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I'm sitting next to a massive window (that I sometimes think about jumping out of).


But it's still just hot air coming in.


Hopefully the gym will be nice and cool.


Currently 34° here (more in the sun of course), but luckily I have a pool nearby, whooo. Currently drinking a nicely cold diet Coke. And tonight = BBQ time! Love it! =)


I love the summer. Girls wear pretty dresses. I'm not even talking from a pervs perspective, they honestly all look amazing. Makes the workplace so much nicer.

  Goafer said:
I love the summer. Girls wear pretty dresses. I'm not even talking from a pervs perspective, they honestly all look amazing. Makes the workplace so much nicer.


All I get is chavs in those really short/tight denim shorts on the bus.

  Cube said:
All I get is chavs in those really short/tight denim shorts on the bus.


Think yourself lucky.


Today, i had 2 sweaty, stinky gingers. A drunk who kept farting and a few screaming kids. And that was on the way home on the train.

  Jimbob said:
Today, i had 2 sweaty, stinky gingers. A drunk who kept farting and a few screaming kids. And that was on the way home on the train.


Sitting in front of me most of the way to work was "the fat corpse". He smells of rotten corpses on a good day. In the heat, sweat also entered the range of smells. It's literally near impossible to breathe.


I needed an outlet for my artistry. So, rather than practicing with clay, paint or playing piano -- I decided to create a video. Actually proud of the result. I hope it's not good just because I understand it. Hopefully it's somewhat entertaining, even aesthetically.


I posted it in the General Gallery :D


I had a really good night out, very funny, very dramatic too, somehow I got dragged into a couple's argument, something I've not had an apology for, but still.




Now to get some kip and get to work.


Had the wage slips through today, turns out i'm getting more than i thought. Imagined i would be taxed a lot because i didn't hand over a p45. Oh well, happy days indeed. Got enough for everything this month with change.


Interview went "very well" I think. Definitely the best interview I've ever given....not that I've had a huge amount. Still. Mildly promising. They said my test results were very very good (I can't recall if they said "extremely good", that might just be my ego's recollection of the sentence), but still. They are interviewing two other people and I should find out by Friday they said. Possibly Thursday. Fingers crossed. The other guy could be good though. But he'd have to properly smash his interview. They seemed to love me.




Walked home in the rain, and OF COURSE, Ladbrokes had to be done (the one on the way home(ish), not the one in town). Loving life. £8 in, and £13.75 out. Makes my Ladbrokes winning streak about 7 I think. Honestly - the 30's. Always the 30's whilst making sure you tap off Zero. Its insane. Of course my lucky number gave me the big win, 25p on 33. Love it. My lucky mother fucking number PULLS THROUGH AGAIN. I will never ever ever play a roulette spin without tapping 33.




Transformers is out....TOMORROW.....or at least I thought it was. Turns out there is a showing tonight. I would love to see it, but its kind-of hassle. It'll be cheaper and easier to see it tomorrow lunch time, so I think I'll do that.

Posted (edited)

Had a really lovely couple of days. Amazing weather helped. Also just found out I'll be seeing Britney in November in Sheffield. Words can't.


Then I'm moving on Friday, before being taken to the Wireless Festival to see Pulp on Sunday. Life is good this week.

Edited by Slaggis

Went to see Ashley's degree show thingy and had free drink there. It was awesome.

I think we've only met not under the influence of alcohol a whole one time out of however many times we've met up in the last six months.

Posted (edited)

Heading to see a good film in the cinema with my bestie today! :grin:


Muffins & Coffee will ensue.

Also enjoyed the best pizza -- Milano's. With my Family. NOM NOM.

Edited by Frank
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