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good stuff thread.


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haha, Never. ;)


Come on, you could have used that post to start a 'Your Greatest Achievements in Gaming' thread, or a new 'Goldeneye memories' thread or something.


More members need to get involved with the gaming boards, and bring new members with them! :p


It's the same problem we faced with the mass thread lock back in the day, I think; people are hesitant to create new threads. I know I certainly am. I never would've thought of creating an entire thread from something like that; the idea would've felt ridiculous to me. It still does a bit, in fact, and that's strange, because it's an amazing idea, and I can't find a fault with it. For some reason there's just a small voice inside my head going: "You can't go around making a thread for every single fucking thing you do." Which is weird, because why not? If there's thread potential, why not make a thread?


The creation process of this post was interesting, because I initially just intended to reply according to that little voice in my head, but the more I thought about it, the more I realised how irrational that voice was. Quite interesting following my own thought processess ...

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Met a friend this morning to go see Light Show, which is pretty awesome. Interesting mixture of things going on, some completely disorientating while others are relaxing. Interesting how it screws with your mind somewhat.


Then went back to hers, she made me dinner and we had wine while listening to vinyls. A very relaxing Sunday.

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Hot damn I feel so much better today. Slight headache and dealing with some mucus but after a solid 9 hours good sleep I am feeling ready to rock and roll again. Maybe I can still infect someone I don't like...

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Met up with Ashley for a couple of drinks, it was alright I guess......



:p nah seriously, was good to see you, has been too long.


Second week of my work experience at the Sunday Times starts tomorrow, has been interesting so far, but hopefully they won't have me doing any more research on cannibalism fetish sites, that was a bit too much to stomach...

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That's right, I'm awesome!


Was good to see you too. Don't leave London for so long next time!


Met up with Ashley for a couple of drinks, it was alright I guess......



:p nah seriously, was good to see you, has been too long.


Second week of my work experience at the Sunday Times starts tomorrow, has been interesting so far, but hopefully they won't have me doing any more research on cannibalism fetish sites, that was a bit too much to stomach...


Shouldn't that be in green?

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Just solved a particularly tricky problem i was having in Matlab which took up half of my day yesterday.

*read: i'm a moron, it was really easy and should never have taken me half a day*


This is good stuff.

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The bald and not excessively bald and not excessively smart hamster obeyed a terrified and not excessively terrified hamster.








>> for n = 1:1000;





cheating, i know, but it was going to take up my entire day otherwise....

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I worked 5 hours overtime last night, finishing at 10.30pm, I literally had no night. Work, more work, sleep, work again.


But that was made better by this late Christmas present :D




The SNES, never owned one until yesterday. Also, love how I unintentionally captured 4 generations of Nintendo consoles here.

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Hooray, finally found a dentist who can give me an emergency appointment on Monday! I am currently missing half of my molar tooth, and I don't think waiting six weeks until my normal dentist appointment is a good idea...


One problem though, it is a private emergency appointment and I have no clue what it will cost me. I am scared. =(

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After the last few (...about 12) weekends being full of things to do and getting up early, it's been nice to have a day of opulence. Met a friend for lunch, then we went to the Italian cafe his girlfriend works at and had some cake and blood orange juice, then I met The Bard for Nandos. Also ended up walking a ridiculous amount as well today as the weather has been pleasant enough.


While at the cafe, their cats were sat outside and started fighting. Being on the edge of Shoreditch, it brought out all the hipsters:




I love that the cats are like "you disgust me, you stupid humans".

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Well back from a week away. Last weekend was in Manchester to see Yellowcard at the Ritz, was an awesome gig, right at the front with some chums, getting sweaty. Not done that at a gig in years.


Then the Saturday went to Trafford Centre (place is fucking huge!!) then off out drinking on the Saturday Night.



Got the train home Sunday, unpacked, packed more clothes then took off to London for the week to complete a MySQL Database Administration course.


Good week in London, a bit boring on my own, but plenty of football on tv, sports bar right next door, and I took my 3DS, so had some good company there :p


glad to be back though, I couldn't be arsed to pay for the wi-fi in the travellodge, and feel like i've been away from the world without Internet.

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Nice one, @Shorty :hehe:


What do you make of Kid Klown in Crazy Chase? I find it a decent wee game to play through every now and again :smile:


I only gave it a couple of goes, it was a lot of fun, very strange angles though, kinda reminded me of Sonic 3D.


I've got Super Mario World now though :D


Enquired after a boxed Chrono Trigger in my local indie games store, he reckoned the owner would want £150 for it :p And Mario All Stars (boxed but tattered) for £30. Couldn't really justify it when they're a few quid on the Virtual Console...

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Aww kitties!


I went home this weekend, its been sort of rush, rush the last few weeks and I've everything has been up in the air at work and boys, so it was nice to go home and chill out with the folks. My mum loved her mother's day gift and stuff, so I've come back to my Cambridge home and decided to relax and play Crysis 3 that I won Thursday.


Now if it'd just hurry up and download that would be great.

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While at the cafe, their cats were sat outside and started fighting. Being on the edge of Shoreditch, it brought out all the hipsters:




That group of people are there just to film two cats fighting?



Fuck, if I knew it was that sought after I would've filmed my cat scrapping and made a fortune.

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