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good stuff thread.


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Dunno if this should go into the good or bad thread but just had a stellar night out with a bunch of lads who are friends of a friend.


Pulled a few younger ladies (I are getting old now I'm 28) and had a great night of banter, drinks and complaining about how the old days were better and how the music was better in the 90's in the clubs. Obviously wrong/drunk!!


Anyways, good times. Just feel a tad 'meh' that the GF won't know. Ugh...should I even BE in a relationship!!?

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Pulling younger girls whilst having a girlfriend kind of makes you an ass.


I agree Nightwolf. I'm definitely in the wrong place at the moment. I'm usually 100% on what I want and who I am etc. I'm just not in the right place with this current relationship which probably means it should end. But then again I think the world of her and we have a fabulous time together. I'm just not 100% ready for the monogamous state of play I guess. I'll be telling her this shortly.


I even looked for advice online/from friends because I care about who I am and what my actions do to the people I've built wonderful relationships with.

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A pull for me is when you 'snog' a girl.


Good stuff:


Had a good night out last night, only spent around £25, pulled a bird. Got on really well with a friend of a friend who's just got back into the country from a year abroad. Feel I could get on well with her. Gone for the tactical add on Facebook and will chat when I see her online.

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A pull for me is when you 'snog' a girl.


Good stuff:


Had a good night out last night, only spent around £25, pulled a bird. Got on really well with a friend of a friend who's just got back into the country from a year abroad. Feel I could get on well with her. Gone for the tactical add on Facebook and will chat when I see her online.


Bird? Reeeaaally?


God that word is shit (in that context obviously :heh:)

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Had a greeeaaatttt weekend. Daft and I played video games....we played Resistance and did "pass over when you die", a highlight being him bursting into laughter at an element of my play style.


I showed him some comics, including Wolf-Man, and made him laugh shit loads, or rather he made me shit myself because

Some dude back hands a woman and breaks her neck, killing her. I told Daft about how he is a good guy, but that later on he "Does become a bit of a cunt" and he pointed out how I implied that I didn't think he was at all cuntish for snapping an innocent womans neck. We pissed.



and talked about loads of awesome shit. Molly had a party. I felt a bit bad as I didn't bring her anything (birthday) and she gave me voucher codes, cakes and hospitality. But its fine. She is rich soon so its fine.


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Had a greeeaaatttt weekend. Daft and I played video games....we played Resistance and did "pass over when you die", a highlight being him bursting into laughter at an element of my play style.


I showed him some comics, including Wolf-Man, and made him laugh shit loads, or rather he made me shit myself because

Some dude back hands a woman and breaks her neck, killing her. I told Daft about how he is a good guy, but that later on he "Does become a bit of a cunt" and he pointed out how I implied that I didn't think he was at all cuntish for snapping an innocent womans neck. We pissed.



and talked about loads of awesome shit. Molly had a party. I felt a bit bad as I didn't bring her anything (birthday) and she gave me voucher codes, cakes and hospitality. But its fine. She is rich soon so its fine.



Epic weekend. Kind of don't want to describe it because it just wouldn't cover how fucking awesome it was.




I demand a repeat.

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I agree Nightwolf. I'm definitely in the wrong place at the moment. I'm usually 100% on what I want and who I am etc. I'm just not in the right place with this current relationship which probably means it should end. But then again I think the world of her and we have a fabulous time together. I'm just not 100% ready for the monogamous state of play I guess. I'll be telling her this shortly.


I even looked for advice online/from friends because I care about who I am and what my actions do to the people I've built wonderful relationships with.


Being an ass is fun sometimes. Like when I met/pulled/got with this girl who's one of our friends while her boyfriend was in the club. Second time I've done that too. First time she was with a different guy though (also with her boyfriend at the house).


My college friends don't call me slut for nothing. :p

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Being an ass is fun sometimes. Like when I met/pulled/got with this girl who's one of our friends while her boyfriend was in the club. Second time I've done that too. First time she was with a different guy though (also with her boyfriend at the house).


My college friends don't call me slut for nothing. :p






Anyway, the intro week for my uni course starts tomorrow. I'm excited and a bit nervous, but overall I'm looking forward to it. The programme looks great. :)

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Being an ass is fun sometimes. Like when I met/pulled/got with this girl who's one of our friends while her boyfriend was in the club. Second time I've done that too. First time she was with a different guy though (also with her boyfriend at the house).


My college friends don't call me slut for nothing. :p


I guess it's fine, but honestly when you're with someone else it's a bit of a jerk move. I tried to be as polite as possible to tapedeck about it, but it'd be a bit different if it were the other way round.

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Found out today one of my cousins is pregnant, whooo!

Her child will be the first great-grandchild for my grandfather (if great-grandchild is the right word, I don't know), so hopefully that'll make him a bit happy! And maybe put less pressure on the rest of us to have children soon or something. =P

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Found out today one of my cousins is pregnant, whooo!

Her child will be the first great-grandchild for my grandfather (if great-grandchild is the right word, I don't know), so hopefully that'll make him a bit happy! And maybe put less pressure on the rest of us to have children soon or something. =P


Hurrah \o/


Your family is going to get even bigger.....sheeeet.


Also, TeeDee, if you're not happy in your relationship, then perhaps its time to end it and re-evaluate what you what. Or, re-evaluate first before you end it. Yeah, do it that way, its better.

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It's a very commonly used word which has been around for a long time, especially in Scotland. If you want to be extra cool you can spell it 'burd'.


I know that I just don't like it :P


I've seen people spell it 'bord' down here (in Newcastle). Craziness.

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Had a tough time at work the other day. According to all the staff I'm friendly with my boss is bullying me. He makes all these remarks...tells me off unfairly...all that. I just thought he was being a 'boss'. I noticed though when he grabbed a tray full of glasses & drinks from me. Almost dropped it. All because I was 'holding it wrong'. Nothing too bad, however.


His pants ripped completely later that night :laughing: Oh yes. Serves him right, the cunt. It was also his last night!

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