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They exist!




Found in both GAME and Gamestation. They also had the Swkyward Sword design with Link on his Loftwing but they weren't in the system so they couldn't sell it, apparently they only got them yesterday and I was the first one to buy it. Everyone else must've been too busy looking for cheap preowned stuff.


Ended up with 2 of the same design since they just swapped the card.


(Cross posted in the eShop topic).

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Lighten up man.


Why should I? I find the guy annoying as it is so a post like he made earlier is obviously going to annoy me.


He's on my ignore list now anyway. I figured Id just steer clear of him like with the few other people that annoy me on this forum but to be honest id rather just not have to read his posts at all.

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Just under a tenner.


And a second hand PS3, slim with 160GB, cost £130* but doesn't seem to have the right cable for my TV (it came with the one with 5 lil cables at the end.), can anyone recommend a good HDMI cable? Some of the ones I've been looking at have very mixed reviews.


*It's my birthday present from my Mummy once she finds out/gives monies.

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Any HDMI cable is fine as long as it's long enough. There's no quality degradation on a digital cable, so don't be suckered into anything expensive. I use one that cost a couple of quid on ebay. As long as it doesn't have reviews saying it fell to bits, it'll do just fine.

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Wait, you actually bought 4 Captain Americas?


I thought you just ended up with 4 because of set overlaps.


It is the only one he comes in. I needed four because ;


A) Need at least 2-3 Caps.




B) In that set you get two aliens. 2 x 4 = 8 + 1 you get in the Quinjet = 9.



9 Aliens spells "Invasion" more than the measly 3 that you would get if just getting one of each set.

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I'm not sure if I should wait for the Vita version instead (I don't care about peace walker). I loved The Twin Snakes and I own MGS4 - however with absolutely zero explanations I can not understand how the gameplay works. I'm assuming that MGS3 will explain the controls for MGS4.

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