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I thought I was fairly comfortable at 16 miles. I think the gradual slow down and stopping to swig the lucozade did me.


I managed to run like an absolute melt for the last 200m. I've walked that distance quicker than I was moving, but I was determined to cross that line running.

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Yeah, I thought I was quite comfortable until that point, I'd slowed down a bit from the start but still running constantly up to that point, I think once you've walked a bit it's harder to get going again! After that I think I was probably doing 8 mins run to 2 minutes walk.


The final straight was just the best. I overtook so many people on that part! Would love to do it again and get a sub 4 hour time, the problem is actually getting a place in the ballot! Never got quite enough training in because I was in my final term of uni and had a lot of work to do - had to hobble down to uni to hand in my final project the following morning!


Such an emotional experience that I'd recommend to anyone.

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Would love to do it again and get a sub 4 hour time, the problem is actually getting a place in the ballot!


Yeah it goes so bloody quickly.


I cycled to work today for the first time since September (combination of knee injury, sicknesses and laziness). Feels good man!


Although the shower lights weren't working. Felt less good.

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Finally got my broadband sorted!


BT and Openreach did nothing to help,


I arrange for someone to lay a cable over the roof. I arranged for someone else to switch this cable out with a BT cable, install a new telephone socket and connect this cable to the cabinet.


BT then came out and turned it on and tried to take all the credit. Apart from the guy who actually came to my flat I've been sure not to actually thank them for 'fixing' it at all because they do not deserve it. The guy who connected it yesterday deserves thanks because he did his job. I deserve thanks for PM'ing the whole situation. The 2 guys who came out to help me (non-BT people) deserve thanks for doing their job. Case manager at BT does not because he did nothing and didn't even arrange the engineer appointment for me, he actually made it more difficult.

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Finally got my broadband sorted!


BT and Openreach did nothing to help,


I arrange for someone to lay a cable over the roof. I arranged for someone else to switch this cable out with a BT cable, install a new telephone socket and connect this cable to the cabinet.


BT then came out and turned it on and tried to take all the credit. Apart from the guy who actually came to my flat I've been sure not to actually thank them for 'fixing' it at all because they do not deserve it. The guy who connected it yesterday deserves thanks because he did his job. I deserve thanks for PM'ing the whole situation. The 2 guys who came out to help me (non-BT people) deserve thanks for doing their job. Case manager at BT does not because he did nothing and didn't even arrange the engineer appointment for me, he actually made it more difficult.


Congrats on the end to your ordeal. :heh: Sounds like it has been a nightmare, hopefully the service runs as well for you now as it does for me.

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Finally got my broadband sorted!


BT and Openreach did nothing to help,


I arrange for someone to lay a cable over the roof. I arranged for someone else to switch this cable out with a BT cable, install a new telephone socket and connect this cable to the cabinet.


BT then came out and turned it on and tried to take all the credit. Apart from the guy who actually came to my flat I've been sure not to actually thank them for 'fixing' it at all because they do not deserve it. The guy who connected it yesterday deserves thanks because he did his job. I deserve thanks for PM'ing the whole situation. The 2 guys who came out to help me (non-BT people) deserve thanks for doing their job. Case manager at BT does not because he did nothing and didn't even arrange the engineer appointment for me, he actually made it more difficult.




What an ordeal! That would have driven me over the edge.

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What an ordeal! That would have driven me over the edge.


It took 4 weeks exactly from when the service was supposed to go live to when I actually got connected for the first time. In that time they've taken £85 from me for a service they haven't provided (installation fees, delivery fees + the actual package). As this package was cancelled I should be getting a refund but we'll see.


This will be the next issue I have with them. Right now it's on me because I haven't posted back the router and YouView box yet. The mailing bag arrived on Wednesday and I haven't had a chance.

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Couple of things.


1. My car is getting scrap. Thats usually bad news (and given it's my first car, it kinda is) but the car is worth about £1000 maybe £1500. As it was classed as written off it was going to be even less. But the third party offered me £2000 for the car! Yipee!


2. I bought a new car :D parents gave me a loan (rather than a bank) so I now owe them a huuuuuuge amount of money, but I now own a dark grey 2015 seat toca aka taco. :)


After the last five months it's good to finally own something different that's not going to fall apart (and is protected if it does!)

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A 2k scrap and a brand new car. Nice!


I went to look at a 13 plate Yamaha YBR 125 this weekend... think I'm gonna get it....


I've been very, very fortunate. There's no way my car is worth £2000. But I'm not going to say anything. ssssh.

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Somehow managed to get 20+ people leaves the cinema because of me haha. The staff had to stop the film about 10 mins in so they can go back at the start and enables the subtitles on as it was supposed to be a subtitled screening and they complained! Why go to this particular screen meant for Deaf and Hard of Hearing viewers if you don't want to see the subtitles?


Fuckin' eejits!


BTW Avengers Age of Ultron was awesome!

Edited by DriftKaiser
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So far I've got the move moved forward to Tuesday. Even sooner may be possible. I've also got somewhere for my cat to go, so she's out of the way. I'll be staying at my Dad's as I don't feel like staying in my flat.

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I saw Alien Antfarm and P.O.D last night. Blast from the past. Hoobastank headlined but we didn't really care for them so went to wetherspoons and got a little drunker than anticipated.


drinking on a school night used to be okay, now...well... I feel horrendous.

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Update on my move: I'm going to my Mum's tomorrow with the cat, moving into the house on Tuesday and my stuff is moving Thursday. My step brother is sorting things form this end and the landlord is under the impression that it's going into storage so we can get the flat properly done.

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So I won a fitness competition in the shopping centre where I work. I get a free year's membership at the gym where it's open 24 hours and it has 'state-of-the-art gym equipment' with mini-TVs on each running machine, crosstrainer and rower and a whole bunch of weight machines. After that little episode today, I think it's come in handy. The gym I'm going to now has changed a little. The classes are cool but some of the people there can be a bit douchey.


I won the fitness competition by being the fastest person to complete the mini obstacle course. I had to cycle 2 metres, do 10 sit-ups, 10 jumping jacks, run through a slalom and row 100m as quick as I can. I did it in 1 minute and 4 seconds and nobody in two weeks could beat my time. I went into the gym today and it looks awesome.


Also, the cute girl who gave me the free membership actually told me that a few of the people who worked in the centre that saw my name spoke about me to her. Apparently, they said I was a complete fitness freak, that I've lost a tonne of weight and that I really deserve it. I was like "D'aaaawww, you guys!" haha

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