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What Have You Bought?


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I hope I just bought a Blackmagic pocket camera. It´s a bit of a stretch to be able to afford one now, nor can I afford any lenses for it, or any other essential stuff. But there´s a deal going on currently, 50% off (making it € 477,-). It´s sold out everywhere, most of the shops are already asking the regular price again, and others warn they probably can´t sell the camera for the lower price any more. I´m totally expecting an e-mail saying they can´t honor my order, but oh well, at least I´ve tried ;). Should´ve ordered one as soon as I heard of that deal.

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Had a £100 voucher for Tesco from joining Sky, so put it towards a 160gb iPod Classic. My car has the old 30 pin connector and although I had the option of playing music through Bluetooth or buying an adapter, I decided to get the Classic as none of my newer devices are over 16gb so storage was becoming a problem.


I was using a 30gb iPod Photo from 2004 but the knackered battery meant that every time I started my car, it took 5 minutes to restart.

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Had a £100 voucher for Tesco from joining Sky, so put it towards a 160gb iPod Classic. My car has the old 30 pin connector and although I had the option of playing music through Bluetooth or buying an adapter, I decided to get the Classic as none of my newer devices are over 16gb so storage was becoming a problem.


I was using a 30gb iPod Photo from 2004 but the knackered battery meant that every time I started my car, it took 5 minutes to restart.


Was it an actual £100 voucher or a collection of smaller ones?

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I've seen you and @Daft playing this game for quite a long time last night :)


God damn, this is addictive. Really enjoying it, no idea how you would get that trophy for doing the game in a few lives though.


Hm, I think it's just a matter of getting to the bosses without taking too much damage. If you know how to beat them, I reckon you could even do it without dying once.


I've only beaten two bosses so I don't really know how difficult this will be.

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A black Wii. Yeah, you read that right. Another Wii.


The white launch model was moved to the living room a while ago for the nephews when they're over (and wouldn't fit with the black colour scheme in the entertainment room) and buying another Wii was cheaper than buying the Component cables for the GameCube...

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A black Wii. Yeah, you read that right. Another Wii.


The white launch model was moved to the living room a while ago for the nephews when they're over (and wouldn't fit with the black colour scheme in the entertainment room) and buying another Wii was cheaper than buying the Component cables for the GameCube...

You could just suck it up for free :blank:

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