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Not that I get anything from all this, but still, exposure. =P

Haha, it's like when someone asks you to do some work for their website and when you ask them how much they're paying, they say that they're not paying you but this is totally free exposure for you. In fact, you should be glad that they're not asking you to pay them, because this is sure to lead to a ton of work for you in the future. :p


Well, I guess this isn't quite the same thing.


Your drawing is the nicest one in that screengrab, anyway. I'm not sure who picked that awful monkey picture. Hopefully not the same person.

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First day back at Uni after what seems like an eternity. Happy to be back and learning about things I'm genuinely interested in, such as the neural network stuff we were covering today. Looking forward to this year.


Also, new season of How I Met Your Mother premieres tonight. Well... at least in the US but that won't stop me from watching. Majorly excited for this season :bouncy:

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Yay I'm doing some work on Sunday! Monies!

Though it's only the one afternoon, so not much monies haha. But still, better than nothing I guess. =P



It can help pay for my trip to Spain, which is soon! Though nothing has been planned yet. We don't even really know yet if we're going by plane or car. They better hurry up with their planning haha.


But will be nice to have a break for a while, no internet and all that. Gonna take my art stuff with me to try and get the creative juices flowing again. =)

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More on the super bee and love triangles at work please nighty!


Super bee - We went to eat in the park near us as Cambridge has so many, someone managed to get a huge queen bee (I mean pretty bloody big compared to the size of a queen bee) on their backpack and it followed us into the office up two flights of stairs, so we had to get rid of it, hence super bee.


Love triangle, few guys have been asking me out on dates, some from my old job and some from my new one. Crazy! I have done nothing to entice all this except politely declining.

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My last few days have been great. I love the BBC. I really want to work there.


Monday I was introduced to everything, did loads of training, which will look GREAT on my CV, sat in on the production gallery for the lunchtime and evening news, experienced the media library and hub, where video is distributed and collected from all around the country. Helped with a bit of editing as well and attended all the essential team meetings.


Yesterday was a less eventful day, but still valuable. More training on production safety in the morning, plus working with the graphics team and the planning team gathering the news agenda and setting up pieces for the next day (today)'s news. Main presenter of the evening programme introduced herself to me and got me a cup of tea :) Spent the afternoon with the production team for the evening show, dealing with a breaking story of a gas leak in the maternity ward at Winchester Hospital. Helped them out with gathering information, but the most useful thing really was experiencing how they work as a team and how the story is put together.


Today I was on the early shift, shadowing the morning/lunchtime presenter. So hectic, but I enjoyed it so much. Felt the most useful so far today. Watching a programme go out live despite hurdles (like the main BBC breakfast programme throwing over to regional 8 mins earlier than expected) is very satisfying. Had breakfast with several journalists plus the presenter of the Radio Solent breakfast show, very nice guy. More video editing, scripting, headline writing, and I got to sit in the studio for today's programmes, with a talkback set so I could hear what was going on in the gallery as well.


Sad that I only have one more day left (on the late shift), but I have another day at christmas to look forward to, plus I'm doing more TV for my degree this year. One of the most useful few days of my journalistic journey so far.

I definitely want to be doing something like this as a career.

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My last few days have been great. I love the BBC. I really want to work there.


Monday I was introduced to everything, did loads of training, which will look GREAT on my CV, sat in on the production gallery for the lunchtime and evening news, experienced the media library and hub, where video is distributed and collected from all around the country. Helped with a bit of editing as well and attended all the essential team meetings.


Yesterday was a less eventful day, but still valuable. More training on production safety in the morning, plus working with the graphics team and the planning team gathering the news agenda and setting up pieces for the next day (today)'s news. Main presenter of the evening programme introduced herself to me and got me a cup of tea :) Spent the afternoon with the production team for the evening show, dealing with a breaking story of a gas leak in the maternity ward at Winchester Hospital. Helped them out with gathering information, but the most useful thing really was experiencing how they work as a team and how the story is put together.


Today I was on the early shift, shadowing the morning/lunchtime presenter. So hectic, but I enjoyed it so much. Felt the most useful so far today. Watching a programme go out live despite hurdles (like the main BBC breakfast programme throwing over to regional 8 mins earlier than expected) is very satisfying. Had breakfast with several journalists plus the presenter of the Radio Solent breakfast show, very nice guy. More video editing, scripting, headline writing, and I got to sit in the studio for today's programmes, with a talkback set so I could hear what was going on in the gallery as well.


Sad that I only have one more day left (on the late shift), but I have another day at christmas to look forward to, plus I'm doing more TV for my degree this year. One of the most useful few days of my journalistic journey so far.

I definitely want to be doing something like this as a career.


That does sound good!

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You may remember that 10 days ago eBay found in favour of the guy who bought my Mac Mini and then claimed it "broke" (after he had used it).


Since then he should have sent it back to me, with a refund then going to him automatically...


10 days later and I had heard nothing.


After phoning up eBay and asking them to get in touch with eBay US (for some reason the US resolution centre was dealing with it - I think he went through the USA site the prick) they got back to me.


They said the buyer didn't get back in touch with them and so the item won't be returned and the buyer won't be issued a refund - my account is now fine.




I'm assuming the prick thought he could somehow get the refund straight away and keep the item (it does happen in some cases if you sold the item that wasn't "as described").


He actually listed it as "not as described" rather than it being faulty... so he was probably after that angle.




I now have my £340!

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Yes, glad you got your money Wesley! =D



I actually did one of my first commissions, whoo! Had to draw a llama for someone haha. Took me maaaaany hours and lots of redrawing (which I'm not really getting paid enough for), but it's done! Now just to wait for my money. =P

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