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Noice. I think nightwolf won one (and gave it to me).


I completely forgot about that. But yes, yes I did. Because I'm awesome.


I'm back in the UK! Well I have been since Tuesday. It took a 7 hour stay in JFK, two taxi rides, a 6 hour flight (that is from 6pm til 6am with the time difference) a 3 hour car journey, two subway rides and a train. Phew!


The UK is incredibly boring right now, so I'm looking forward to my first holiday in a very long time this week and then get to my new house.



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Cats seem to have that. :) When I was little and had nightly panic attacks due to my autism, the only thing that could calm me down was our beloved cat. I've also read stories of other autists connecting with cats; it's quite intriguing how there seems to be a connection there.


Yeah definitely.. When I've had one of my brain imploding anger attacks I often find a cuddle with one of the cats just lifts it completely... :) I believe @gaggle64 is very connected to cats as well :)


Iun it's just an irishism we call everything wee even if it isn't :p

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Had a meeting with a potential supervisor for my research project and despite spending the initial half an hour trying to convey exactly what it is I'm interesting in finding out, we eventually got there and even managed to come up with a simple but sophisticated way to test it in about 5 minutes. So happy on that front as I was worried there'd be issues even setting it up, particularly with ethics approval but shouldn't have any issues now.


Just need to get the guy to sign an agreement form and then it's all go. Also means I'll get to hang around with one of his PhD students who I have a bit of a thing for :D

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... What exactly are you going to test? :heh:


Was originally hoping to look at how we create associations between information for learning by using subliminal imaging but that's changed. I'm going to be looking at the role of attention in memory consolidation and associative learning, and whether unattended information presented briefly in the periphery alongside attended information centrally on a screen can sneak into memory and can be used to create associations (e.g. the word 'house' being associated with a picture you have to name). Also going to look at how emotional arousal influences the aforementioned by having the word in the periphery relate to either positive or negative emotions.


Sounds more complex than the actual experiment suggests it is but should be very insightful for neurological stuff I want to do at a later date :D

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I had an excellent week and experienced a lot of cool things, but it's work-related and I don't think I should really be talking about it on a public Internet forum (due to confidentiality issues, not because I'm a hooker or a drug dealer or anything like that).


Today we went to a school for children with learning disabilities and helped them paint all of the rooms inside. It was fun, in a weird way!

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Met up with a friend I hadn't seen in ages (as he's been in Italy for months) tonight. Always enjoy seeing him as we bounce creative ideas off each other and it's just good for my energy.


Then as I was in the area I swung by my last work place to see if someone was around (and to get out of the rain). Turns out it was there induction event so free wine ahoy!


And capped off the evening with the paintball episodes of Community :D

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The fair city of Dublin is just so beautiful tonight. Being Arthur's day, everyone is celebrating in a jolly way.


Guys are pissing in corners everywhere I look, girls are puking all over the streets & drunken brawls are breaking out here and there and everywhere. Damn, it's so damn packed tonight. GRÁ ... <3


I'm also tearing up embarrassingly in front of housemates because of this one song by an artist called Tablo. It's so damn sad, I can't go on D:

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