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Today is my One Hundred and Eleventieth Birthday.


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Well, not quite. But this is my 10,000th post. If you don't take into account the 5,000 or so I probably had on N64-Europe.


Back in the day, when our post count was displayed along side everyone's post and they (correctly) believed this was an accurate representation of penis size, these threads were everywhere.


So why would I be so ego-centric? Well I'm going to take this opportunity to have a little fun.


So this evening at 7.30pm I will re-launch the Official N-Europe Quiz. There will be five more rounds, one per week, before final winners are announced. This first round will be the biggest, giving plenty of people a chance to hopefully join in even if they're way behind. The final winner will have a chance to be admin for a day. Well no, not really. But there will be some kind of real world prize and some kind of forum based prize too.


I am also going to open up signups to an Epic text based forum game which I will organise. The winner of this will also receive some kind of prize.


That's all the fun stuff, you can stop reading there if you want.





Still here? Then join me in sharing a few memories.


I've been on N-Europe since, like many of you, the title also contained the number 64. My username when I signed up was "shortyikickass247" and I was only 14 years old. I've lost my first ever sig, but this is pretty much exactly what it looked like:




Actually it was much better than that, which says a lot about my graphics skills now.


I started off as just another user, quite a trouble-causing one, not knowing anything about the staff behind N-Europe. I still couldn't tell you the history of the site in terms of changing hands and all that... I never paid a lot of attention. My amazing creativity (lol, lies) somehow put me in charge of the creative board and from there things just escalated. I was made admin along with Jordan (also an old timer who used to have a much stupider username).


Jayseven and I became mates through IRC. Years later I convinced him to come to the same Uni as me, forcing him to lose tens of thousands in student loans. Hopefully he doesn't hold that against me.


I've made a lot of friends on here over the last few years :) All of whom have now left and instead I'm stuck with you lot :(


I kid.


Share with me, memories of awesomeness:


  • "Am I the Only Female??" was the first awesome thread, similar to "Meaningless Post of the Day" but way more awesome. The first thread in gen chit chat to have hundreds and hundreds of posts without having an actual topic, which was closed by then-admin Svt4Him.
  • Halo 3 Oddball on Narrows megalols.
  • Rokhed changes from a man/monster hybrid into some kind of weird fairy-man which he would have, at one point, stabbed on sight.
  • The failed "revolution".
  • The Epic Thread of pr0ns which lead to about 7 bans of otherwise-great members. At least 2 of which are back on the boards, thinking we don't know who they are.
  • 3rd Children's forum user pokemon cards.
  • Solitanze! Lolitanze.
  • Bstmte :indeed:
  • Mr_Odwin reproducing, twice!
  • Trying to play Phantasy Star Online through the Gamecube's abhorrent 56k internet adapter and communicating through badly assembled pictures of boobs.
  • King_V loses his virginity and shares all the details with us.
  • Zeikfried and the other Uber Leets find a javascript security hole in Xsorbit to make pop-up messages appear on any page they like.
  • Best Signature competitions!
  • Flesh Eating Frog insists he has never masturbated, is worn down for hours until he admits to being a big liar :D
  • Hours spent into the night jabbering about absolutely nothing on IRC.
  • And much much more.
  • Some amazing members who are now to cool to hang out with us: Jordan, Blackfox, Athriller, Laikmosh, Bluey, Apple Ndib, Jim, Tim, Diemetrix, Gerben, Johelian and many many more...






I hasten that you join me in a little nostalgia. Post some memories of N-Europe. I know these kinds of threads aren't exactly rare but I don't care. Tell me a little bit about yourself, how you got here, who you remember from when you signed up. Don't care if you signed up last week or 10 years ago. Ever caused any trouble for the staff? Did you used to be a total n00b? Do you remember anything way more awesome than the stuff I listed above?


Talk N-Europe, whinge about the recent thread lockage, sing about the old mod team, I don't care. Be nice, be not so nice, but whatever you do- join me in the Quiz thread at 7.30 tonight!

