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A really good idea! Maybe we should a have our own N-E Olympics here as well? Although, what events and how to execute the whole thing...?


Mario Kart, Kid Icarus, Smash Bros, Mario Stikers, GoldenEye.

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I finish work two weeks today but have next week off so I want to try and get inbox zero by the end of this week. Didn't think I was going to make it but went on a mammoth deleting/responding session and gone from 200 this morning to 70. I may make my goal!




(if not I just delete them all anyway)

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Mario Kart, Kid Icarus, Smash Bros, Mario Stikers, GoldenEye.


Indeed. The problem is, I don't have any of those games here and now : D It's a shame the WiiSports games don't have online, because they would be perfect for online Olympics...although, you could always post your scores individually as well. Same with games like Tetris...

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Some Jehova's Witnesses came to my door this morning. We had a lengthy and in-depth discussion but where it eventually ended up was the smartly-dressed young man asking if suffering could possibly be considered freedom. I asserted that it was, because without suffering there's no opportunity to learn and I described how my suffering has given me great gifts in my life, and indeed without it we wouldn't standing my door talking so amiably as we were.


They were both very polite.

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Don't worry, you'll be able to suit up properly someday!


I'd love to be able to help take down a criminal prick while suited up.


Some Jehova's Witnesses came to my door this morning. We had a lengthy and in-depth discussion but where it eventually ended up was the smartly-dressed young man asking if suffering could possibly be considered freedom. I asserted that it was, because without suffering there's no opportunity to learn and I described how my suffering has given me great gifts in my life, and indeed without it we wouldn't standing my door talking so amiably as we were.


They were both very polite.


The few I've met have been extremely polite. One reasonable short encounter with one ended with us both apologising to the other for wasting each other's time. :heh:

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Last few days update!




My friend arrived in town on Tuesday, so we decided to go to the cinema and watch Brave and Batman. The first cinema was crazy, 6 escalators to get to the cinema itself, then I had this crazy guy sit next to me when the cinema was very empty, he ended up falling asleep and laughing incredibly randomly...dick.


End up in rock cafe for my tea! It was lovely, first time I've been to one, so its nice to have done that in NY


Second cinema, was lovely and quiet, Brave is very, very good. Some lady came in and sat on our row, proceeded to play her radio and rub her jeans and make strange noises..


Not sure what it is with me and crazy people!




Times square shopping including the Disney store (which is amazing), the Toys r us (has a ferris wheel you can ride in the middle) and the m&m store. Lovely.



Been a very cool couple of days, we're off now to go and drink beer at a place that is uber cheap and offers free hot dogs every time you order a pint of beer...:D


EDIT: I also have been told I'm staying an extra 30 days, so I'm due to fly back to Cambridge on the 28th, but I have a holiday booked to France, so I'm back on the 18th September, yay! :D

Edited by nightwolf
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...Batman. The first cinema was crazy...


Fuck me, not another one.





So I may have accidentally watched a live porn show today.


Went to a car show and decided to go to the "XXX Show", expecting to get some good pictures of pole dancers like last time and maybe see a boob or two. Suffice to say there were no pole dancers, only porn stars. With toys. And volunteers from the audience. I was appalled. So much so that I had to stay for the duration and document it's depravity. I even came back early for the next show to get a good view to document it further. Sickening really.










Also saw the Fuel Girls, who are awesome. Last time I saw them, they were breathing fire and generally being rad. This time they held 2 competitions. The men's event involved them holding out a car tyre in front of them whilst the girls tried to get them to drop it. Distractions included stripping the contenders, pouring water down their pants and drawing cocks all over them. Once that had failed, down came the pants. I'm not ashamed to admit I saw a few cocks today.


The women's event was a tug of war, with plenty of references to "tugging".


















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I'm currently on the list of company attendees for the Tokyo Game Show, I never believe anything they tell me but for now it looks good. Never been to Japan before and have wanted to go for ages. The Japanese Grand Prix is the week afterwards - it could work out incredibly well.

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Just been to Newquay for the weekend with 16 lads for a friends stag do. Immensely funny, Something to laugh about every couple of minutes it seemed.


Weather held out, had a great 8v8 match on the beach, in which we attracted a crowd of people to watch.


Went out dressed up, met alot of people and befriended a lot of people too.


and to top if off, came home with £30. Great weekend. Just knackered and think I should of had today off work too.

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So, the Fuel Girls (who I am totally in love with) just shared my photo on their FaceBook Page. I may have swooned a little.


That's a nice bit of free publicity. Although maybe next time you should leave the photography to somebody else whilst your cock and balls are near her head.


Career or hot girls, you gotta make a choice.

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Hello N-E! Long time no see, hope you are all well. Nice to see a few names I recognise are still posting.


Good stuff - It's my first wedding anniversary on Monday! Traditionally this is the paper anniversary so I have just finished making a fancy card (it's paper) with a complicated origami heart on it. Actually I don't know if it's complicated or not, but it was my first ever attempt at origami so it seemed complicated to me.


Other good stuff - I go on holiday next Wednesday! We booked a Baltic cruise to celebrate our anniversary, should be fantastic. We go to (among other places) St Petersburg for 3 days which should be amazing. Plus I've just sent off the booking confirmation for our safari/gorilla trek in January.

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