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Breaking Bad


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Finished the 2nd half of season 5


I don't know what to make of that, i was expecting Jesse to finally put the bullet into Walt's head, but didn't. I was not expecting Hank to be killed off, but that certainly was different. Walt getting final revenge on everyone, the gang with that motorized gun from the car. And Jesse killing Todd in revenge of him killing his girlfriend, that was a sweet moment. Killing Lydia with the Ricin in her coffee (didn't expect that to happen, but it was fitting to see her go as well).


The genius idea to find out where Elliot and Gretchen lived was done well, and making sure that they would give over 9 million to Flynn. I mean, i was thinking how did Walt manage to get those snipers. But when it was revealed to be Jesse's friends, that was brilliant. And using that charity "Grey Matters" to get the money to the family is a good way indeed.


The final scenes themselves, that was certainly "edge of seat" stuff. Marie calling Skyler to say watch out for Walt, he may be coming. Then for him to appear from behind the pillar, give over the location to where Hank was buried by Jack and saying goodbye to Holly was a fitting end to that i thought.


With Walt dying in the lab, that was a good ending. I for one was expecting him to have succumed to the cancer eventually, but i guess with nothing to live it was best for it to end that way. And i don't get why Walt even went into hiding, maybe it was to get the heat off his back long enough so a plan could be hatched for revenge. And being hit by a stray bullet, meh. It kind of makes sense really, i would of hated him going to prision as the ending.


I did watch the "alternative ending" on the series, nice little nod to his other known series.



Overall i was impressed with Breaking Bad, had a nice story to it and some great memorable characters.

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  • 5 months later...

Watched Breaking Bad Series 3 and 4 this weekend passing the time until Smash Bros. arrives tomorrow. I watched the first 2 when they first came out then fell behind. It is absolutely awesome and is ow my all time favourite series on TV replacing Lost(the ending of that was such a huge disappointment). I'm tempted to start into series 5 but I don't want it to end. It's so addictive just like Blue Ice.

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Yeah, I finally started this series some months ago, but I only watched the first 7 or 8 episodes, before I stopped watching. I thought it was great, but I just barely watch television / use my Netflix subscription. Few weeks ago I hoped to correct that, so I´m catching up. Currently I´m at the start of season 4.


Funny anecdote (well, funny for you, sad for me):

Before I decided to start watching again, I was just browsing the internet, looking at some interviews on Conan O´Brien´s site. I always check out the cute girls, one of them was Krysten Ritter. I didn´t know who she was at that point, again, she just looked cute. then in the interview, they reveal

her character in Breaking Bad dies a horrible death.

I liked how Conan after that spoiler says he´s surprised that so many people are still discovering the series :rolleyes:.


Then I started watching again, and sure enough, her character shows up soon enough.

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  • 1 month later...
Onto Season 3


That Skyler is a reyt hard faced bitch. I've hated the witch ever since the beginning of season 1.


We've only started watching Breaking Bad recently in our house and there have been similarlt strong feelings of dislike for Skyler since the outset. Big Walt don't need that bitch, yo :shakehead


We're also into Season 3 now and it amazes us that the show is so good despite so much of the cast being so unlikeable :eek:

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  • 3 months later...

Finally getting round to watching through the whole thing (only watched Season 1 and now I'm watching the whole series).


So I started from the beginning again and it's just as great as I remember it! Everyone is so messed up and so endearing! I love how everyone has their own strong reasoning behind everything they do; with strong character development on the part of the whole cast!


Cinematography is great! The music is great! The pacing is spot on, really just great stuff all round! : peace:

Edited by Dcubed
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  • 4 years later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Saw this last night. Wasn’t bad, still had the style of Breaking Bad in the way it was shot and acted, but I felt a lot of the drama and tension were absent. I enjoyed the plot in general, but wasn’t keen on the climatic scene. It just felt a bit out of character. 

I would’ve been fine had this never been made, certainly not as enjoyable as the magnificent Better Call Saul, but a pretty good movie none the less. 

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On 12.10.2019 at 3:20 AM, killthenet said:

Anyone else watched El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie yet? I definitely enjoyed it but it seems pretty unnecessary. I suppose Jesse is such a beloved character that it feels right to flesh out his character more but I definitely prefer the approach of Better Call Saul. 

(I'll quote you here, since this is the dedicated Breaking Bad thread :p)

Watched it last night and enjoyed it. That's it.

It wasn't unnecessary but it also wasn't necessary, if that makes any sense...nice to have, but as @Dog-amoto said: 

53 minutes ago, Dog-amoto said:

I would’ve been fine had this never been made

Still, Aaron Paul is incredible as Jesse Pinkman, no matter if it's in the series or the movie.

Edited by drahkon
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