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I had a lovely weekend with some friends who came down from Brighton to see our place in Bournemouth for the first time. Think they really enjoyed it!


We spent today chilling out, playing some FIFA/PES, visiting the beach and eating naughty food. I had some delicious salmon on top of scrambled eggs on toast, with some afternoon cream tea on the side for my second breakfast. Hurrah!


It's been a busy week. I'm exhausted now.

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Had a pretty nice week off, had a friend over from Manchester and spent a lot of time in London.


Also had my 42-inch Bravia TV replaced for free with a 48-inch as there was a problem with the screen, and they didn't have the original model in stock. Definite result! Glad I went with John Lewis.

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I dunno why, but Moogle, you look really grown up. I still have a picture of you in my head from away back in 2008 at the KNEEEEE meet :heh:


You mean dis guy:





I'm not sure how much I've actually changed since then, as the hair makes such a difference.



Fun fact: I'm currently wearing that shirt.

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I don't know who that is and I didn't know you work for Boots.


I know nothing.


That is Sir Steve Redgrave.


And I've worked for Boots since May.



On a related note, I was surprised (and appalled) by how many people didn't know who Steve Redgrave was.


That's Moogle.


I'm the tall, handsome one.

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Just realised I can afford a deposit on a one bedroom place with a pool in Tuscany. BRB, doing that.


Willing to rent it out to N-E peoples? :D




I keep getting requests from people to illustrate their (self-published) stories. Like, loads of requests. However none of them seem to have any idea about the money they can spend on it, or they seem to think I can do it for cheap. Pfffff. I feel like I should have a page on my website with prices, though I have no clue what to ask for.

Plus, time. I don't have enough of it!



Also, I have had about 5 people or so ask to use one of my images of a bee as a logo. It makes me want to use it as my own logo somehow, but I can't think of a shop name (selling cards and jewellery) that involves a bee. Most ideas seem to be taken already! Any ideas? :P


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I keep getting requests from people to illustrate their (self-published) stories. Like, loads of requests. However none of them seem to have any idea about the money they can spend on it, or they seem to think I can do it for cheap. Pfffff. I feel like I should have a page on my website with prices, though I have no clue what to ask for.

Plus, time. I don't have enough of it!


There's some general advice here: http://www.arts.ac.uk/student-jobs-and-careers/exhibit-and-sell-your-work/how-to-sell-your-work/ It is assumed it's your only source of income though.


Also seen other suggestions of charging a low hourly rate (around £10) at first or a base price for certain services (eg £30 a logo).


I know I've got some advice somewhere. I'll see if I can dig it out.

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He just needs to come back on Monday and do a little plastering round the edges etc and then we just need to take care of the brickwork. Were probably going to paint it white, since the bricks are a bit tatty/ugly.




We painted it white in the end. Much better:




Yes please! :heart:: peace:


Finally got round to this. I reckon I could do it for £15 on standard 250gsm paper. Not sure how much delivery will be though.

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