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How Tall Are You?


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1.75m (5.7 it seems). Above the female average for my country, so its cool.


High (not so high) five!

Not sure if it's because I've always been short-ish, or something else, but I've always been attracted (and attractive :heh:) to the shorter ladies so it's not a problem for me.

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I'm between 6' and 6'1". I've put weight on over the past few months so weigh about 12 st 4-5. Over the course of a year I fluctuate between about 10 st 3 and 12 st 8 for no apparent reason.

I think it has something to do with the calories you consume and the calories you burn.

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I'm between 6' and 6'1". I've put weight on over the past few months so weigh about 12 st 4-5. Over the course of a year I fluctuate between about 10 st 3 and 12 st 8 for no apparent reason.


I used to fluctuate over the range of a stone or so, then kinda half a stone, now I'm just slowly creeping up in weight. It's probably a metabolism thing, seeing as you're a crazy natural thinny, I imagine sometimes the metabolism slows for various reasons. I honestly don't know though, I'm not like a biologist or anything.

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Would I be classed as a male?


Have you got a penis, or a penis obsession?. If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you are indeed a male.


I'm around 6ft, 6ft 1 perhaps. I did weigh around 126kg, but now i'm around 114kg.

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My goto high heels joke already got made in here. I tried thinking of another joke but I've got nothing so I guess I'll just post as intended without the flotsam. I'm 6ft or so, I guess. Maybe just under.

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I'm 5'11, and I weigh 82kg. My mum says I'm short. My girlfriend calls me tubby. I crai.

Well, I'm 5'11 and waiye 63kg. Just goes to show the comparison in the way we spell.


Edit: if were to BMI this I think I'd end up a KG or two 'underweight', and you'd be straddling the 'morbidly obese, please just moderate for a god damn while' line. Ya might wanna check up on that though.

Edited by dwarf
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