Edited by Shorty
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Congrats on 10,000 posts!! :)


Just checked my post count... 9,777... so here comes post 9,778!!


  • I joined way back on Cube-Europe, and like many here (or not so many anymore :/) migrated over to N-Europe with the big shake-up!
  • First came the creation of my username, and although I've thought about changing it on a number of occasions... and still might... it's still with me many, many, years later! Link FTW!!!
  • I've had a range of Zelda related Avatars and Sig's over the years.
  • I remember when I joined Cube-Europe, Strider making an effort to make me feel welcome, so I better thank him!
  • The first ever thread I created was about this amazing series of videos...


...and invited others to post their favourite fan-made video game movies.


  • So then I just stuck around!
  • For a long time I think I mainly stayed in the video game related boards, but a few years back started posting in the General Discussion, where I probably became a bit more noticed as a member.
  • And yeah, probably a combination of this and me being an avid member in the Nintendo Boards led to me being upgraded to Mod status! Where I preside over the Wii/DS/Retro Boards with my fellow musketeers... HoT & Darksnowman!
  • I don't know a great deal about the history of the boards, old members, memories and jokes... I think it passed me by when I was more console board focused.


But thread highlights from the last few years have definately been...

Oh and another fond memory is of course from E3 200(and something... a number of years ago now), when the wait for the Nintendo conference to start was getting unbearable! and with Nintendo's build up techno tunes ringing in our ears, enter...



Edited by Retro_Link
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So much win in the OP dude :)



- I remember having to wait 'til past 6pm to use the computer (56k!!!)

- everyone assuming I loved the colour purple

- getting stuck on SSSV because of a section where you were a penguin and you had to do the close encounters tune but I couldn't hear the difference between some of teh notes so Jim and Rob helped me out

- LaIkMoSh's general insanity

- Svt4Him being all older than us

- hearing Blackbird's voice over msn (robot)...

- One NYE, being all "woo countdown!" in IRC, then "Woo last-minute party invite laters suckerrrrs!" then a year later "woo countdown!" again

- SCHPICKLES. Where's he gone?!

- Falcolombardi, who turns up like once every two months to make a post here now

- isketch

- forum quiz (yay, it's back!!)

- people's average age being 14

- Lammy! Taught me everything I knew about photoshop. He even sent me a pirate copy! He lives in Australia.

- Oh! For my product design GCSE I made a leaflet/stand based on the forums (wish I knew where it was!) that Tim and Gerben wrote a "welcome!" thing for! Got something like 105/120 for that project. Epic.

- Organising *ahem :P* the first big meet 3 years ago, and making the effort to, so far, meet something like 60 members from the forum!


... Those are a few memories, interesting only to the c-e elites, I'd guess. There's billions more. This forum has really played a massive part of my life.


Which is probably incredibly sad.

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Some random facts


- I was a lurker at the very end of the N64 Days

- I signed up for the C-E forums at 5:23pm on the 7th October 2002. I was 14 at the time.

- My original forum name was I_Am_Turok

- I had various different forum names, such as "Mazza in the Sun". I finally settled on DJcube, then to _Cube (as Cube was taken).

- I have too many posts on this forum.

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Congrats on the 10,000 posts there dude. Forum quiz making a come-back, i shall be there (in some form or another). Who knows, i may be there once i come back from le pub later.


I remember joining back in the C-E days, but wasn't active as much as i wanted to be. Then joining here back in 2006, under the name jimbob2720. And as per usual, i was an unknown in a world of big names (some including Jordan, Ashley, Flink, EEVIL and Platty) Some serious names there. I hung mostly in the GCC area, but was known to venture into the world of the Console Boards.


I don't know what occured, but somehow i managed to keep the appearances i had on here more frequent and more meaningful. Since then, i've kind of become something. Something being myself online, and nothing else. From those who met me this year, you will have discovered that i can be a bit looney when drunk.


1 memory i do have is of Jordan helping with dropping the numbers from my name, after a post i made in the Memorable names thread some number of years ago.


