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My sister got me Glastonbury tickets, super excited! :bouncy:


Booh, don't like you right now. We tried for almost two hours and we couldn't even get the website to load for us. Annoyed!

We had already booked a hotel/B&B as well. =(



But now we are looking into maybe going to a Belgian festival, so I guess it isn't all bad. Just wish we could've gone to Glastonbury again.

Well done on getting tickets, lucky bastard. =P

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Should I lock up myself?



So yeah, last week we moved and we've done most of the unpacking. Here are a couple of photos.







My parents gave me their old massive tv for free at the weekend. It's ridiculous, it won't even fit in the alcove.


Oh and I also found a bread maker in the cellar. Once I've sorted out the tv I'm going to give it a good wash and have a go at making something. It'll probably be a disaster but I'm taking it as an experiment.



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I MIGHT be getting free tickets to a gig that I've wanted to see all year... and MIGHT be paid to do a review of the gig... and MIGHT be paid to INTERVIEW the band..! I find out tomorrow which level of awesome will happen. I've probably jinxed it all by just mentioning it.


In other news I spent my work day training the noob. That's right. 3 promotions in 3 months, and now I'm training the newbie. Hey dere CV, my don't you look great!

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We've been making HTML5 games at work and in the space of a day, I managed to make a Trials clone, complete with simple rag doll physics when the rider falls off. That also includes making all the graphics for it and the first level.


Also, the leggings and gloves showed up for my Goblin King costume. Leggings are far more comfortable than I'm willing to admit...



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My boss is so utterly fantastic. He knows he can trust me with anything, and he really can. He came to me first, offering a deal that I can have an extra days leave if I worked the Friday after Christmas (a lot of people had asked for it off) so of course I bit his hand off for that chance. Off the record, and not recorded or counted on my leave. He was texting me to offer me this so there was no official trace (that's how bad our directorate is, they would check your emails) and that was all ok. Today I had a return to work meeting from a couple of sick days, and he was super supportive. And he thanked me again for saying I would do the Friday. Apparently he knows he can trust me the most. Then my return to work sick thing was finished at 4.45, so he let me go early without taking flexi. Yaaaaaa. (this nearly NEVER happens in my place we're all very by the book)


*happy dance*


Having a good boss makes life a lot easier.

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I'm back!


The past five days have been amazing. First week at the university.

I met soooo many people and almost all of them are really awesome.

Four nights and I only got 12 hours of sleep in total. :D


I feel great :)

The last week might've been the best week I've ever had. : peace:

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I'm back!


The past five days have been amazing. First week at the university.

I met soooo many people and almost all of them are really awesome.

Four nights and I only got 12 hours of sleep in total. :D


I feel great :)

The last week might've been the best week I've ever had. : peace:


Aww freshers week, I do miss that!


Today has been gooood, went shopping, mate came and we went for sushi. I also sold my xbox and got quite a bit for it, so that's more money sorted for Thailand next week.



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We're just having our bathroom fitted and the new toilet is pretty God damn special. Worthy of a review in fact.


The first thing I noticed about the gleaming pile of porcelain perfection was it's blinding sheen. It shone with the intensity of an orgy at a baby oil factory, complete with the same level of sexyness. Wondering to myself "I wonder if it's all form over function", I approached the throne with reservations. Fortunately these reservations were gone as soon as my pearly white hip pillows hit the glamorous arse-space. It held me firmly, but with a certain gentleness too, as if it was saying "I know this is a sensitive time for you bro, but I got you. I got you..."


Feeling totally at ease, I unleashed the dirty typhoon. Despite the initial impressions of gentleness, the pearly Goliath held it's composure throughout. Not a creak or groan was heard. And the acoustics, oh God the acoustics. It had all the fidelity of a studio recording, but with just a hint of echo to remind you it's live. It was like shitting in HD. Marvelous. I would have given a standing ovation were it not for my now rusty ring.


Wipe ergonomics was adequate. Like a good friend, the toilet knew when it was time to back off and let me do my thing.


There was a moment of disappointment when the first flush failed to deliver the goods and I was left staring at my slimy shame. But the toilet was like "Nah bro, I'm not even started yet. Check this shit out" and before I could say "terracotta turd tentacle" he was restocked and ready for round two. With a God almighty "Floosh Ro Dah!" the doo-devil was gone.


Once the ordeal was over, the toilet just sat there majestically, almost arrogantly in the face of what had just happened. The turd was a bitch and the toilet just spanked it.


I am tempted to film that, and voice over it with an American accent. That post is a work of art.


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Why did I watch that video? I knew what was coming! Well done on the American accent though!


We had a housewarming/ Dan's birthday party last night. I cooked 2 curries which went down really well, plus we were invited to another wedding, yay!


Bad stuff- I'm hungover and the house is a tip. At least Dan offered to wash up!

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Ran my very first half marathon this morning. Finished in 1:47:23.


Not bad if I say so myself. Although it did make my nipples bleed.


EDIT: My parents came to the finish line. My mum said my Dad was in tears when I crossed the line. Not sure how exaggerated that is.

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