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Back earlier today from a nice 4-day trip to the Isle of Wight with my lady and a couple of friends. Saw 90% of the island and generally had a good time. Lack Of Money hindered it a fair bit, mind you... You really can't holiday cheap anywhere. Especially the Isle of Wight, where they seem to survive on gift shops.


Won a pub quiz though! And saw TWO black people there!

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Had a flat warming party last night. Had a great time, a good bunch of people came, got very drunk, and hooked up with a redonkulously fit girl. All in all very successful.


Now just to pluck up the courage to mop the floor instead of having to peel my shoes off it with every step...

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Had a flat warming party last night. Had a great time, a good bunch of people came, got very drunk, and hooked up with a redonkulously fit girl. All in all very successful.


Good man! Where are you living these days?



It was you who was in Murano last year, wasn't it?...

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The last few days have been topsy fucking turvy at work. I've been getting to know the kids and the parents of my new class, with one parent sticking out in particular because she says that her child is struggling to do the homework at home. She explicitly said that her kid takes about an hour to settle down to even start to do the homework...well...not my problem really, but I spent a good hour after school on two occasions over the last two weeks, including lots of 15 minute sessions after school where I spoke to the parent and offered advice.


Not only that, but I spent quite a bit of time helping the parent with some of the maths work herself...using a numberline on a whiteboard. Teaching the parent. Yes. So, I thought to myself "ah, you've done a good job there, obviously helping the parent and kid out."


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So, I photocopied a homework sheet for the parent in question today and created a little box at the top which tells the parent exactly what to do, tells her exactly how long to spend on it and explained this to the parent in question. She seemed a bit taken a-back, but I thought "FUCKKKKKKK YOOOOOU! you asked for this. :heh:"


In other good stuff, one of my teacher friends at the school had to go to an important meeting yesterday, so I had her class for two of my free periods. I thought "hmm, what to do?" So, we ended up going to the music room and I showed off some drum skills. I let them have a go as well and taught them how to do some cool shit. They all seemed to love it and I later ended up going back in again at break-time and lunch-time with some of them. The new Deputy Headteacher walked past the room as well and said it was pretty awesome what I was doing.

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Just got back from seeing Hayseed Dixie at the Roadmender in Northampton. Fucking ace. I have never seen a group of people have so much fun on stage. Some highlights:


Guitar daisy chain. 4 guys in a line, 4 guitars, each guy strumming his own guitar whilst playing the neck of the guitar in front. Crazy stuff.


The singer singling out a woman in the crowd, calling her beautiful and dedicating the next song to her. The song was called "I wish I was you so I could fuck me".


Their cover of Bohemian Rhapsody.


"This next song is about having an affair. Who here is having an affair?"

*Couple of guys cheer*

*Immediate silence*


Ending with Dueling Banjos.



And I still think this version is significantly better than the original:







Edit: Also, the amazing Mike Willis who supported them. Got to meet him after the show to get a CD from him. They were free, but I gave him some money for it anyway (he said he was taking donations, not sure if he was serious or not). He was incredible.


Edited by Goafer
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Good man! Where are you living these days?



It was you who was in Murano last year, wasn't it?...


Yeah man. I'm now in a flat just off Woodlands Road, down from the Old Schoolhouse? I dunno if you know the pub "Dram!", its just above that. We should totally get together for a pint at some point dude.

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The last few days have been topsy fucking turvy at work. I've been getting to know the kids and the parents of my new class, with one parent sticking out in particular because she says that her child is struggling to do the homework at home. She explicitly said that her kid takes about an hour to settle down to even start to do the homework...well...not my problem really, but I spent a good hour after school on two occasions over the last two weeks, including lots of 15 minute sessions after school where I spoke to the parent and offered advice.


Not only that, but I spent quite a bit of time helping the parent with some of the maths work herself...using a numberline on a whiteboard. Teaching the parent. Yes. So, I thought to myself "ah, you've done a good job there, obviously helping the parent and kid out."


