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The Dark Knight Rises (Spoilers inside, enter at own risk)


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My fav scenes/bits:


  • Yes that's right i'm using a list
  • The bit in DKR when he flies out of the alleyway in the Bat
  • The bit where the huge prisoner throws the trigger out the window in TDK
  • The end scene of TDK where he escapes on the Batpod and the music kicks in over Gary's speech
  • The first time Bale says 'I'm Batman' in BB to Tom Wilkinson
  • Anne Hathaway's bottom
  • The Joker heist scene in TDK
  • When the Batpod comes out of the Tumbler for the first time
  • 'The lambourghini then, much more subtle'
  • The pencil bit
  • Teal'c appearing in DKR
  • Morgan Freeman talking to Mr Reece when he's trying to blackmail Batman
  • I think that's enough


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The whole stadium scene in Rises where everything becomes a touch muted before the boy sings the national anthem and the camera cuts to menacing shots of Bane, other characters and the crowd.


And then Bane says 'what a lovely voice'.


Acutely devilish. It topped the Joker's miming of the number six in this scene:




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The whole stadium scene in Rises where everything becomes a touch muted before the boy sings the national anthem and the camera cuts to menacing shots of Bane, other characters and the crowd.


And then Bane says 'what a lovely voice'.


Acutely devilish. It topped the Joker's miming of the number six in this scene:




I love both of those scenes that you mentioned. :)


I'm going to try and narrow it down to three scenes from each of the three films.


Batman Begins


- Where Bale is in the batcave and the bats are swarming around him for the first time. He embraces them. Just so incredibly well shot.


- When The Scarecrow sets fire to Batman and he falls/jumps out of the window. What I love best about this is that it is just a total departure from the "comedy" villains we saw in the previous Batman film, Batman and Robin. It told the audience that Nolan was serious about creating something different.


- The scene with the League of Shadows, where Ra's/Duchard is testing Bruce Wayne. Just brilliantly filmed and complete with excellent dialogue.


The Dark Knight


- The opening scene with the bank. I find the music really tense in this and you can't help but become engrossed within it.

- The Joker hanging his head out of the window after escaping the police station in the police car.

- The final words between The Joker/Heath Ledger and Batman/Bale. "I think you and I are destined to do this forever." I found that incredibly powerful when I saw it recently. It's a window into how great Ledger acted the part, the conflict between two sides of the same coin (Batman and the Joker) and also the fact that this is one of the last two films that Ledger made before his death. Just so poignant.


The Dark Knight Rises


- The whole fight and speech between Bane and Batman, resulting in the back-breaking. Particularly the speech about being an ally of the dark.

- Bruce Wayne rising out of the hole.

- The entire final scene, the last 4 or 5 minutes. Particularly the bit with the bat-signal being fixed, and with Blake embracing the bats, in a scene which mimics the one from Batman Begins.




I've put italics around my favourite one in particular.

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When they broke into the stock exchange, it was daylight. It was also daylight when they escaped with the hostages. However, after the tunnel scene and the police chasing Batman, it was night time. What gives?


In order to protect Applied Sciences, Fox said it was all off the books, but the reactor was due to fall into the wrong hands unless Tate took control of Wayne Enterprises. So why did the computer screen (when the board members used their hand prints) have an Applied Sciences logo on it?


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I think it was low light when they came out of the Stock Exchange, but can't really remember.


I also thought it was strange that the 'security blockades' (which I'm guessing are the real life ones) that rose up out of the street are surely facing the wrong way no?... and they they made perfect ramps for bikes! :p


If they faced the other way they'd stop any vehicle.

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Got semi-dragged to see this yesterday evening. Now that I've seen it I'll start reading this thread/reviews, but that's mainly because I just don't get it. Why is this such a big deal? I felt lost in places, it took too long, I felt it didn't really make sense, the time-scale was off, it required just too much suspension of disbelief and didn't have nearly enough of the main players. I had issues with Dark Knight as well, but it was seriously brought up by Heath Ledger's performance/Joker, but this, I dunno. I feel like there must be something wrong with me, because I feel like I just didn't 'get' it. Why does everyone love it so much? Would it mean more to me if I was a DC/Batman comics fan?


(it did have a pretty good wrapup though, and i might be being overly harsh in my post, but i really don't feel sure about why this is/was such a big deal)

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Got semi-dragged to see this yesterday evening. Now that I've seen it I'll start reading this thread/reviews, but that's mainly because I just don't get it. Why is this such a big deal? I felt lost in places, it took too long, I felt it didn't really make sense, the time-scale was off, it required just too much suspension of disbelief and didn't have nearly enough of the main players. I had issues with Dark Knight as well, but it was seriously brought up by Heath Ledger's performance/Joker, but this, I dunno. I feel like there must be something wrong with me, because I feel like I just didn't 'get' it. Why does everyone love it so much? Would it mean more to me if I was a DC/Batman comics fan?


