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Still working at GAME, but getting to the point where I'm ready to call it in. I want to move in with my girlfriend in London which is seeming more and more likely at the moment, but I need to find work up there first. Ideally I'd transfer but a full time Senior Sales contract is hard to come by sadly!


Just stay clear of the Oxford Street branch. That place is awful.


Go for Westfield Stratford! That one is funky.

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Do you go and watch any of the sports out there live at the arena's and such?


I've been to a few baseball games but that's it. To be honest American sports don't really do it for me so it's not something I've tried to do too much. I definitely would if the opportunity arose though.

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Got a 90 in my latest assignment. This is fantastic, I've been getting really high marks for this module all semester. 90, 84, 84. This is sure to bring my average way up.

Do people even give 90s? When I was an undergrad, the top mark was 85, and the highest anyone ever got was 80ish. Sounds good anyhoo.


And I'm getting better at go, and actually (mostly) understanding some lectures on set theory. Now if only I could get a clearer idea of what I'm actually doing...

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Finished the intro for my dissertation. 3100 words or so. Thank god for that as it now means I don't have read any more psycholinguistic papers and I don't I'd have it in me to go over another one because they're dire. Horrible subject and I'll be glad to see the back of it in March. Still, for now, :yay:! Now I just need to get people to agree to take part in my study. That may be a bit difficult....


Think a trip to the pub is in order.

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I've been to a few baseball games but that's it. To be honest American sports don't really do it for me so it's not something I've tried to do too much. I definitely would if the opportunity arose though.


You didn't go see the 49'ers last night?! :p

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Just stay clear of the Oxford Street branch. That place is awful.

O RLY? How so?


Go for Westfield Stratford! That one is funky.

I've been in there - the game pod thing was broken and the poor staff were trying to fix it. Cool as it was I don't think I need brand new machines rebelling against me as well as ones from pre-EB merger :heh:

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Every time I've gone to (well, purchased something from) Game Oxford Street it's been pretty poor. Not awful but they're clearly only flagship because of it's location. Once I picked up a 3DS case that was 1/2 price WBW but only a few were labelled so it was obviously out of the deal. He spent ages faffing around/trying to figure it out. I felt like saying "just do a price override with the reason 'mispriced' and let me be on my way".


And similar such experiences. One guy was trying too hard. He even read my name from my loyalty card and started calling me Ashley. No. Just no. I used to find it creepy when people used to do that with my name badge.

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I had 3hrs to pass inbetween lectures, so I decided to go to the Cinema for the first time by myself today.


Went to see The Artist.


Great film, really enjoyed it, and refreshing to see something so different and experience new ways to be drawn into a movie. And lovely imagery/shots/music. And the dog was great too!


Brilliant performances/characters as well. Especially Bérénice Bejo as Peppy Miller, who's just so captivating/stunning. :heart:

Edited by Retro_Link
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Had a fucking fab weekend down in London for a friends birthday, went to the Bavarian Beercellar in Old Street, which was a little unfortunate/whatever since I can't drink beer, but meeeeh.


Hilarious part was catching a staffer masturbating in the men's cubicle, I guess he had forgotten to lock the door or whatever and simply needed to tie one off before he went back on his shift, but whatever, made my night watching that particular walk of shame from the cubicle to the till lolololol.


Went to my mates mums birthday party the night after, was so so fucking hungover, but somehow after a fucking epic three hour game of risk I felt like a champ so once again ended up drinking my bodyweight in vodka. One takeaway from the night; Middle aged Thai women can fucking party, and I don't mean that in some pseudo patronising way, like I mean I was being sexually besieged by these forty-fifty somethings in low cut black dresses.


Asked a really pretty girl for her number but she said she had a bf/ my mate was borderline harrassing her, so I laid off. She may also have been out of my league, not sure, I can never tell.


I think another girl with whom I'd been having that whole meeting eyes/ smouldering stare thing with all night was a little bummed out, but then I just think she shoulda stepped up cause I'm fucking worth it.


Edit: Also, I'm listening to Journey. Tonight could not be more cheesy/ rad.

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Finished the intro for my dissertation. 3100 words or so. Thank god for that as it now means I don't have read any more psycholinguistic papers and I don't I'd have it in me to go over another one because they're dire. Horrible subject and I'll be glad to see the back of it in March. Still, for now, :yay:! Now I just need to get people to agree to take part in my study. That may be a bit difficult....


Think a trip to the pub is in order.


That's the right mentality to have... Finish off a small part of your dissertation and go and get pissed!


I went out to Kushion last night. Haven't been out during the week for ages. We felt very studenty drinking Buckfast in the flat before going out. Got to Kushion expecting it to be £1 drinks, turns out they were £1.50 which is still cheaper than the weekends!

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Ahhh. So I'm skint at the moment, and get paid in 12 days, and that is not taking into account petrol (£65) and comic books next week. And the Vita is coming out soon, so I've been putting off pre-ordering it, which was a bit annoying. And with trying to save out its annoying, as (even without pre-ordering the Vita), after rent, phone bill etc I was already going to be well into overdraft by the time I get paid.....which makes it difficult to save up money to move out.