I have many fond forum memories, some of which include


  • Rokhead (for those who do not know, you do not want to know)
  • King V's Virginity losing Thread
  • Forum Telephone (one of THE best games to hit N-Europe)
  • A found fondness of Arnie amongst members and myself
  • The Black vs Grey thread (legendary)
  • Rez


I could keep it going all day and night, but i can't recall everything in one day. I will be back later, once i've had some memory juice.

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Wow, it's strange thinking about the fact that I've been here for 3 years now. I think I joined the forums around the time when Revo-Europe turned into N-Europe. I had been looking for a good site for Nintendo news for a while and finally found out N-Europe (then Revo-Europe) was the place to go. I don't remember much from my first time here. I started off in the Wii Discussion and spent a lot of time in the Super Smash Bros. Brawl thread. After a long while I ventured into General Chit Chat and now spend almost all my time here with the occasional trip to the Creative Gallery and the good old Wii Discussion. N-Europe started off as a gaming forum for me, but has now become more of a general forum, and it's the only forum I visit. I have become quite attached to this place and feel like it's a virtual second home. If I've been away for a while, I'm afraid I've missed something, and I see a lot of the people in here as friends.


Of all the things I've experienced on this forum, some things stand out:

  • Rokhed acting up and finally getting banned.
  • Jordan leaving the place due to heartache.
  • The holiday gags like renaming the mods and admins and the like.
  • Having watched the N-E Meet threads for the past two years and cursing the fact that I didn't live in England. Next year I SHALL and WILL be there!
  • Having had several heated discussions with different people, often due to my love for discussions.
  • Participating in the amazing forum games like Mafia, Forum Telephone, BISH, Mock the Week and Picture Caption Game.


I know these maybe don't stand out much, but they are nevertheless some of the things that really stand out in my memory.

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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Like Gandalf in Moria, I have no memories of this place. Admitting to having any would be confirmation enough for some people to swing the hammer. I already got hit once before. It hurt.


I'm enjoying reading all the rest of your memories, though. Great stuff.

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[*]Jordan leaving the place due to heartache.


The weird thing is, I actually kind of predicted this before it happened. Well, not exactly, predicted, but asked the question anyway.


I was a member during the Cube-Europe days, found C-E by searching for the Gamecube European launch date (3rd May, 2002 by the way) and remember seeing that bloke from Nintendo on a video on C-E announcing it (think he was called Gosen). Can't remember what my name was then. Signed up for N-E in 2005, took me until 2007 to get to 10 posts and have since chalked up the massive sum of 1100 posts.


I guess I'm hardly a pivotal forum member, nor would I wish to be, but most of you lot seem like a pretty cool bunch. I'm happy to be one of the background members, no-one really knows me on here, to be honest, I prefer it this way but I never get any birthday threads made for me *sob!*

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My name has always been pretty much the same. Started as AshSan, dropped the San and eventually added the 'ley'. And obviously its been changed a few times for fun and games.


I have no memories! Other than I was made mod (or maybe even admin straight away, I forget even that) by Svt4Him because I reported a lot of posts/was awesome.


And I recently became Editor-in-Chief of the site. So I am turning into Mussolini like that drunk guy said a while back. Score.


Oh I suppose real life memories based on the people:


- Castle Crashers (or whatever its called...) with Shorty, Nightwolf and Jayseven at Shorty and Jayseven's flat.

- Meeting Dan Dare the first time in London outside a huge train station ("I'm outside" "So am I...." "I think we're at different outsides")

- Meeting Shorty and Jayseven for the first time. Was heading to Sheffield to see a friend and they met me outside the station and we went for drink/for me to be defeated at pool (snooker?) and then find our way to my friends. Resulted in me getting a taxi instead.

- Meeting Razz for the first time...also at Sheffield train station.

- Being with Razz at Meadowhall as Slaggis steps off the tram and I turned to Razz and said "can I punch him?" He seems like the hittable type :p

- Being recognised in Birmingham by someone (think it was UziT) for being "Ashley from N-Europe"

- Meeting Tim! After being hired by him some 7 years earlier.

