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What drives you insane?


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I flashed someone in front of me yesterday


They were doing 25...on a 40. >_< And this road has signs along it that clearly say 40.


If they aren't a learner they've no excuse for that. Even someone that's freshly passed knows not to drive like that.


Oh see I can understand that, but when you're doing the speed limit on a road with cameras it's just rude.


There's a fair few roads on the way home that have 6 cameras one after the other on them, you can lose your licence twice on one road, so it seems silly!

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People who try to act smarter than they are. I don't mind if someone wants to learn more but when I'm talking to someone or watching someone talk (not eavesdropping :p) and they think that they know everything there is to know like the rules of pyschology especially! And of course, they never stop giving you advice...ugh!


I have to bite me tounge a lot.

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- people driving way too close behind me... if I were to stop all of a sudden they might slam right into me =(


When this happens to me I do one of two things depending on my mood.


Most of the time I just take my foot off the accelerator and slow down about 20 below, bonus if it's a no passing zone :D. Occasionally I return the favor after they pass.


If I'm in foul mood though, I will hit my brakes...hard. It's always good to inspire a little fear in the masses.


All I can remember when I was a learner is I sat next to a somewhat stupid girl, and someone ran up and smacked the buildings window on Halloween.

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Flies and wasps during the day, moths at night. Especially when its hot and the bastards force me to close my windows to keep them out!


Oh and also people that just cannot fathom why I like to spend some of my time reading comics. Im perfectly fine with people making the occassional joke but its the people (like my mum for some reason) that just see any comic as completely childish even though its basically just the same as a book but told differently with images etc. Drives me crazy having to defend what im reading.

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If I'm in foul mood though, I will hit my brakes...hard. It's always good to inspire a little fear in the masses.


You're a complete and utter prat then. No need to make a situation massively more dangerous than it is already.

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Snoring. Christ almighty I hate it. My Dad snores in the next room (parents bedroom funnily enough) and I have to have music on to sleep.


I hope I didn't snore at the meet/in the tent/any other times we've been intimate slept in the same vicinity.


Quota Manager - "Morning Omar


Is your name Omar?


The voices in my head.


Its not relevant, but I've been watching a lot of The Wire lately, and I promise you...I really do, the voice in my head has become a Batlimore drug dealer. I found myself thinking earliar (whilst looking for a USB cable) "Ssshhhiiiiii man, I'owknow where I put that thing."




Anyway, what annoys me? Black people. Hate them.

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Its not relevant, but I've been watching a lot of The Wire lately, and I promise you...I really do, the voice in my head has become a Batlimore drug dealer. I found myself thinking earliar (whilst looking for a USB cable) "Ssshhhiiiiii man, I'owknow where I put that thing."


That happens to literally everyone who watches The Wire, I believe...


I know we've argued the pants off it recently around these parts, but, my god, being able to hear people's music (or worse, just a hint of it) when they're using head/earphones. When walking down the street it's a bit irritating, but when in a place where you're stuck with it, like in a lift or on public transport, then it drives me insane. It's actually worse than chavs playing music out loud on their phones.

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30 in a 60!




= 60 people!... 60 MILES AN HOUR!!! Learn it!


At least 60 TBH.


Not that I'm a speed demon though. I came off a roundabout the other day and some PRICK came right up my arse, I was like "WTF" as I was doing like....50 in a 40 anyway, and I was like. Fuck this, and slammed that shit into 25....then 20 until he got the message and backed the fuck off my bumper. Then I raped away when we got on the no limit road and left him chewing my dust.



Seriously hate buper nudgers. They're worse than slowbies. So actually yeah, thats what I hate.

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30 in a 60!




= 60 people!... 60 MILES AN HOUR!!! Learn it!


Correction. That sign means "We can't be bothered to look at what speed if safe on this road so we'll just shove this sign here."


If you drove at 60 on some of those roads you'll end up in a hedge or worse.

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You're a complete and utter prat then. No need to make a situation massively more dangerous than it is already.


It's hardly massively more dangerous, it's enough to quickly shift the weight but not hardly slow down.


They shouldn't be that close to me regardless

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And those freakin baby on board signs....just....why? I don't get it?


I think it's so that in the event of an accident, the emergency services know to look for a baby. They get lost in a wreckage quite easily. It also lets them know to be very careful when cutting away bits of the car.

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I think it's so that in the event of an accident, the emergency services know to look for a baby. They get lost in a wreckage quite easily. It also lets them know to be very careful when cutting away bits of the car.


But some of them come with stupid sayings that makes it rather unclear that there is/could be a baby in the car.

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But some of them come with stupid sayings that makes it rather unclear that there is/could be a baby in the car.


Oh yeah, those things are retarded and possibly dangerous. But I thought Raining was on about the geniune ones. Pretty much all those type of window signs in cars seem shit to me.

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