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I've finally climbed on the Next Gen Bandwagon guys (and girls)! This is the game that came bundled, but I'll be getting Just Cause 3 as soon as I can! Put Ass Creed London and Far Cry 4 on me Xmas list too.


Can't wait to pwn some n00bs.


Myself, from the Battlefront thread. Oh yeah.

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I participated in the Black Friday sales and got these:

Destiny: The Taken King- £40

The Evil Within- £10

The Witcher 3- £20

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain- £25


I also found out that I won £10 credit on the HMV store website that I didn't know about. So I used them to get these sexy little beasts:




£6.99 each. You may orgasm. All I need now is Treasure Planet, Dinosaur and Home on the Range and I have all of the numbered Disney blu-rays released in the UK. The thing that sucks though is that Disney have released Saludos Amigos, The Three Caballeros, Make Mine Music and Melody Time on DVD numbered but they haven't on bluray. Also, HOW IS THE BLACK CAULDRON STILL NOT AVAILABLE! Bastards!

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I found Marth without a funny face so naturally I had to add him to the collection of Amiibo with wonderful hair



I got Project Mirai for 3DS! I loved the Vita/PS3 games but hated the art-style of this new one so I initially passed it up. After playing my friends copy though, the music is even better and it has an extra touch screen mode that plays like Elite Beat Agents so I had to take the plunge.


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@Magnus - It's good but it doesn't come close to matching Elite Beat Agents, sorry! Gameplay-wise it's similar but doesn't have the awesome cut-scenes and crazy spins that game had. Still, it probably is the closest thing we'll see to it again so if you like vocaloid music you might wanna give it a try, there's an eShop demo!
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Got a Surface Pro 4 along with a copy of Manga Studio 5 for drawing




I had been looking at a Surface Pro 4 as apparently it can run Photoshop. Could do with something like this as sharing my Macbook with @Fierce_LiNk can get annoying and means I get less work done. :P


Once you have tested drawing on it, could you let me know how well it works? Also, what model did you go for in terms of power etc.? :)


It's too pricey for me right now, but I might try saving up for one!

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Once you have tested drawing on it, could you let me know how well it works? Also, what model did you go for in terms of power etc.? :)


It's too pricey for me right now, but I might try saving up for one!


Yeah it runs Photoshop quite well from what I've heard, I just don't have a subscription so couldn't use it.


I ended up going for the base M3 model as while the extra power of the i5 would have been nice, I was more interested in the fan-less version in the end and thankfully I haven't noticed any slowdown yet.


I did a quick bit of drawing this afternoon in Manga Studio 5 and really liked it. The pen was very responsive and I seemed to be getting all the subtle lines I was trying for. I'm going to try some other software when I get a chance so I can compare a bit more. I tend to use Gimp at work so I'll probably go with that next to see how well the pen responds.

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I bought this to cheer myself up. I went on a walk and ended up going to HMV and buying it. It's not numbered though so I'm just tweaking the nips a bit. I don't think it exists numbered. I need to find someone with a fantastic printer and do it myself.

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I've been considering getting one of those for my 'games' room for a while now. Do you know roughly how long the cable is? The only place I think I could really place it would need it to be over a metre.. and I'd rather not use yet another extension lead :heh:

I do not. It should arrive tomorrow so I'll measure it when I open it.


Where did you get that?

Amazon. £15.

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46 x 61cm print


In amongst all of the Christmas shopping, which has already left my wallet hurting, I decided to treat myself to a little something, an early Christmas present for myself :grin:. Been looking at it for ages and couldn't decide whether I wanted a print of the Abraxas cover art or the Supernatural one (not a fan of the latter album but the art is awesome, as is the one for Shaman) but settled on this one as it looks awesome.

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I've been considering getting one of those for my 'games' room for a while now. Do you know roughly how long the cable is? The only place I think I could really place it would need it to be over a metre.. and I'd rather not use yet another extension lead :heh:


I've had one for about a year or so, the lead is about 1 Metre long and it's one of those leads which will never be completely straight either so another extension lead is most likely required especially as it connects to the Blue block around the back of it; at least it's an angled connector though. : peace:

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My mum broken my fave pint glasses that my sister got me from when she went to Las Vegas last year so I'm ordering a replacement straight from USA. :(


Mate, they're in HMV for a fiver each. They have The Big Bang Theory, Halo, Metal Gear Solid and more. I want The Walking Dead but they keep selling out!


Also, I saw a Death Note mug that I'm in complete love with but I don't have HMV money right now! :(





(The Hogwarts Crest is a phone wallet)


So my friend ordered these for me for £3.50 each, which I'm happy about. They look seriously amazing! #SmackMyMingeUp


Funny story:

My friend ordered these for me and when they arrived, he phoned me.

I got to his place and got the parcel, opened it and the cases looked beautiful. I open the wallet and see it's looking cool, however the part where the phone goes in is half-attached, half-not. I went a bit mad.

"I know it's £3-bastard-50p but shit, I bought this out of my own bloody money. I mean, SHIT! Look at it, it's just flapping! What the actual fuaaarrk!"

It was then when my mate told me to stop and hold on and asked for my phone. I give it to him to find it's half-attached purposely because it's also a stand! Mind. Fucking. BLOWN! I love it so much more now. I went onto the same eBay page and have been thinking of ordering a few others.

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