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What do you do at work to pass time...


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Other than work of course.


it's hit 3pm, my manager has gone home, and i'm here till 5 with work to do, but little enthusiasm to do it...


so what have i done instead of my work....


Pokemon Food Products!!!







next in line... Tropious Banana's, Chansey's Free Range Eggs, Farfetch'd Aproved Leek and of Course Milktank MooMoo Milk ;)



yeah limited resources.. with paint and flamingtext.com!



what do you guys do to pass time at work when you're not in full work mode?

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My work consists of watching dogs and occasionally talking to an owner/answering the phone. I'm the only one there, so naturally I do whatever I feel like, usually play my DS for about 7 hours and get paid to do so. Occasionally I'll take my 360 though.

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It's a bit quiet at work at the moment due to the Schools being on summer holidays. Generally we mooch around trying to look busy, help out other departments (I got to drive to/in central London today. Win) and print our own photos.


My bestest efforts (not the canvas print):



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Today the person who usually sits beside me is taking the day off, so I'm going to see if I can double up on his computer station and log into my old profile that has unfiltered Internet to browse at my leisure doing downtime.

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Well it's nice to see today's work force take their work so seriously. No wonder we're in recession :P

I haven't ever worked in an office so I can't imagine how it would be, but I know during computer class everyone had a cheeky webpage loading in the background of the actual work.

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Well it's nice to see today's work force take their work so seriously. No wonder we're in recession :P

I haven't ever worked in an office so I can't imagine how it would be, but I know during computer class everyone had a cheeky webpage loading in the background of the actual work.


a lot of offices have internet filtered/blocked.


I know in my old office it was blocked entirely, thankfully we use an external site now and have to have internet access to get on our internal servers :P but its still filtered. All dodgy stuff, and any page with a video on it is blocked


My office is constantly working, we don't have the chance to skive.. outside of our calls we have to do monotonous data input.


Its gotten worse for us with the recession, we've had to do more work for less money

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I am SO glad i'm not the only one!


*high five*


*high five* get us aye? a right pair of dedicated workers. :D


He did say in the very first sentence in the original post "apart from work." :heh:


Yeah but... I literally don't have time to do anything else at work except what I should be doing because there's always something to do, I don't mind so much though because it can never be disputed that I don't actually earn my wage and it makes the time pass quickly.

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At my current job I seldom have time to not work. Although the other day I did read a magazine in our little cupboard because it was an awkward period whereby there was nothing for me to do. Or drink a 'compliment cup' of coke.


Game was the best, we had such fun not doing work. Play the DS, wind each other up (e.g. hiding the Roger Rodriquez standee in the toilets), wander off to other shops, play the "if we were to get in a fight which item from the store would you use?" game etc. During the World Cup (2006) we had those shitty little triangular flags on a string the company sent in dangling off the roof so we used a small stuffed football we got from somewhere and played volleyball.


Oh and put the toys into sexual positions to see if customers would notice!

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