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Piers Morgan has finally left GMB and I know, like all cockroaches, he'll pop up again at some point (likely on one of those new right wing TV stations) but I'm going to revel in it now because this is a dear friend of mine who ended up in a bad place because of that episode so I'm glad to see some belated retribution. Fuck that arsehole and fuck ITV for being cowards all the way through.

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Piers Morgan has finally left GMB and I know, like all cockroaches, he'll pop up again at some point (likely on one of those new right wing TV stations) but I'm going to revel in it now because this is a dear friend of mine who ended up in a bad place because of that episode so I'm glad to see some belated retribution. Fuck that arsehole and fuck ITV for being cowards all the way through.
Agree with you here. Absolute smeeee. Smeeeeehhh...heaaaaa.

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18 hours ago, Ashley said:

Piers Morgan has finally left GMB and I know, like all cockroaches, he'll pop up again at some point (likely on one of those new right wing TV stations) but I'm going to revel in it now because this is a dear friend of mine who ended up in a bad place because of that episode so I'm glad to see some belated retribution. Fuck that arsehole and fuck ITV for being cowards all the way through.

I am so fucking happy this has happened! I want the weatherman to take his place. Absolutely brilliant. He went to show that you can respectfully disagree and cut straight to the point with no bullshit without shouting someone down. If there was some sort of petition to get him to replace Piers Morgan, I'd sign it! After his disgraceful behaviour towards Meghan Markle speaking out about mental health, I was left fuming! He's a liar and a bully. He claims he hardly spoke to Meghan and yet he apparently spoke to her quite a few times and went out for drinks with her too.

Someone posted "Hellfire" from Hunchback of Notre Dame as Piers singing about Meghan Markle and honestly, it fits.


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1 hour ago, Beast said:

I am so fucking happy this has happened! I want the weatherman to take his place. Absolutely brilliant. He went to show that you can respectfully disagree and cut straight to the point with no bullshit without shouting someone down. If there was some sort of petition to get him to replace Piers Morgan, I'd sign it! After his disgraceful behaviour towards Meghan Markle speaking out about mental health, I was left fuming! He's a liar and a bully. He claims he hardly spoke to Meghan and yet he apparently spoke to her quite a few times and went out for drinks with her too.

You can still complain to Ofcom about his rant on Monday. Yes he's left but I believe there will still be an investigation, perhaps more focused on ITV (who as I've said before have been shit themselves).

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15 minutes ago, Ashley said:

You can still complain to Ofcom about his rant on Monday. Yes he's left but I believe there will still be an investigation, perhaps more focused on ITV (who as I've said before have been shit themselves).

Oh, you can still do that? I thought it was all settled after he left!

I think the weatherman deserves the job after that! He's spoken a lot of sense in the past and wasn't afraid to talk about the more difficult issues. I wonder what his name is and if there is something we can do about that!


HA! There's actually a petition going on for him to be replaced by Alex Beresford (the weatherman)!

Edited by Beast
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I saw the walkoff happen just before I left the house for work, and it was glorious. There's one thing where he's bashing the Government for poor pandemic handling, but then just warbling on about random shit about Meghan Markle, oh she wore a necklace someone mean gave to her (a torch Susannah has picked up). Then gets called out on him being salty because he's been ejected from the media circle in just a couple of minutes, and he storms off.

Then they go to a break.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my Plantar Fasciitis seen to a couple of weeks ago and my foot is now the best it's felt in over a year. I had an ultrasound-guided steroid injection put in to it. I was told the plantar fascia was over double the size it should be. It really affected my entire foot and now it's mostly gone apart from my heel. My heel is still in a little pain but it's going bit by bit. I was recommended to do yoga every morning for 15 minutes (surya namaskar) and it's really been helping a lot. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 03/04/2021 at 8:01 PM, nightwolf said:

It's taken two years, 4 cancellations, more than I care to think about re-bookings and countless emails, only 6 people and social distancing. But we did it.


