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Girlfriend was in the newspaper today, absolute LOL at the one of the 'princess' line in it.




It's to do with a volunteering thing she's doing for a few months as of january. If anyone of you has a spare minute to donate even a quid or so, hit that link and the details are on there. It all goes to a good cause.


On an unrelated note, it looks like I'm going to finish my lab report (due in for Friday) really early (hopefully by tomorrow morning) so I can go out tomorrow night :D Being organised has finally paid off.


You live in Cradley/Halesowen? Small world. Will be heading back there next week.

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You live in Cradley/Halesowen? Small world. Will be heading back there next week.


I don't actually live there, she does though. I stay there every couple of weekends as I'm currently in Nottingham, not too far. Still, seriously small world it has to be said. I've got a lot of family in Birmingham so know those areas kinda well.

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That's pretty creepy, although after working at Jagex, I know find things like that don't bother me..sigh.


Anyway, I am back at the parents house, they decorated and put all the Christmas decorations up and we're going to Manchester Christmas market on Satuday. Excited!


Then I go back to work for 3 days and come back again, a rare opportunity. :D

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Came into Uni to do some work and finished it within 20 minutes. All done for the semester then :D Also told my dissertation supervisor that I'm unhappy about the way he's conducted himself in making changes to my dissertation materials this late in the semester considering he's been of very little help on that front.


And now I'm just waiting for others to turn up so I can go to the pub to celebrate the end of another semester :santa:

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That's horrible.


You're a horrid person Goafer.


If that's even your real name.


That's pretty creepy, although after working at Jagex, I know find things like that don't bother me..sigh.


I can understand Wesley being surprised, but you've met me. You know what I'm like.





One of our photography managers got me in the secret Santa. He's been helping me with my photography over the past few months and we also did the cycle tour of London as well. He's generally awesome. He got me a Polaroid camera.



Edited by Goafer
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Ohmygod jelly!


I really want one, but I can't find one in my price range.


Everyone opened theirs at the party, but mine was left in the staff room. The photography manager advised me to take it home instead of opening it at the party. This started a load of messing about of him denying it was him that bought it and me trying to trick him into admitting it was him and trying to find out what it was.


The best bit was when I figured out it was a camera or camera accessory, I asked if he had gone over the £5 limit. He said something like "whatever I ended up getting for whoever, I felt it was worth it to spend a little over £5." D'awww!




Good stuff: Just got back from the opticians with a whole bunch of contact lenses. They had an offer of a free eye test in December and the contacts are a free trial. Didn't have to pay a penny for 15 pairs, an eye test and a case for my glasses (as I had to wear the contacts out of the shop). Free shit is awesome.



Last nights Christmas party was pretty good too. My friend who is the most laid back person ever, looks like Prince and wears slippers to work, wore a full (fake) fur coat and fedora hat. He looked like an old school pimp. It was amazing. We also managed to get cake on the ceiling of the venue entirely by accident. It wasn't a low ceiling either. It was amazing. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

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Indeed. Not really looking forward to going back (outside of festivities). All my friends are married with kids and there's only so many times I can go to Merry Hill!


What? But we're going to hang out and have loads of fun! I can't wait to get back!

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What? But we're going to hang out and have loads of fun! I can't wait to get back!


This is pretty much the only social outing I'll have though! Hopefully my other friend will pull through but its more difficult now as he lives in Bromsgrove and had his license suspended. Want to try and do something next Saturday but I know it won't happen.


In other news went to Winter Wonderland today. Just walked through it really but it was nice and festive and got some fun/silly photos :D

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Last night was brilliant. Went out for drinks with a girl from my cognitive neuroscience/visual cognition classes to celebrate handing in one of the worst essays we'd been given ever. Thought it'd be a little awkward as it was only the two of us (as we were hanging about Uni finishing things up through the day and no one was anywhere to be seen) but it turned out to be great fun. Loads of laughs, drinks and talking about music and such. Was great finding out we're on the same page about so many things.


Definitely a much deserved night out after the semester I've had at Uni. Just a shame everyone has gone home for xmas :(

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That reminds me... I was getting a mug the other day to make a cuppa not realising there was another mug on top which fell and landed completely upright on the side...



... it surprised me because I was expecting it to land on its handle and break.



Again nothing Goafer level - or even heroicjanitor level - but still, a small unintentional victory of sorts for 'mugkind'. :p

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Buried my grandfather today, it was a lovely service. His brother told us about his short-lived boxing career - the best boxer Eton had ever produced he went to box for Oxford but got his nose broke sparring with a guy who was going for the Welterweight British Empire title. Two days later he was boxing for qualification in Oxford/Cambridge championships and his jaw was broken in the fight - he still won but couldn't compete in the championship with a broken jaw. He was also a guard at the Nuremberg trials, survived 2 massive heart attacks in his 30s & 50s, founded a cathedral in old Rhodesia, published several books and accidentally won the national Anglican golf tournament, among other things. My grandfather was sort of awesome.


Back home now, just found out I'm getting £1100 back from the tax man due to overpayment over the last 2 years. Merry Xmas to me.

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