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Breaking Bad


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Yeah June or July to avoid competition from others. And apparently the creator of the show is also "reconsidering the S3 finale" (may make sense to those who watched it but saw that headline and carried on).


I still don't like it. Or should I say I found myself hating Clarissa's dad (I forget the actor and character's name) so passionately I couldn't watch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shiiiiiiiit. Finished Season 2. So fucking awesome.


The finale was so amazing/good/lol. I was tense the whole freaking ....well the whole season not just episode for the


burning incident



To happen, then it just turns out to be a plane crash. Still not fully fully answered though. But the hilariousness, was the constant hints they dropped for it, and I'm sure I probably didn't even catch them all but like...so smart...like


Pink bear in the mart where he "wakes up" naked in. Pink bear again at the 1.2 mildol meet. "I will burn you" from chick that vomit-died, Skyler taking Walt's glasses in the hospital. How it hinted that it might be either the boiler that causes it or even Jesse at one point. Just amazingly well written and conceived.



Just fucking incredible, and then instead of some bat shit burn/explosion/whatever you have the crazyness of Skyler...


she knows of his lies.



Hollllyyyyy shiiiiiitttttt.


Just amazing. Gotta speak for the acting aswell. Everyone but in particular Walt and Walt Jr. Jeez. So much emotion, and awesomeness. Tense-ness. Just love this show.

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What I was concerned about, before starting s03, was that they'd never be able to top that climax from the second season. However, they, thankfully, didn't decide to even try and face it, but instead s03 just... phenomenally continues the excellent art direction and flawless character direction.


I don't think I really spotted those things that you did, ReZ -- if I did, I certainly didn't remember it for the final episode.


So glad you love the show too :D

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I just got Seasons 1, 2 and 3 after watching the first 3 episodes on a plane about 2 years ago. I fully loved it and can't believe it's taken me this long to get round to getting it, I'll be watching it all oiver the next few weeks, ideally before Series 5 of Dexter starts :grin:

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  • 9 months later...

So I've finally got around to getting into this. I watched the second episode and was instantly hooked, not sure why the pilot didn't do it for me.


Anyway, halfway through s2, it's utterly fantastic, as many on here have been saying for years. Reminds me of Dexter a lot of the time, but a bit more consistent, bit more edgey, probably a bit better.


Think the 4th season is starting soon. Don't want to rush 2 and 3 too much though.

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  • 1 month later...

So what did people think of "Box Cutter, Season 4 Episode 1"


I just....well. Yeah. Obviously fucking fantastic. Words cannot describe my love for this show.


I loved the ending. I loved how apart from the ending it was a pretty


Clean cut...kind of....stopping point. Jesse and Walt being all "Yeah, what are we going to do next" is incredibly exciting, and....



God. Just all the scenes. They are just all absolutely mind blowing aren't they.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I watched this and am hooked watched 1st season in next to no time, waiting for the second season now. I cannot believe the goofy dad from Malcolm in the Middle is turning out such a top notch performance:




When I first heard the concept I was like god that sounds so far fetched and not believable or relatable but hell its so well played and just full of win! Watch this show now everyone!

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It's odd saying you love a series in which they've seriously gimped the only endearing character (Hank), but nevertheless this is great. New series of Weeds is also out, and I really hope that this show doesn't end up the way Weeds has. Of course they're both incredibly different tonally, but if you abstract it, the stories have a very similar origin.

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It's odd saying you love a series in which they've seriously gimped the only endearing character (Hank), but nevertheless this is great. New series of Weeds is also out, and I really hope that this show doesn't end up the way Weeds has. Of course they're both incredibly different tonally, but if you abstract it, the stories have a very similar origin.


Never even heard of weeds!

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