- Meeting Tom at the same time.

- Tellyn's hip thrusting. Oh dear lord the hip thrusting :p

- Going with Jayseven and Dan Dare (and their friends) to see Watchmen. Stood at the tram stop when some random drunk teens started talking to Jayseven about going to Meadowhall to get some easy puss. Apparently where its at.

- Julia Roberts in This is Racism.

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Despite joining 3 years ago, I've only really joined in this summer (due to boredom :p)

As I've only really been commenting the last few months I don't have a lot of memories with the site but there are still some nice moments that have truly made me lol!


I'm quite glad, as well, that even though I am new I feel like I'm apart of the community *end of soppy speech*


Is it me, or does this thread almost feel like everyone is saying goodbye?

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In 32 years I've got a surprisingly low amount of memories.


- The meets

- Generally making friends.

- The Chronicles of Rokhed.

- King V loses the V, best thread ever.

- dynastypsycho, best thread ever also.

- ReZdiculous, another best thread ever.


There's relaly too many.

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I've never been a really active member whatsoever, even though I've been around for a while, mostly lurking when I remember to. ;p


Most of those who know who I am probably remember me as "Goomba's gf" as he were a moderator (i think??) on the C-E boards. :) At least he had something to do with the staff, since he got access to the SUPER SECRET STAFF BOARD. He showed me a post he made there about me, and that made me really happy! How sweet isn't that? And so I joined in.. :P


I've mostly had contact with forum members via the IRC channel #cube-europe, sadly it has pretty much died by now.

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Wow where do i begin in the 2 months i've been here :p



i find it very funny that Rokhed was a dick on this forum as-well as the Gamezville forums which i was a member / moderator of.



I just hope you guys aren't to forgiving and uplift it's ban, cause that creature and me just did NOT get on.

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I joined C-E when I'd bought a DS on eBay from America. I was asking Strider (North_Shore back then I believe) about duty and tax and shiz and he directed me to C-E. CooInTheZoo answered my first question. Whatever happened to him?


The weird thing is, I actually kind of predicted this before it happened. Well, not exactly, predicted, but asked the question anyway.


From that thread:


Moogle and I are finding it quite difficult since we split, (hence the constant 1upping of each other recently in the playground) but I think we're reaching that point where we just need to resolve things and move on, as its getting us both down.




Before he decided to shack up with that hussy, goafer.

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Thinking back, I must've been here since 2002 as it was before the GameCube came out. That's coming up for 8 years which is far too long.


These days I rarely leave the General forum (and in that, its quite often only the Xpert Thread) and if I do its to visit the Tech board or Halo Reach thread.


8661 posts on this forum and a good few thousand on the Xsorbit forums.


Joined up as 'Moria' and changed to Charlie a while ago.



Best memories from the forum?

-In recent years? The Xpert11 banter

-The day the Wiimote got unveiled

-Rokhed finally getting the boot

-Being made a mod of the GameCube board, then 'Revolution' board, then General. Then deciding I don't post enough anymore to warrant being a mod so leaving my post and being made a Vet instead (Thank you, Jordan :)).

-King V's virginity thread. A modern day classic.

-Trying to go to the last 2 meet ups but having to pull out due to other commitments. I have actually met a few of you guys though... Twozzok, at a friend's birthday last year. ShadowV7 at the Wii launch at GameStation in Stirling. A couple of other people there too



And my best memory?

-The Halo 2 nights with The3rdChildren, Meik, Bowser57, CVD, Dan_dare, Jordan and a few others.


We played Halo so much together and had a great time doing so. I remember the 'Pyramid of Halo' that Guy made up showing where we all were in terms of how good we were along with loads of other funny things. Anyone who played with us remember the Friday Night 'Hot Tub Ranking' which we used to watch on Channel 5 in between games?

