounds like Hasan needs a smack over the head.

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One of my friends just read Catcher In The Rye, and said Holden reminded him of me, and throughout the book had me in his mind's eye.


Well Holden was an embodiment of the things he himself hated most, so I don't think it would be too positive. Although he always struck me as the type of guy who I'd like to have a drink with, being so neurotic that he would make me feel better about my own awful shit :heh:

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I spent almost two years writing an essay/essays/redrafting the same essay on it and the concept of loss of innocence. I was in so deep. I felt I related to the character in that sense. Moved on a bit since then. :p

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My favourite meal of the week Chilli. Pretty sure the cook has forgotten to put the powder in though. Either that or its a different one that doesn't use chilli/flavour at all. Just tastes of peppery tomato (I put loads of pepper on)



FFS. The only cooked meal of the week that I look forward to.


Colman's packet chilli. The most fucking flavourless waste of space I've ever put in my mouth. Avoid this piece of shit at all fucking costs.

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I spent almost two years writing an essay/essays/redrafting the same essay on it and the concept of loss of innocence. I was in so deep. I felt I related to the character in that sense. Moved on a bit since then. :p


Oh trust me, I relate a lot to the character too, but I'd like to think that I'm not quite as much of a hypocrite.

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My placement lesson on Saturday (with a teacher who seems nice/fun) has been cancelled 'cause she's ill. This would be fine with me (day off, whoo!), but now it's placed after Easter, when I have a really busy schedule already. Means I'll be spending my break preparing all my lessons. Hooray. =P



Also, was making some of my rings, but for some reason they've got bubbles and wrinkles under the glass, whereas they didn't yesterday (after I let them dry for 24 hours). Means two rings wasted, plus the person who ordered one has to wait longer. Not good. =(

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Also, was making some of my rings, but for some reason they've got bubbles and wrinkles under the glass, whereas they didn't yesterday (after I let them dry for 24 hours). Means two rings wasted, plus the person who ordered one has to wait longer. Not good. =(

I saw someone on Etsy who sold small gel-filled bottles or something like that, and she claimed that the tiny bubbles in the gel were there "for added detail". And it's like, you have no magical powers over the gel! You always get tiny bubbles in gel like that! :blank:


So, you know, just tell the buyer that you added the bubbles on purpose.

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I saw someone on Etsy who sold small gel-filled bottles or something like that, and she claimed that the tiny bubbles in the gel were there "for added detail". And it's like, you have no magical powers over the gel! You always get tiny bubbles in gel like that! :blank:


So, you know, just tell the buyer that you added the bubbles on purpose.


Haha! I'd be okay with it if it was only small bubbles (I had that in my first few rings), but these two are just completely ruined, the image is hard to make out now.

Don't know what happened. I think I just have to look into a different glue. Already contacted someone on Etsy for advice heh. =)

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Actually said to an American customer with a thalidomide-hand at work "do you need a hand?" as he was working out British money... without thinking... :red:


I'm surprised they didn't take it with a pinch of salt, normally it is seen as a mistake.


Don't worry about it too much, you weren't being offensive and frankly you were speaking to this person normally!

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I'm surprised they didn't take it with a pinch of salt, normally it is seen as a mistake.


Don't worry about it too much, you weren't being offensive and frankly you were speaking to this person normally!


Luckily they didn't twig... or so I think! Either way he was very polite which made it worse for me! :P

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Actually said to an American customer with a thalidomide-hand at work "do you need a hand?" as he was working out British money... without thinking... :red:


Awful situation. You must have wanted the world to swallow you up there and then.


But at the same time, some people are happy to be treated 'normally'. And can see the good nature of what you said without taking offence.

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I just realised that I never emailed my coursework in, the dealine was last thursday. I did hand it in physically to the office, but we have to hand it in physically and electronically. I hope they don't dock me marks for late submission. I think it's 5% a day so that's 35% knocked off straight away.

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I was going to change onto a course in the second year which looked amazing.

Monday everything was fine, information about modules for new course and whatnot.

Tuesday I talked to my current course leader, everything is still fine.

Thursday morning I email to say I want to change.

Thursday evening everything spiralled into bad news.

Friday I find out it's impossible and I should forget this option even came up.


Even though my current course and the one I wanted to change to are similar, because one module in the second year of my course is taught in the first year of the course I wanted to change to I can't change. A module in the second year of the other course relies on the knowledge gained in the module that I will be on in the second year of my current course.


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Shit day! Got emergency-taxed which I can't sort out 'til next week, after the tax year switches - hoping that doesn't mean they'll wait 'til next april to pay me the monies (sure that's not the case). Then my boss somehow makes it seem like good news when she, after firing two people, says to me "you can come in monday and tuesday and we'll definitely have work for you," essentially saying weds I may not have a job, despite making the most calls this week and getting the most quotes AND solving some other problemz in the office.


And people want to go to the shit pub tonight.


But hey, weekend, woo.

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