(Yes, I know, Vita and comics etc make it difficult too, but thats fine).


Anyway, my friend and I arranged to go to Nando's and the cinema for Thursday. We arranged this earlier in the week. So he comes in yesterday and says "Dunno how you feel about this.....casino" and obviously I (loved the idea) but I definitely had reservations. So we said okay, we'll go but with very low limits.


A) We checked out a second casino in Luton. Surprisingly not shit, cool and funny staff and just coolness.


So we left there, as we were just checking it out (£15 down myself) and headed for Nandos.


Parked up and started the 5/10 minute walk. My friend checks the closing time online. It says 10:00pm.





It was 10:10pm/. Anyway we eventually arrived and they were cleaning everything and we were like "fuck" however....we rocked up to the tills and they were willing to serve still! So...don't know if they just close later...because it actually got surprisingly busy again.


A group of 50 year old Nando's n00bs sat at the table next to us. First of all they wondered why no one was coming to take their order (lolz) and then a man went up to order. He came back 5 minutes later and asked across our table, to his "It was chicken you wanted?" completely seriously. My (oh yeah a second friend came, so there were 3 of us) friends and I just completely lost it. Eyes streaming and our laughter was just setting each other off.


Anyway it was delicious.


Then we went to our normal casino. Did....alright/meh at first, but then this other chap was betting BIG (ish) on numbers, and his numbers came up about 4 or 5 times in a row. I was like "Okay. I'm following this guy". And (at this point just one of my buds was sat with me....on a bit of a downer as he was £20 or so down I think, on a low budget) and I said "out of the numbers that this gentlemen chooses, I am going to pick the one that I deem in my mind to be most non-standard." So I do, and I think it was number 10. I put two chips on. Bam, straight in. At this point I was £20 down and then £20 that I paid out for the chips I was playing with (or something like that) So that put me back in the green (£60 something win), and I was loving it.


So of course, I did the same thing, followed the gentlemens numbers (I followed a couple, chips on multi numbers, but again) I said outloud "Okay, heavy on 22" and I put ....I think 3 chips on this time. Bam....22 came up. Obviously I was like "!!!!!!!!" and my mate was like "Whuuuuhhh" and we loved. The gentlemen I was following then said something like "I'm following you" and I said "I'm following YOU, vicious circle" or something, and I said "Jesus, can't believe that happened twice in a row!" and so..............I chose another number. Cannot remember what it was this time. 12 maybe. Yeah, 12. Anyway, I put 4 chips on this time....and my mate followed me too, he put three on.


Bam, 12.


Obviously we all went fucking crazy. Well not crazy. Reserved....but fucking chuffed.


Now, I'm not a moron or a mental person so I don't believe in psychic bullshit or whatever, so it was a COMPLETE coincidence, but the way I picked them and just the fact that it happened three times in a row was just...fucking....euphoric and a bit magical.


So we were all fucking amazed that it happened three times in a row, and I asked for my first ever pink chip (£100) (actually ended up with 2, so maybe the first came from the last win) and I had a nice stack of £25's too, along with four piles of 20 single £1 chips, and said I'd gamble away all the singles. Got several more £25 chips out of them and (my other mate came back at one point, and at the last minute said "Put some on 17", so I put 3 on "No more bets", 17 bam. So I was like "Fuck" and slammed my mate a £25 chip for the hot tip.


Came out of the casino with £400, so - £40 ish for layout, -£15 for Nando's and -£65 for petrol = ended night with £280 up. Enough to pre-order a Vita, and just about last till pay day, first time in months I won't be overdrawn at pay day, so can pay double into our moving out fund this month, so can probably move out at least a month earlier.


Fucking amazing.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Having sent round emails, people are finally signing up to take part in my experiment :D Was getting a little worried there as I only got one reply to my ad in the weekly newsletter (from the planning officer of the University no less which was strange).


Although it does now mean I have to spend money on vouchers for a prize draw. Oh well, guess I'll get the parents to pick up that one.


Also decided my life needs some restructuring: certain things need to be let go and I need to move forward with other things, whether they be small steps or big gambles. Whether I get round to it is another matter but just having acknowledged to need to do it is good enough for now and hopefully over the next few weeks I'll get myself into the right frame of mind needed to make strides forward :D

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Things are all go at Luke Stevens Photography HQ at the moment.


I was just organising a shoot with the people I did the polaroid shoot for a while back and they had to change the day. I said that was fine as it's not like I'm fully booked or anything. When I next checked my messages I had one from someone I used to work for asking me to do the photography for a wedding brochure and also photograph a rugby game and another message from my old school teacher letting me know that the school is looking for exhibitions for the next academic year.


Good times.

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I was speaking to my mother yesterday and she was telling me about her wedding dress (although trying to say it really quietly down the phone as her partner was in the room so I just said show me when I'm up next week) and I could tell she was really happy and excited. It's nice because for as long as I can remember she was never happy with my father so it's good to see her happy :) [/laaaaame]


Pay day at work today (although I was sodomised by the tax man) so everyone ended up purchasing snacks and we started drinking around 4pm. Then went for some food with friends.


Realised February is going to be a great month :D

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