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Brighton is fantastic. Claire and I are going there for our 7 year anniversary this (March) ~next~ month. I love it not only because, (for the reasons you guys probably love it) that its just a unique, fantastic and charming city, but also because;


- Its got delicious food shops (ben cookies, amazing ice cream parlours) etc

- Its got a casino

- Its got amusements (which Claire and I both love because we're tacky)

- Its got rides

- Its got a comic shop

- Its got a LEGO shop.


We are staying at The Grand. o_________0



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Today I slept in until 1.30pm :D having had about 3.5hrs sleep over the previous 48hrs... the night before last I had something like 25mins! :p


This was to get two Uni assignments done (one of which was a crazy mental ammount of work), which were set for the same day.


I made an absolutely fucking kick ass physical model for part of one of my projects, which I spent too much time (about a week) and money (honestly I don't want to know how much I spent) on... but it was worth it! It went down SO well with tutors/fellow students. Felt really pleased!


Still feeling tired/wierd, but it's so nice to now have a few days of nothing.


I feel kinda lost today, everything feels really strange... like turning the computer on and not having to go straight into photoshop, or actually being able to sit down and actually allowing myself to turn on the 3DS! One of these projects has been ruling my life for weeks now, so it's nice it's done!

Edited by Retro_Link
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Brighton is fantastic. Claire and I are going there for our 7 year anniversary this (March) ~next~ month. I love it not only because, (for the reasons you guys probably love it) that its just a unique, fantastic and charming city, but also because;


- Its got delicious food shops (ben cookies, amazing ice cream parlours) etc

- Its got a casino

- Its got amusements (which Claire and I both love because we're tacky)

- Its got rides

- Its got a comic shop

- Its got a LEGO shop.


We are staying at The Grand. o_________0




SEVEN TIMES you made the same grammatic mistake in this post. And I had such high hopes for you.

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Brighton is fantastic. Claire and I are going there for our 7 year anniversary this (March) ~next~ month. I love it not only because, (for the reasons you guys probably love it) that its just a unique, fantastic and charming city, but also because;


- Its got delicious food shops (ben cookies, amazing ice cream parlours) etc

- Its got a casino

- Its got amusements (which Claire and I both love because we're tacky)

- Its got rides

- Its got a comic shop

- Its got a LEGO shop.


We are staying at The Grand. o_________0




Oh yes ALL the shops. I'm going there purely to shop. The comic shop/graphic novel boutique was perfect. Just perfect. The STUNNING 'vintage magazine' shop that looked like a pickwicks esque shithole but actually had my favourite images on postcards/posters.

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Brighton is my second home. Well... third home. Or forth. IT'S IMPORTANT TO ME ALRIGHT?


It's where I'm totes gonna live with my boyfriend after uni like the massive whoopsie that I am. (Though I really don't enjoy "pride" or any of that.)


Aaanyway, the other week I so an amazing play called Sex With A Stranger, by the writer of Him & Her and starring it's star, Russell Tovey.


Russell Tovey is a proper hero of mine. He helped me come out and I've always looked up to him and appreciated his work. And I got to meet him! He was the nicest guy ever and he was really encouraging.


And now I'm starring in my own play! It's three nights in April in Kingston/Tolsworthy area and it's called The Road Less Travelled so if anyone wants to see me being a twat on stage then come along! The rehearsals are going really well!

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All of this talk of Brightonia makes me happy. I miss that place. :heart:


I've had a good few weeks in work. My topic with the kids is Ancient Greece, so we had two days where the kids dressed up in Greek clothing. They were given materials and made their own clothes out of it, learning how to sew in the process. Then, we spent time making weapons and shields out of cardboard and decorated them.


On the Wednesday last week, we made Greek Salads and homemade ice cream, which both tasted fucking deluxe. On Thursday, WEAPONS TRAINING and obstacle courses. We trained as Spartans and learned about the Battle of Thermopylae. It was amazing. We took some photos to go into their books and will be used for display on the open morning.


Then, our class assembly which we did recently got put onto the school website, as the headteacher loved it. To round it off, I had a lesson observed yesterday by one of the Governors, who came in and watched a Science lesson based around the Archimedes Principle/Theory (water displacement, so we did lessons on volume) and I got awesome feedback from that apparently. Deputy Head said the Governor was really happy with what she saw.


Oh yeah! :yay:

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My topic with the kids is Ancient Greece


(Loosely) speaking of; we were discussing how the landlady's stuff is all old and shit and needs replacing so I said I'd get @Daft to come round, smash all the crockery and just say "Meh I'm Greek, it's what we do". Flawless plan, clearly.


Anyway we made cupcakes! Said I'll take one in for a colleague as she's allergic to everything and these are safe, plus it's her birthday on Saturday, but they have lots of icing on and I cycle. Trying to figure out the logistics...


Made a video of myself earlier (recording of a screen with my voice over). I'll be immortalised at work! Now I want a statue of me in the hallway holding a musket and staring down danger.

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Email I recieved from the people I help with some research

I am looking for Males 16 - 39 years who own and play at least 5hrs a week either a PS3 or XBox 360, who play FPS regularly and like games like Modern Warfare 3, Halo, Combat Evolved, Battlefield 3, Crysis 2, for 10 x 2 hour sessions in at Crytek UK, to help trial a new game, but must be able to attend all the dates below:


Wed 14th March, Wed 21st March, Wed 28th March, Wed 4th April, Wed 11th April = £175.00


Wed 6th June, Wed 13th June, Wed 20th June, Wed 27th, June Wed 4th June = £175.00


Pizza and refreshments will be served each session


Only if attended all sessions, at the end of each bank of 5, you will be paid a £175.00 cheque




Needless to say I replied saying I'd do it straight away.

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(Loosely) speaking of; we were discussing how the landlady's stuff is all old and shit and needs replacing so I said I'd get @Daft to come round, smash all the crockery and just say "Meh I'm Greek, it's what we do". Flawless plan, clearly.


OMG, I'm not Greek. I'm a Londoner.

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Finished my first draft of my dissertation :yay: Did consider getting up and jump for joy but the already rather loud utterance of "YES!" drew too much attention in the library so I'll stow it for now :heh: All I need to do is go over it and tidy things a little and then it's set for handing in.


So happy with what I've written though. Was majorly on the ball this morning after spending last night reading over some papers so sat down and pretty much nailed it with a good explanation of my results and a strong argument for the proposal of a new model of language. Probably get told it's all nonsense when I get feedback on it but I feel I've done well with it.

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I can totally imagine a wild eyed Daft smashing crockery to the sound of a remix of Prodigy's Smack My Bitch Up, with the lyrics substituted for Smash My Shit Up.


Somebody make this happen.


I was thinking more of an apathetic "meh I'm smashing your shit up, what you gonna do?"


I finally opened my Keepon! So much fun!

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I finally finished an assignment due today that I've been working on all night because I was a lazy bastard who didn't get started in proper time. The quality of the finished product made me consider putting this in the bad stuff thread, but it's not graded, and I'm just so darn glad to be done with it, so in here it went. :heh:

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As mentioned in the moving house thread, we put our house on the market last night, well we've already got interest.


getting our first viewing this afternoon at 4:30. w00t! Just hope there's alot of interest in it, and the turn around is quick.

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