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The Murr household grew by one more little person yesterday:






His name is Thomas O'Malley (Or just Tom or Thomas for me, Wife has a little obsession with Aristocats)



Not going to lie, a rather difficult first night, Millie as to be expected isn't entirely happy with the new addition. They've seen each other through a glass door. Tom has the kitchen to roam, Millie the rest of the house. She's not to happy to see us feeding or petting Tom. When we're with her she is okay, she is a little bit hissy at us as she can smell him on us. She wasn't as cuddely last night which made me a bit sad to be honest.


Tough process ahead I guess. But sure it'll be fine in a few weeks. It's just rather terrible having to keep Tom locked up in one room and hear these ridiculously cute meows, but also terrible having a cat that you've loved an you assume loved you for 3 years hissing at you and not completely attached to you anymore.

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Tough process ahead I guess. But sure it'll be fine in a few weeks.


It'll be fine. :)


We had the same issue when we first got our - now only - cat which was a kitten at the time, our existing older cat didn't like it one bit, things calmed down after about a week or two and they ended up being pretty friendly with each other.


Trust me you'll wonder what all the fuss was about in less than 2 weeks. : peace:

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It'll be fine. :)


We had the same issue when we first got our - now only - cat which was a kitten at the time, our existing older cat didn't like it one bit, things calmed down after about a week or two and they ended up being pretty friendly with each other.


Trust me you'll wonder what all the fuss was about in less than 2 weeks. : peace:


Honestly thank you for the reassurance and I mean that. Leaving for work this morning I genuinely felt like the worst cat owner in the world.


Felt like I was breaking a bond with my old cat and leaving the new kitten alone and scared.

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Got home from France on Thursday. I had a fantastic few days away culminating in watching Andy Murray beat Gael Monfils. Superb atmosphere (even though the press would have you believe it was a terrible crowd - it's not Wimbledon).

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Superb atmosphere (even though the press would have you believe it was a terrible crowd - it's not Wimbledon).


The crowd was fucking atrocious at times. The worst moment in the final...that shout from one of the morons in the audience just when Djokovic served for the last time. :blank: Unacceptable.


I wasn't there, it was probably better 'in real life' :p But the crowd annoyed me a lot sometimes...

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Remember over a year ago how I told you all I fell out with most of my friends because of some huge bust-up? Well, I spoke to one of them last night and we cleared the air.


As some of you may know, I started another Google+ account because I can't remember the password to my old one. I used my old e-mail address which had all of them on. Anyway, he claims that I added him in my circles and wanted to know why. I said I didn't do it, it must have automatically added anyone who was in my address book or something and added that I wouldn't have added him. Anyway, we start talking calmly and we both spoke about what had happened. He apologised for what was said as did I. He wanted me to add him on everything again and I agreed at first but then I said it'd be better to keep it on G+ because too many people get involved and it becomes a massive drama again. It's better to just keep it simple.


The thing is; he was never on my circles until today so I have a sneaking suspicion that he just wanted to talk to me but didn't know how to approach me.


It's weird because I've never done this before. Usually, when I burn bridges, a bitch knows that I burn bridges but he was nice enough, not sarky or funny. I don't want to be friends with him again but I don't mind chatting every now and again and I have told him that. That sounds like I'm being funny but I really ain't, I just find it too much hassle to be friends only to know FOR SURE that we'll argue and fall out. I did make it clear that if anything like this ever happened again, I will definitely, permanently, never speak to him again. We both pretty much agreed to it.


However, I did make it clear I didn't want to talk to the others at all. Out of all of them, he did the least. He just lied which I can just about forgive but not forget.


I put this in the 'good stuff' because I feel like I had closure in a sense. All of the stuff I wanted to say I've now said and now they understand where I'm coming from and I feel like now they believe me over the dude they were defending. Whether it's an act or not, I don't know but I feel happier now. I know we'll never be friends and I don't want to be but it's cool that we've cleared the air and we can chat every now and again. It's better this way for me.

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The crowd was fucking atrocious at times. The worst moment in the final...that shout from one of the morons in the audience just when Djokovic served for the last time. :blank: Unacceptable.


I wasn't there, it was probably better 'in real life' :p But the crowd annoyed me a lot sometimes...


I was at Murray - Monfils, not the final.

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Finally got Fibre in my area (well at the moment it only Fibre to Cabinet not Fibre to House yet but no extra cost for the upgrade either so had to be done) and just upgraded today


Just checked my speeds, before upgrade was getting 10Mbps download and 0.5Mbps upload

Now I'm getting 50Mbps download and 17Mbps upload...WOOT


I need to start make YT vids more regularly again to take advantage of that much improved upload speed :D


Only slightly annoying thing was my own router wasn't compatible for the upgraded connection so had to take their free router, would have prefered to keep mine, just spent a good while getting used to the UI of the new router and setting things up how I wanted and then having to reset up all the devices in the house too. But all done now and ready from Nintendos E3 Direct!

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Just got back from a gig at my local arts centre. The guy playing was a chap called Matt Woosey and he was astonishing. The music was so clear that it was like listening to it on a CD.


My Dad mentioned that he liked him as I was leaving for the gig, so I managed to buy a CD of his favourite song and get it signed for him for fathers day. Score.


My personal favourite song of the evening:



Skip to about 2:30 for the blues equivalent of dropping the bass/the bit where it speeds up and gets rad.



This is the song that my Dad likes and the one that I manged to get a signed EP of:


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Did anyone else get an email from GAME at some point in June? Turns out as they were going on the stock market, they were giving to 20,000 people £100 Virtual Stock Loyalty points and i was fortunate to get one. After chatting to the staff, i get 6 chances to cash in to get back £100 (minimum) in points to use on any purchase i wish. Not too shabby.

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So guys...




...yup, it's now official...well, I need to sign the contract but I phoned up today and told the manager at my new place that I would like to accept the job if he would still like me to be there. He was happy and said "That would be great! I'm glad you've said yes". I said I have a few more questions about the job but I'm definitely going for it...so...this is it...it still feels so unreal!


I have to work a week's notice at my old place but I've told them two weeks because I have a holiday coming up next week (it's my birthday and I've not had a holiday in years!).


On top of this, I have 50% off any work shoes that's just came in today and 25% off any other items I want so I'm buying some nice Hush Puppies and some very comfortable gel insoles...and then I'll hand in my notice a couple of hours later (if you catch my drift) ;)

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It's probably a thank you for all the great advertising and reviews you've given them over the years.




And @Animal, congrats chap on the new job. Taking advantage of that discount, nice one.


"I'll take these at my discount"

"That's £35 please"

"Cheers, by the way here's my notice"

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"I'd like to buy these shoes are discount please. They'll be great for my new job.



By the way here's my notice."


Basically that's what happened, haha.


I got my new shoes and my insoles, pissed off for an hour, came back and handed in my notice, bwahahaha!

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Got some good news today re work I have done for a previous firm


In my previous firm I worked on a case regarding CRB checks and them disclosing cautions indefinitely. Basic argument is that the policy contravened European Convention on Human Rights. Launched JR proceedings against Greater Manchester Police- failed. Appealed to the Court of Appeal. We won. Home Secretary appealed to the Supreme Court (the highest court of the land) Had a day out in the Supreme Court in London and the govnt lost their appeal. The public embargo on the judgment of the Supreme Court was lifted today.



Ace Attorney who? :D

Edited by Blade
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