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I saw a big, pot-bellied & bearded Hells Angels mo-fo in helmet, tats, leather and chain rolling through town. He was riding one of those urban bicycles with the tiny wheels.


I have stuffed myself full of jelly babies.


I also finished watching Avatar: The Last Airbender on my free month of Netflix. It's the only thing I've watched on it. It was awesome and everyone needs to watch it. I could write a book detailing how and why that show is so wonderful.


I am looking so sexy today I might actually fuck myself.


Bruce Springsteen.

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Well, you've recently got the house, and Jim doubles as a "husband"/child.


I don't own my own house. =P

And Jim counts as neither man nor child. He's a manchild.



Had a nice day meeting my friend. Costly like I thought it would be, but we both enjoyed ourselves. We visited an exhibition about the history of Coca-Cola and the designs (like from the bottle, the font, the commercials etc.). Was cool to see.

Ate tiramisu cake at a canal... we almost got pooped on by a seagull haha. Then a few minutes later a heron flies over the canal and I say "Hi Heron!" and he dumps his load the moment I said it. So lots of poop today. =P



Not so fun part: strange man trying to talk to me on the train and questioning me. He was obviously fishing for my age, location, work etc. I talked a bit but not much, and he eventually gave up and walked away when he noticed I preferred playing my DS game over talking to him haha. Thank you Nintendo!

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My day has been in tents.





Going to post what I wrote on Tumblr because I'm knackered now but awesome doesn't even start to cover it. And I only realised how brilliant the day was when I was cycling home, too.


Woke up at 6:50 - Insane, I know.


Went to the gym and managed to deadlift 110kg - ME GUSTA. My forearms grow stronger - my back can do more but my forearms always give out first, so it's really frustrating. I bought one of those hand grip exercise thangs and it seems to be working.


Got to work at 9:30, bang on time - thought I might have spent a little too long in the gym.


Got asked to write emergency copy for some whiskey brand - I was cool and calm on the outside but what shitting myself on the inside. The deadline was 12:30 and it was already about 10:30. I did it. Result? They fucking loved it. A couple people actually came up to me through the day and said I did an ace job. A mixture of relief (because the document for the tone of voice was, I shit you not, 35 pages long), a confidence boost and a lot of pride.


Then had an Xbox meeting - my first ever big business meeting ever. I felt super mature. Even though I was meme-ing in my head like mad.


Ate my quinoa and chicken pack lunch I made for myself the night before. Was nom nom nomish.


After lunch I had a brief on Modern Warfare 3 - the deadline for copy was the end of the day. Less terrifying but still I CANNOT FAIL THIS TASK THAT HAS BEEN ENTRUSTED TO ME. It was much appreciated that I got it done in a short time.


Later I had my contract extended the full five days next week. I’m uber happy about. Means I won’t be at home when my beautiful brand new Vita arrives but priorities and all that.


Cycled home and I swear all the light turned green for me. Felt boss.


Basically, yes to everything.

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Had a good night out with ups and downs. My housemate/friend got annoyed because I was taking the piss (which I do to everyone/banter(before the word was bastardised) etc.) too much as he wasn't, his words, as quick witted as me and other people. Other than that was a good night out though. I managed to get my asian friend (born in Cardiff but parents are Thai) to apologise to me for being racist to asians. Long story short, I accused her of being classist (can't remember why), she said something along the lines of "do I look classist?", I (jokingly) interpreted this as meaning asians can't be middle/upper class/classist, and said I found this offensive as my cousin is Chinese. So she apologised to me, which frankly I found hilarious.

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My day was too good, it makes me feel sick.


Was meeting up with my friend and his girlfriend, (friend who which we used to be connected at the hip, but he moved away, so we see each other rarely now).


Anyway, so they arrived and we went to the train station. Had good chat etc.


Arrived at London and we went to Burger King - I had my first ever BK Breakfast. Apart from a minor mishap


Is this meant to be the one with no sauce?


Yes, no sauce.


Yeah, it has sauce.


Anyway it was really nice, but of course not as good as McDonalds. Not flavoursome or greasy enough. Lolz. We then headed for the London Dungeons, passing underneath that gargantuan new shard building they are erecting, which is a mightily impressive structure. What is going inside it? We walked passed the people who had not booked for the London Dungeon, lolling - they must have to wait like 2 or more hours with those kinds of queues, madness, who wouldn't book at half term? Anyway, and we entered. Been about a decade since I went last so a lot has changed and some really nice new additions, particularly the Extremis Finale - a drop tower. Only 20 feet, but packed a very nice little punch,...


