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I don't like Argos' new logo. It looks VERY dated.
But it's smiling! :)



Mine, an absolutely awesome end to the F1 2010 season. :D


And although I'm sure there are numerous haters on here, new series of I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! started tonight and personally I love it!

Edited by Retro_Link
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I went to bed at 5:30 this morning after a spending the night with my best friend. You know you have great chemistry when simply being together is fun. We spent hours just watching silly YouTube videos before going to bed and watching a few episodes of Friends before falling asleep. Today we woke up at 13:30, and the rest of the day was spent playing Brawl. Good times. :D

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Got an interview for a job in the Czech Republic. I can talk my way into almost anything, the hard bit for me is getting the interview. They should be gooood. :D


As part of it, I have to send a video of how I'd teach a vocab set to young children, which will be weird, but probably pretty funny. Yes, you lot can see it if you want. :heh:

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Got an interview for a job in the Czech Republic. I can talk my way into almost anything, the hard bit for me is getting the interview. They should be gooood. :D


As part of it, I have to send a video of how I'd teach a vocab set to young children, which will be weird, but probably pretty funny. Yes, you lot can see it if you want. :heh:


That sounds so odd. A video of yourself teaching, without anybody to teach. Just you and the camera. Work the camera, baby.


My best thing about today is that I got many compliments about my dress sense from people at work. Granted, I don't think a single one was under the age of 50, but every hole is a goal.

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Tonight, I got a mail from a school saying they might have a place for me for my teacher placement, whooo! Thing is they weren't sure yet about the hours so they'll have to check, and the school is at least 30-40 minutes away from me, but I was happy to finally get a positive reply!


But then a few hours later, I get another email from another school, saying they definitely have a spot free for me and I'm welcome to come! So now I have to decide which one. This one is actually in my city, but it's what we call a "technical" school, which usually has more troublemakers... Hmmm. Decisions decisions.



Though whoooo, finally all the searching pays off! I was worried I would have to do my placement next year haha. Though I bet now that placement is going to be a living hell or something. =P

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I got my Grandad's keyboard down from the attic at the weekend. It's an absolute retro gem. It's older than I am (it was made in 1983) As a bonus, I also found a few extra leads and things that will come in handy for the guitar. But what is the best thing to happen to me today I hear you ask? Well:


The ROM pack (memory stick basically) only contains a radmaxtastic version of the Star Wars theme. Fucking ace. I'll see if I can get it recorded and uploaded.




Also as another wizard discovery, the keyboard is also the same model as the one used in Gremlins:


Edited by Goafer
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I put on a song on YouTube.


I look over at Claire who is lying on the bed.


She looks at me.


I phase out. I lose concentration. I think of a Comedy Rainbow joke. Without realising I act out (with the speech in my head) the sketch. It involved me holding a book, and looking at someone, waiting for a response...and facial type expressions.


I finish it in my head, and I phase back into reality.


Claire looks confused and says "....What?"


I laugh, and post this post without responding to her.


The song continues to play in the background, I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take....

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I got a really good response from my tutors about my second project at today's assessment.


My piece was kinda...raw. but it came from stunning/researched concepts of really deep things and they appreciated :p

(turn it up to get the full effect of that lovely noise in the background)

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