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Someone at work has said that me and him are going to have a "falling out" soon (he didn't say this to me, he said it to someone else), due to me "barking orders" at him.


I'm sure you were just doing your job and from what I hear - from you posting - you're rather good at it so maybe this other guy just needs to learn his place, you've been working at that place a good while now I believe? So you got to where you are through hard work... anyway I'm sure what he calls 'barking orders' is actually you asking 'politely but firmly' as you've always come across as being a decent guy to me.


He's probably just jealous of your success. :smile:

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Note that I posted it in the good stuff thread. I simply found the situation funny.


Simply: He's already fallen out with everyone else, I jokingly suggested he should do something, and it's technically part of my job to tell people what to do anyway.

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Note that I posted it in the good stuff thread. I simply found the situation funny.


Simply: He's already fallen out with everyone else, I jokingly suggested he should do something, and it's technically part of my job to tell people what to do anyway.


I figured as much, work can be funny sometimes :D but I guess it's things like that which can help to pass the time...



... still though, the guy does sound like he's just deliberately awkward but so long as it's more 'amusing' rather than 'annoyance' then I guess it's not so bad. :)

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My parents just booked their hotel and the tickets for the train for when they help me move to Bournemouth. So now the date is set and it feels that bit more real. And I realise I have a looooooot of things left to do/pack before I'm ready heh.


Hopefully 25 days will be enough to get myself (emotionally) ready for the move. =P

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My parents just booked their hotel and the tickets for the train for when they help me move to Bournemouth. So now the date is set and it feels that bit more real. And I realise I have a looooooot of things left to do/pack before I'm ready heh.


Hopefully 25 days will be enough to get myself (emotionally) ready for the move. =P


You're moving to Bournemouth? I used to live there! Where abouts? I had digs near Boscome, then Parkstone and then Westbourne, so i know the place quite well!

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You're moving to Bournemouth? I used to live there! Where abouts? I had digs near Boscome, then Parkstone and then Westbourne, so i know the place quite well!


Jim and I are renting a flat in Westbourne. We can walk right into the Upper Gardens as it goes past the back of our flat. Jim is already there and he says it seems like a great area. Seemed really nice and quiet when I was there. =)

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An Image


I'm impressed I managed to get the detail of the craters etc. My old camera wouldn't even get that.


£2k camera totally worth it...*




*In my/the camera's defence: The picture was taken with the most inappropriate lens for the job. It's also the only lens I actually own for the thing.

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Yeah, its funny/cool/weird, Jake (my buddy) came around and him, Claire and I all commented on the epickness of the moon.


I was like "It's like that video I did a couple of years ago".


Turns out that was the Tuesday nearest in Feb too, so like...exactly three years ago! Cool huh. (Give it a second to get into focus)


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You're moving to Bournemouth? I used to live there! Where abouts? I had digs near Boscome, then Parkstone and then Westbourne, so i know the place quite well!


The house is in Westbourne, just after the the part where Prince of Wales Road and Surrey Road meet. It's only a few mins away from the shops, heh.

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Thank you for enhancing Richard Scudamore's idea for game 39..


So if you're precious hockey teams came over for a match in England you wouldn't go? On the basis that you would be risking the possibility of one football game a season for two teams being played abroad to enhance the audience of that sport?



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Went to Disney Land Paris on Friday and got home Yesterday.


Fucking awesome long weekend. The place was dead, longest queue was for Crush's Coaster which was 20 minutes.


Walked onto the 'big' rides with minimal waiting time.


On the Sunday we went to Buffalo Bills, I got called up and took part in the shooting event in the middle of the arena in front of people. Was a good laugh, was in the Red team, the guy who grabbed me started speaking in French, I then said I was English... and then in an English accent he Goes... "Alright Mate, my names Alex, from Manchester... what bout you.."


made me chuckle for some reason.


Unfortunately the tour ride thing wasn't on all weekend, but other than that had incredible luck with the rides.


we walked to Indiana Jones at about 10am and there was a rope across it so we assumed it was closed, then as we turned round the lady shouted "Excuse me, we're just opening!" so got first on that ride.



Also the hotel rooms had ESPN America, so on the Sunday night my friend and I watched the Super Bowl in one room, while the girls slept in the other. We were pretty knackered on the Monday but worth it.


Incredibly cold weekend though. Fountains and lakes frozen over.

All in all... awesome weekend.


Me & Heather - photo1yxw.jpg


Me (on the right in black) before my shooting attempt -



Looks like i'm riding an invisible horse -



This was meant to be flowing water - photo2il.jpg




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Jim and I are renting a flat in Westbourne. We can walk right into the Upper Gardens as it goes past the back of our flat. Jim is already there and he says it seems like a great area. Seemed really nice and quiet when I was there. =)


The house is in Westbourne, just after the the part where Prince of Wales Road and Surrey Road meet. It's only a few mins away from the shops, heh.


I know it well. That's cool. Westbourne is a really nice area. It was really shook up a few years ago when some teens killed the resident Marks & Sparks hobo, but it made literally everybody in the area pay tribute to him as literally everybody had chatted to and remembered him. That's community spirit for you!


Oh, and if you like curry, there's an amazing curry place called Westbourne Tandoori. I often visit my girlfriend's familly down there, and that is always our choice of restaurant!

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