Go To Bad Stuff Thread


So, I photocopied a homework sheet for the parent in question today and created a little box at the top which tells the parent exactly what to do, tells her exactly how long to spend on it and explained this to the parent in question. She seemed a bit taken a-back, but I thought "FUCKKKKKKK YOOOOOU! you asked for this. :heh:"


In other good stuff, one of my teacher friends at the school had to go to an important meeting yesterday, so I had her class for two of my free periods. I thought "hmm, what to do?" So, we ended up going to the music room and I showed off some drum skills. I let them have a go as well and taught them how to do some cool shit. They all seemed to love it and I later ended up going back in again at break-time and lunch-time with some of them. The new Deputy Headteacher walked past the room as well and said it was pretty awesome what I was doing.


Maybe you should start teaching Music :D


At the bit with the drums all I was thinking was "wish I had a teacher like Flink".... though then again we didn't even have a music room either so :heh:

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I've been helping out in the Visual Marketing department (design work basically). I'd sort of been told that I might be moving through there eventually. My work place being as it is, I only ever took the potential movement as an empty gesture that might happen some time if I get really lucky and probably would have to sleep with a manager.


But apparently I'll be a graphic designer after Christmas. My boss and her boss (who is also my boss sort of) were talking to me about it and they said that it would be next summer. The senior of the two said maybe Christmas time, then my boss sort of told him to shut up. It was sort of as if she didn't want to make that promise yet or didn't want me to go that soon or something. It was a bit odd.


I was talking to the senior designer and he asked if I knew what was happening with me and VM. I said I hear a few things, but never really take any of them seriously. He told me that VM have been promised me for just after Christmas. The head of VM is the sort of person that's quite stubborn when he's been promised something.


So yeah, I'll be a graphic designer in a couple of months. Good job too, I was getting a bit sick of my old job. Although I will miss the powah of basically being in charge of my own department (Currently a senior lab technician). Pretty much going from being a big fish in a small pond to being a small fish in a big pond. The lab has always been a bottom rung job though. It's bitch work basically. If the company wants lab staff to work evenings/weekends we kind of have to.

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You being a fish in a pond explains your phone being broken. [ /Just joking, but do text back] :p


Congrats dude,...is it a pay increase rise?


Oh cock, I knew I was meant to do something. I'll PM back.




Not sure on the pay rise. We get paid by the hour in the lab, whereas VM are on a salary. Due to the mental hours we work in the lab (the current record is over 80 hours in a week) it will probably work out less money in VM, but it depends on what the VM salary is.


The main perk of the VM job is that there will be no overtime as VM get time off in lieu instead of overtime pay. They don't have time to take the holidays they do have, so time in lieu is pointless so they refuse to do overtime.

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Oh win. Is it still restrictive on when you can take holiday/i.e. forcing you to take stuff in School Holidays?


Don't think so. In the lab it's very seasonal. Portrait season runs from the summer holidays to the Christmas holiday. Freestyle season runs from Christmas to summer. Each season starts off slow, then gets mental busy in the second half.


VM isn't really seasonal. It's a sort of medium busy all the time, so holidays can pretty much be taken any time of the year. As far as I can tell, you do have to run it by the other people in the department though. There's only 3 people in VM so it's more of a courtesy thing really. The good thing is, the person in charge of VM (who is also my boss in the lab) has no idea how the VM department works as she's only just been put in charge of it, so if the people in VM say something (ie if holiday is ok), she almost always agrees.

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Signed off on yet another business idea today. That's my current tally of businesses I either own or run jointly to 4 with 2 other self employed jobs on the side. In a few months time, if all goes to plan, I should be raking in the cash! Got a meeting with my accountant on Tuesday who's going to advise me the best way to run them all for tax purposes (most likely a limited company to the effect of 'Charlie Trading Ltd' as an umbrella organisation and then everything underneath it as a branch). It means that money can be moved between them all very easily and there's only one tax return to do.

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Eurogamer swag:


Saints Row 3 aviators and bobble head

Sonic pin


Uncharted 3 t-shirt

Zelda ocarina

On Live system


Yay for freebies! Games were also present, as was Tom (our former EIC). He says hi!


I want the ocarina and the pin (I collect them!)


Had a lovely day at one of my best friends' wedding. Such a great couple.

Going to a roller disco birthday party tomorrow, then back up to London to start uni for my final year!


Life is hectic!

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