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Randomly met people at another party who use my site. This is always so bizarre. I get it's big, I know it's big, but I still never expect this.


Would have tried #MissionSerebii, but alas there were few girls and the girls that were there were taken.

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Would have tried #MissionSerebii, but alas there were few girls and the girls that were there were taken.


Dude, you already had the right words in your head, you only had to modify them and use them on the girls.


I get it's big, I know it's big, but I still never expect this.


"I get it's big, I know it's big, but you would never expect this."


And boom, there goes the dynamite. For added effect just drop down your pants.

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Details bitch, details!:bouncy:


Long story long, had some student who looked like he could barely shave ask for cigarettes so I asked for ID (we have to ask anyone who looks like they might b under 25). He started whining. He then whined to the only other person working in the store. He then started badgering other customers in the store to buy cigarettes for him (failing to spot a proxy sale is just as bad for us as failing to ID is). Then I raised my voice at him and told him to get out. He slunk out like a kicked puppy.


He then came back twenty minutes later demanding to see "the manager" (which was me for the night). He wanted to complain about me raising my voice and "looking past him". I offered him the number to make an actual complaint but he didn't take it, pretty obviously just wanting to leave still feeling like he had a pair. My colleague came over said she'd leave a note for the manager and he slunk off again. She was probably lying but I hope she did. It's not bad enough to get me fired and I'd actually like to have it on my record.


Frankly, it felt good. It felt good rediscovering myself. Rediscovering that I have the ability cut somebody's nuts off without even having to say anything identifiably grotesque because I'm in a minority that has the wit and confidence to achieve it - no matter what the uniform I'm standing in suggests. And frankly some people don't just deserve it - they need it.

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Then you're fucked!


New job is pretty awesome. The commute is awful, but next week I'll finally have a permit to park nearby so it'll cut the commute in half! Whoop.


Always get to do flexible hours, so can now vary my work pattern, which means mostly working 8 til 4:30. Ah and its so quiet and nobody swears at me...eee.

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Out of nowhere, I'm moving house!


Back when I moved into this place there was a potential to move in with a mate and his mate, however his mate had a gf and he was worried about the house divide being 1/3 girls/boys. Now he's broken up with her, and the student he had handed in her notice, so for an extra £100 a month on what I'm paying I will be 10 mins from work in a refurbed house with solutions to the majority of problems that currently affect my living situation; bigger kitchen, dishwasher, larger shared areas, kitchen cupboard and fridge space.


I'm still planning on moving in with another mate in june/july. The place I'm moving to in april wants me to stay 'til august/sept. I figure that I can deal with potential consequences of mismatched months when they arise. Another issue may be the deposit side of things. This new place is £500 all-inclusive per month. I asked about deposit and they just said a month upfront. On the walk home I realised I wasn't sure if this meant an additional £500 was needed or not. I basically spent 50% of my wages this month already, and it's a heavy birthday month (girlfriend AND mother)... I have space in the overdraft in any instance, but I should get my deposit back from this place to contribute, and I know that I can ultimately ask my dad for a bridge fund -- and ultimately if I can use march maycheque to fund the move then everything will be fine no matter what.


It's a pretty swift end-of-chapter, but a welcome one. If the plans with my IT manager don't work then this next place seems quite viable. It also means that me and my gf should be able to have more time together as well, which is really the whole point!


ALSO today I got to work (in a new black sweater) and did like 90% of my week's work in a day by knucking down and just working mega-hard. We've had new 'incentives' (i.e. bottle of wine/rum/vodka) for the most productive team member for the last 3 weeks, and I always just get all anti and refuse to compete when these things happen. This week we have no incentive and I'm determined to be the above-and-away leader in output just to show that I don't need incentives to do my fucking job. As a consequence my black sweater already has a reputation as a "serious jayseven" mode. I was quite short with people today (acted like a boass), and perhaps that's a good thing.



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That webinar I was in is up. LOL. A bit cringe, but if anyone's interested, my bit starts from about 13 minutes in.





I'm also lined up to do the next two. I'll have more planning and rehearsal next time too.


Also, the other guy in the webinar nominated me for the star of the month, so I got a bit of a bonus in pay packet.

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Last day of training at the new job was today, hitting the live call centre floor tomorrow and taking calls, bit nervous (mainly just fear of having a brain freeze and forgetting how systems work) but looking forward to it...hopefully I'll still be thinking that at the end of the day tomorrow, haha

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Congrats rez! Always good to be recognised at work.


Had a meeting with the IT guy, my team leader and me. We basically spent two hours figuring out how to make my ideas real. On the one hand, I can now put on my CV some extra cool stuff about being lead in redeveloping our CRM (and testing it), but on the other... I can use this as leverage in september to fish for a payrise. If I'm really lucky I'll get a bonus this month/next month, because ultimately I'm saving people close to a day's labour per week by automating some simple things.


I also managed to do 80% of my week's work on monday. Work is good.

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That's awesome, Jay, some great experience you're getting there. Try and become the point man between dev and the business, explain to dev what the business wants to be able to do then take back their ideas on how it will work. This is a very powerful role as a lot of people don't speak "IT". Drive change in the organisation and you can save it a lot of money. Business Analyst jobs regularly go up on job sites that pay £400 / day as well if you are interested in a change in the future. Becoming a contractor BA is one of my next career goals. A little bit off that right now as I think a professional qualification could help me out but hopefully the contract after next could see me move into it.

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Technically I could easily become a business analyst given my current role, I just don't want to.


Not meant to read as if it's easy, but rather me rambling out loud.


Hope it all goes well though oh Jay of seven.

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Testing in that sort of area should definitely give you a pay increase. Its actually insane the difference in pay between my old games testing job and the pay for software testing.


First week of the job done.


It was a bit of a shock at first, because the office is so quiet. I found myself not really liking it and finding it too business like (we can still wear casual clothes as long as its 'smart' as in, not shorts and tshirt). But its gotten better.


I think its just because I'm so used to being shouted or yelled at every day, both of my previous employments were noisy and disruptive and I now wonder how I ever put up with it - especially the last place. I could have filed for harassment!


Sigh, we'll see, it looks like one of my old colleagues has just got an interview for my new place, so that'll be cool and I am now officially moving house in june with an old colleague who doesn't have pets and doesn't work shifts. Happy days! (Not that my housemate or her dogs are that bad, its just different worlds).

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That's awesome, Jay, some great experience you're getting there. Try and become the point man between dev and the business, explain to dev what the business wants to be able to do then take back their ideas on how it will work. This is a very powerful role as a lot of people don't speak "IT". Drive change in the organisation and you can save it a lot of money. Business Analyst jobs regularly go up on job sites that pay £400 / day as well if you are interested in a change in the future. Becoming a contractor BA is one of my next career goals. A little bit off that right now as I think a professional qualification could help me out but hopefully the contract after next could see me move into it.

I never really knew what the term would be, but I definitely feel analysis is my strong suit. I just googled a bunch of business analysis jobs and holy shit this is what I'm basically doing in my spare time at work. I've done the workflow mapping stuff and everything. Fuck. Charlie you might've just given me more of an impetus to be proactive in my career (which has been more of a careen so far).

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