YAY! YOU DID IT! I'm so happy for you both and you look gorgeous, as always! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just had my first haircut at my barber's in over a year. Greatly underestimated just how much I needed that! 

Also the weather's been nice lately, which has definitely given me a much-needed boost after what felt like the longest winter (working from home and not being able to go out much due to lockdowns and the weather).

Look forward to walking around a bit this summer, I've gone so pale over the last year :laughing:

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Not necessarily good, but it's funny to me :D

Got two vaccinations yesterday (against tetanus, poliomyelitis, mumps and more). The doctor's assistant said to me: "You're right handed? Alright, I'll give you the shot that's more likely to cause pain in your left arm, then." Cool.

Now I don't know if she was fucking with me, if she made a mistake or if my body is fucking with me, but my left arm is completely fine. My right arm, though...ooooohhhh boy it burns :laughing:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Was my birthday at the weekend and two good things happened: the first is that my mother actually wished me a happy birthday for the first time in years. We've had a fractious relationship over the last couple of years but I had thought we'd generally resolved things but there always seemed to be some bad blood there. Still, just as I was away to go to bed for the night she sent a text and we spent Sunday messaging and having a catch up which was nice, even if the news about my dad's health not getting better wasn't great.

The second part was that by and large, I knew what my partner had gotten me present wise as we'd decided to get stuff that I needed (so some new exercise stuff). However, she handed me two boxes on the day and told me I'd understand the presents when I opened them. Opened the first to find a limited edition Adidas All Blacks Rugby ball and in the other was an All Blacks training top. At first I was confused and then it clicked: years ago I'd told here about how when I was at high school, I'd got to meet the All Blacks at a training session and got stuff signed by them. Got to meet the great Jonah Lomu who chatted and, as his signing pen was running out, swapped with mine, signed my rugby ball and I went off home cheesing that I'd met one of the greatest rugby players ever.

A few days later, my Grandfather took me to Murrayfield to see Scotland play New Zealand (obviously Scotland lost) and its one of the most vivid and strong memories I have of spending time with my grandfather before he passed away. Its been ages since I mentioned it to her but she remembered it and got me these amazing gifts that will keep that memory with him in my mind even more but also gave it new meaning for us.

It was a small thing but it meant so much to have that memory come back and to have it mean something new with the presents on my birthday. Just an amazing day.

Edited by Ganepark32
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  • 3 weeks later...

Someone is lookin out for me somewhere. Not sure if it was the breakdown i had on the phone with GP, or my nurse specialist being an absolute fucking champ (likely the latter) but my neuro consult has been red flagged somehow, and i have an appt for next month.  I can't rationalise it other than that because neuro is as bad as rhem and im still waiting in a 3.5 year list for them (but only routine).

I had a rude colleague tell me, last week, that ill be "waiting forever since ive been on that list for years", i'm just dying to go in and slap her round the face with my appointment letter.  Her self importance can GTF :laughing:  (for context this is also the person who mocked my illness/reduced duties so, no sympathy deserved for her)

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On my way back from London at the moment. First time I've been since I unexpectedly moved out last February. 

Was really nice catching up with some friends (depending on availability) and the first time seeing one of them for years as he lives in Italy now but is back for a bit to work. Plus the weather turned out really nice!

Felt a bit 😬 being around people on the train/tube as it's the first "real" thing I've done for a while.

Plus I picked up a bag of stuff I left at a friend's so I'm returning with a PS4, 3DS and Vita. 

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Today was a consistent sunny 25-29 degrees all day where I work. But just as I left by the end of the afternoon, a surprise thunderstorm broke out, and it rained massively. Almost like a tropical storm.

So why is this good news? Because the smell of cold rain on hot ground (whether it be stone, dirt, grass, or pavement) is unique, pleasant, and something I rarely experience outside of holidays. Getting to feel that during my trip home instead of having to deal with the overbearing thick heat from earlier was nothing short of a blessing.

I dunno, maybe lately I've been feeling short on these small pleasures of life, but it felt just excellent today.

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