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I've probably got no right posting in this thread ;) as I've only joined a couple of days ago! But I just wanted to say that this place really does sound like the perfect place to hang out, and that if I'm lucky enough to still be here in a few years and have half as many great sounding memories as you all have, I'll be a very happy grizzly-bear-with-a-robot-for-a-stomach indeed.


I've only joined the forum a couple of days ago but actually started using the site as my main Nintendo news site just after I first purchased my Gamecube at the end of 2003. It's been in my favourites tab ever since - alongside Go Nintendo now and again I must confess - but apart from reading the comments in the news articles I never bothered with the forum, but that was because other sites ruined it for me.


I'd been a very active forum member over at Knight Rider Online for a few years but then one person joined who attacked everyone whose opinion was different to his. He, unfortunately, contributed news stories so the site never did anything to him and loads of people left, a lot of my good friends, and then so did I once this fella started amassing a "following". Something similar had previously happened at TFArchive.com and after KRO I'd just had enough.


I finally caved in a few days ago because I've become so pumped about the 3DS and wanted to see what was happening in the forums here, if there was any new news etc., but instead I found myself reading dozens of threads written by a very cool bunch of people and finally realised I'd found the impossible - a forum I'd like to be part of again! :)


Here's to new momories to come : peace: and congrats to you Shorty!

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I used to like thread anniversary threads, and then they got to be too much, but then this one is nice because there has been such a break.

I joined in January 2004, after looking around for info on the Gamecube. I was late to the GC scene (I'd avoided consoles for a few years because they turned me into a teenage social misfit) which meant that there was already all sorts of lovely stuff available for me to buy. I registered as Mr_Odwin (XSorbit didn't allow spaces so the underscore was necessary) and I have kept it as my name because it's awesome cool (a character from a Douglas Adams book).


My first thread was about nosebleeds.


It's been cool sharing having kids with the forum. All the way from miscarriage (not so cool) to the arrival of two kids the forum has been nice and supportive.


Interesting memories:


The meet. I met jayseven at his/Shorty/Nami's place. I asked if I could use his loo, went into the loo, and by the time I was done (like 1 minute) he'd left me. Deserted.

The meet. Drove R_a and darksnowman to the airport but got stuck in traffic and showed them a little of my angry/frustrated side. :(

Invincible Rez gave me Volume 2! In my drawer I have his address and some day I will repay the favour.

Songs Sounds weird, but I made a song on C-E and it was well fun. Then on R-E I made one from some lyrics The3rdChildren wrote. That was fun too. I have them at home on my PC, but not here at work.

Staff Secret Santa A Hollyoaks calendar will forever be associated with my Play account.


And lots more nice stuff!

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Songs Sounds weird, but I made a song on C-E and it was well fun.


The Xsorbit song! That should've been on my list. Legendary. Any chance we could relive that memory in full?


Staff Secret Santa A Hollyoaks calendar will forever be associated with my Play account.
I think I got McPhee. I bought him a Wonder Woman mug, but it never arrived :( (this is why I never use forbiddenplanet.co.uk anymore) so he got a boring voucher in the 11th hour. Mokong bought me a talking bottle opener and a fridge magnet. Legends the lot of you! Edited by Shorty
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The Xsorbit song! That should've been on my list. Legendary. Any chance we could relive that memory in full?


I think I got McPhee. I bought him a Wonder Woman mug, but it never arrived :( (this is why I never use forbiddenplanet.co.uk anymore) so he got a boring voucher in the 11th hour. Mokong bought me a talking bottle opener and a fridge magnet. Legends the lot of you!


I was neglected and didn't get anything. I bought someone, I can't remember who it was now, a Jesus action figure.

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I must have joined up I think around April 2002 when I was 15 year old n00b with a brand new Gamecube. I remember my first post was asking what 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarter meant on release dates. What a cock. :nono:


Anyway things improved since then and eventually I got enough posts and guts to dare to post in general chit-chat. Though I've always been just a bit of a lurker I still have some good memories of this place. The mixtape mixup was great and I enjoyed the meet last year. It's strange, this place is a bit of a constant in my life that I feel has grown up alongside me.

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