Nemesis Sub Terra will be mildly/very similar but more highly themed and will assumably/hopefully go up and down more, so it should be a really great ride.


We then went to Selfridges, and I purchased....so many macaroons. I paid a ridiculous amount, for shits and giggles, but dickishly of me didn't realise they had the best flavour before selecting box size (creme brulee flavour) but...still awesome.


Then went to John Lewis, got three LEGO minifigures....1 Robot, one of the remaining few I needed and two bloody Leprechauns. :/....HOWEVER, they also had TWO Star Wars sets at a great discount, sets that I have had my eye on for 16 months, really happy about that....so picked them up.


Discovered "Bens Cookies" and we all orgasm'd over the amazing taste...god. Massive fans of cookies, so this is brilliant.


Went to Leicester Square, Pizza Hut which was really nice, then M&Ms World which I'm starting to find difficult to tolerate, although hopefully an amusing picture of me bumming the Yellow M&M who was walking around will be uploaded soon. Also tried photobombing some strangers photos.


Then went to Orbital Comics, started to complete my Invincible singles collection. I started collecting at issue 46 I believe, so I need 45 issues. Managed to pick up 9 issues yesterday, so 36 to go which isn't too bad.....apart from issue 1 will be a pain/. :/


So made some unbelievably good purchases and spent some great time with my buds.


We got back to Aylesbury and went for a drink.




We went to the Ice Cream Parlour in Aylesbury that (as it is a TINY bit out of the way and with the recent season) I had never visited it. It was incredible. God. Its called Flava 36 (36 flavours I think) including TWO different Bubblegums (I don't know if there was a different beyond the colour, but even so).


I had Bubblegum, Claire had White Chocolate, Mike had Tiramasu and Snickers and Jodie had Bubblegum and Tutti Frutti. The price was reasonable, and it was fantastic. Deco was pink and black, just like Grease, and it was just amazing. I was surprised they were still open (businessly speaking) but the worker/owner explained that (they had a downstairs, despite being fairly tiny) anyway, they have a shit load of party bookings these days, which is a fantastic idea for them and makes a lot of sense, really happy for them and looking forward to going back some time.


Then this morning I got up at 8:50am o__________0 to go and pick up my Ryan Ottley artwork from the post office. Its beautiful.


Today Claire and I are going to see Ghost Rider Spirit of Venegance at 1:15pm, what is almost certainly a bad idea but I hold onto a glimmer of hope.

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I'm being good and have been doing work for the last few hours, whilst watching Final Destination 3.


I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly terrified of going to a theme park ever again. :heh:


Or the gym for that matter. The death scene there was horrific! :shakehead




Watching The Island now. Or, Scarlett Johansson looking hot for 2 and a bit hours, as I like to think of it.

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Aww, my godmother is lending me her sewing machine for a year!


I had said to mom that I kinda wanted to learn how to sew and make things but I didn't want to invest in a machine in case I end up not liking it/sucking at it. I guess my mom told my aunt, 'cause this morning there was a sewing machine sitting on the table. =)

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Hungover a little today. Had a great night out, originally planned to have a few beers and head home around midnight. That turned into quite a few beers and getting home at 5am. And found out one of my mates was seeing my then-gf behind my back, not that it bothered me. Actually made me laugh.

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You can machine sew?


Well I'm far from an expert, but I did make this.




There's also a hooded cloak with it but I can't find any pictures of that.


It's not really hard. The hardest part is the design and measurements. I made that far too big on the shoulders, so I had to take it in. Turned out ok in the end, but it would have been a lot better and easier if I'd had designed it better (i.e. took a bit more time to take some proper measurements and patterns rather than estimating). Though in my defence I was up against the clock.

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I think the fact that you can nip into Primark and the like, grab a shirt for like ?2 has really ruined the art of making stuff.. northern ireland doesn't have markets like over in the mainland, so material is pretty expensive.


Yeah but Primark t-shirts are incredibly shit quality and won't last very long, and they look shit. Plus so many people wear them (hipster etc.).


The main drawback of making your own clothes is the cost of the fabric. It's not much cheaper than buying a t-shirt. I think it cost me more than ?20 for enough Hessian to make that costume. Sure I made a full length tunic, cloak and hat (and I did have some left over), but it's not as if you'll be spending a fortune. Obviously the it depends on how much you normally spend on a t-shirt, but generally the people who spend ?60 on a t-shirt do so because it has something like "Abercrombie & Fitch" written across it, and apparently being a walking advert is somehow fashionable and cool and makes you stylish, and therefore not the sort of people who will want to design/make their own clothes.

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