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Do they all flock to the basketball hoops now in the hope that they'll get in "one little fight" and have to move to Bel Air?


Oh, they try. Oh boy, do they try.


Although, one little fight usually leads into a dressing down speech by The Jim.


"STAAP Whining. You kids are soft. You lack discipline."

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I hope you taught them how to whistle for a cab. And identify whether or not said cab was 'rare' by checking for a sweet license plate and hanging dice.


As a teacher, I think you should forget that idea. Just go home home. You should get to your front gate at about 7 or 8, I'd have thought.

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After a week I finally got my car back. Apart from the debt I'm now in, it is good news. It drives significantly better and I feel I've got my freedom back. It's true, you don't know what you've got until it's gone.

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Spent an entire day working in the workplace of a teacher with most of my fellow students. Trying to finish our portfolio.

Made two etchings which turned out quite nicely. Then also glued stuff to cardboard using glue made from animal bones, ewww. =P


Was a very productive day, but long. Ended it with a BBQ though, mmm. =)



Also when I got home I checked my emails, and it seems I may be getting my first job interview ever! Aaaaaaaah!

This is good but also very stressful haha!

*has no clue what to do for it*

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So my PS3 broke and my friend wants to buy me a new one as a graduation gift. I'm not really that comfortable accepting something like that but he doesn't take no for an answer.


I kind of feel like a charity and God knows I really don't deserve it. Not that I don't appreciate it, it's just kind of a weird position to be in.

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Wow that is a generous graduation present.


I'm also graduating by the way...if you wanna mention that to her :p


I found a bright side to spending sixteen hours working yesterday! It took my mind of this sort-of-crush. Every cloud eh?


My composer showed my animation to her (as she put it) "84 year old head of department lecturer" (its all in the details eh?) so that she could show off the music and he apparently loved it. Really loved it. And it's not even finished. I think people just like it because it looks charmingly crap and I'm hoping to ride that gravy train! Also came up with an awesome idea for the credits...just need to do it.

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So my PS3 broke and my friend wants to buy me a new one as a graduation gift. I'm not really that comfortable accepting something like that but he doesn't take no for an answer.


I kind of feel like a charity and God knows I really don't deserve it. Not that I don't appreciate it, it's just kind of a weird position to be in.


Give it a month and he'll be expecting sex from you.

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I went to visit my London friend in her flat to get away from it all and had a great time. We played Portal 2 co-op to completion, we alternated playing LA Noire from the start, watched Scott Pilgrim and Black Books, and we cuddled alot. It was the perfect getaway given the week I've had so far.


Latest news regarding my sister is that she's been moved to the Acute Dependency ward and our of Intensive Care, so she's getting better. The drugs she's been on have taken 90% of the poison out of her system, and she looks to be home Friday, if not tomorrow.


All in all, things are on the up.

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My laptop has returned in great condition! :D Everything is in its proper place, and the temperature has dropped massively. And apparently all they did was clean out the dust! :o


Wonder if that'd work for my laptop. Must get it sorted as it's still clocking in at around 80-90 degrees C regularly, although it has lessened lately.


Anyway, got a letter from Uni confirming my grades for the year, squarely putting me on course for a 2:1 if I stay at the level I'm at or giving me the chance to get a First if I really pull the finger out next year. Letter also mentioned that not many others achieved all their passes at a First or 2:1 level so that was a nice little boost, even if I don't believe it.

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Just got an email from one of my placement mentors, which includes an evaluation form filled in by the students.


Basically what they're saying is:

- they liked the lessons we did in class

- they don't think I need to improve on anything

- they liked me as a teacher



Awwww. =)

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Wonder if that'd work for my laptop. Must get it sorted as it's still clocking in at around 80-90 degrees C regularly, although it has lessened lately.


Anyway, got a letter from Uni confirming my grades for the year, squarely putting me on course for a 2:1 if I stay at the level I'm at or giving me the chance to get a First if I really pull the finger out next year. Letter also mentioned that not many others achieved all their passes at a First or 2:1 level so that was a nice little boost, even if I don't believe it.


Christ! :o Mine would shut itself down at those temperatures!


But yeah, you should really try cleaning it. Mine used to be at 50-something degrees minimum and would often move up into the 60-70-something degree range, but now it stays around the 40 degree mark. :D


I think they may have updated the BIOS as well, though I really have no clue what that means or if it has helped.

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Having a friend from back home up until Sunday. I'm so excited! She's the kind of

friend that does this:



Everyone needs a friend like that. Plus, the last time I saw her, I managed to lose her in a terrifyingly large crowd at a festival. I found her purely because she was wandering around shouting "My gay! Has anyone seen a gay!". I've missed her so much.

Edited by Slaggis
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Today they announced at work what the summer party will be.


It's Go Karting. Most excellent.


Also found the high beam switch for Jidderbug. I don't have to drive everywhere at night with the high beams on now! Win. It's in a retarded place. The switch is actually easier to hit with my foot than it is with my hand.


Also also, managed to fix the inside drivers side door handle. I don't have to wind the window down to get out now. Winning.

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