(it did have a pretty good wrapup though, and i might be being overly harsh in my post, but i really don't feel sure about why this is/was such a big deal)


I've never been a Batman fan, either. I only watched Begins and Knight in the days before seeing this, and while they were great, I don't think I really connected with the characters until the third, hence why I like that one the best. Everything was wrapped up in a great way, and I'm a sucker for that kind of thing.

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I also thought it was strange that the 'security blockades' (which I'm guessing are the real life ones) that rose up out of the street are surely facing the wrong way no?... and they they made perfect ramps for bikes! :p


If they faced the other way they'd stop any vehicle.


I was thinking the same. Even if Banes guys had cars those "blockades" would have still been used as ramps and didn't seem designed for stopping anything :heh:

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I fucking hated that day/night bit. It utterly does my head in when that happens in movies.


I think they were going for:


- They wanted a reasonable time for the stock place to be open/people to be there.


- The whole "Batman only appears at night" (up until the end of the third film) thing.

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I think they were going for:


- They wanted a reasonable time for the stock place to be open/people to be there.


- The whole "Batman only appears at night" (up until the end of the third film) thing.


It may have worked if they didn't have a specific timer/count down. Most stock exchanges stop trading at 4:00pm so lets say this takes place at about 3:50pm. Maybe Gotham Stock Exchange is open till like...6:00pm.






And the sun takes 90 seconds to set in this universe.

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Absolutely incredible film, very very well done, and so powerful in places

sure some liberties were taken with characters to an extent but it all played out well, the whole batman mythos is huge and at times convoluted, Nolan did well to incorporate so much and so well


I just wish there was more coming

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Just got back from seeing the movie. I thought it was ok but not great, the previous two were better movies.


Out of the other comic movies this year I think it was probably better than Spider-Man but Avengers for me was so much better.


I didnt particularly like Bane at all, the mask seemed stupid and every now and again I couldnt understand him.I saw nothing in his performance either that deserves that kind of praise that Ledger did.


From the very first time I saw it in a trailer I didnt like the "Bat" plane thing. I thought it looked stupid and the design just felt like they were too in love with the look of the car so decided to turn it into a plane.


I liked Anne Hathaway as Catwoman.


Jospeph Gordon-Levitt was probably the best thing in the movie but I thought it would have been much better if he had actually been called Richard Grayson and not Robin, thought that was stupid.


Didnt like the fact that Batman quit, either right after Dark Knight or at the end of this.


As with the other two movies im not a fan of Bruce or Batman. I find both a bit bland.


Ive never liked the fighting in the movies either. Yes Batman will punch and kick the crap out of you but theyve never managed to get the grace anywhere into his style so I find that dull as well.


I thought they wasted Michael Caine in this one. Give him a few speeches a bit too similar to past movies then shipped him off.


It seemed odd right after Bruce slept with Talia. You see him feel a scar on her back and I was expecting that to come back later, showing that he realised who she was or something, letting Batman actually show he is a detective for once but nothing came of it.



I think for me I have always enjoy these Batman movies and know they are good but for me they are just not what I want to see from a Batman movie so I look forward to the reboot.

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I feel your last point Happenstance, now you've brought it back to my attention (and I've just come back from seeing it) I remember thinking at the time they were going to make something of it later on.


I also thought the same about the ramps. Silly Gothamites.



On the whole, the film was alright. Not ejaculation worthy, but a little messy all the same.

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I don't understand this though, because surely these are the actual ramps New York use... not something built into the road for the film. So yeah, why are they like this?


I thought it was filmed in Pitsburg or Philly or somewhere?

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I thought it was filmed in Pitsburg or Philly or somewhere?
The movie came to Wall Street at some point didn't it?... wasn't there some protests or something on at the time. I presumed they were there to film. There were definately a number of locations used to make up Gotham in TDKR.
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I like that in this Batman universe, Batman pretty much only existed in three major instances; stopping al Ghul, the Joker and then (after a massive hiatus) dealing with Bane...which is arguably just cleaning up the fallout from the first instance. Makes him seem much more legendary.


I only think it was a massive shame that Bruce Wayne as a character was so undermined. Or at least his realisation that the city now needed Bruce instead of Batman was a little too underplayed.


Bane, I loved. Apart from his whole blowing-everyone-to-hell thing, I was sympathetic to his cause. Actually felt Batman came out as a bit of a fascist.


I felt it was the best of all three of them, in large part due to the other two.

Edited by Daft
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