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It always amuses me when people homophobes claim that the whole '10% of people are gay' thing is made up and that it's actually closer to 1%, or whatever other number they pull out of a hat. It's like, clearly you haven't been frequenting the same forums as I have! :blank:


Or some people not homophobes think the figure is much smaller because (like me) they only know 2 homosexual people (in terms of friends/family) and base figures on what they personally know, rather than some statistic that some random person probably told them.

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Or some people not homophobes think the figure is much smaller because (like me) they only know 2 homosexual people (in terms of friends/family)

That you know of. :heh:


Dun dun dunnn...


Anyway, I wasn't entirely serious in my use of the word 'homophobe', so let's not get into an argument about it.

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Decided I wanted to check out a clothes store today, as it's the last day of sales and I didn't get to check any stores yet. Didn't find anything in the sales, but did find stuff in the new collection.


The good part is that mom gave me money, saying it's my early birthday present. =)


Probably made me buy clothes I won't really wear (much), but oh well haha.

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It's more economical to have the gourmet burger (onion rings, cheese, bacon) than it is to have regular with those added. When I'm feeling rich I go for that doubled up, which is far too much food.


I was in the pub with a few mates the other week, gourmet burger and pints ordered, one of my mates had left the onion rings, OMGWTF!!!

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I've left it a little late, but I've finally come up with a subject to teach for this demo lesson. So far the plan is looking pretty damn good, but I'm still a little paranoid that they might know it all already - if they do I'll under-run like a motherbitch (assuming they tend to under-run).


If anyone's wondering, I'm teaching them the use of "used to".

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Had the loveliest date. Spent 4 hours literally just talking over lovely wine. It was genuinely lovely, with zero awkwardness.


Yay. :)


D'aww I love when that happens, go Slaggis! :yay:


Hanging out with my friends, eating pie and watching youtube videos til 2am, it's rare these days but I love it more that way. :bowdown:

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The extra pound (I think) for the gourmet burger is something you should consider on your next visit.


I will.


/ I was there last night but not overly hungry so just had chips.


But my friend always gets the Gourmet one. She understood my choice of Beer + Burger though, being a Spoons virgin. Next time.


Next time.

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Really enjoyed first lecture of new term/section in our random-extra-pointless Art and Design History module.


About Post-Modernism i.e things I now about, am interested in, and can write about in essay form easily.


That said, I got my marks back from my Modernism essay and was only 3 marks off a first! So yeah. Loving.


(I wonder is Spune was in the lecture with me...I was the one who talked to Maria about "Clueless", if you were there Spune...)

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