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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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My favorite Zelda cover:



It seems like only the German version had the black background for some reason, but I think it makes it look so much better :awesome:


Of course, it was my first Nintendo game, and still one of my all time favorites, so I might be a bit biased.


Unfortunately the only picture I could fin was this damaged one, and I'm not sure if I still have the original box :cry:

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My favorite Zelda cover:



It seems like only the German version had the black background for some reason, but I think it makes it look so much better :awesome:


Nope, I have a PAL English version and it's black as well. Actually, I didn't even know there was a gold-coloured cover as well! :o

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This is what bothers me about Nintendo.


"Hey, er, Fakurushimata-san... we have prepared a beautiful piece of artwork for the Ocarina of Time remake. It is a treat for all who see it."


"Excellent work, Tsurusamasamasama-san, now... about the box art?"


"We are using old stock artwork with a gold filter."


"Wonderful... san."





Nintendo have produced some incredible Zelda artwork over the years, yet we're constantly screwed over in the boxart department. Twilight Princess had a fairly cool cover, but I bet most of the world has never even seen the beauty that is this image:




At least give us something a bit more special for the Ocarina remake, Nintendo. This title is hailed as one of the finest you have ever produced.


From a marketing point of view those images don't sell the game for what it is, especially the one released today.


"Look mum! It's the new poneh game!"

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Does anyone else think it would be nice if you had access to some of the minigames (with separate scores and stuff) from the main menu once you play it once in the game? Would be nice to quickly load up the fishing without needing to load up the game and travel there. Would make sense for a handheld game.

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If Nintendo moves away from the "handheld-handheld" Zelda's and starts to blow up the handheld games of the series to the dimensions of the home console versions (which should definitely be possible), these are the kind of development times I would expect. That's a big if, though. It'll be exciting to see how they plan to differentiate both branches of the series in the future.


I see your point, but I don't think it's going to be a big problem. Now we have a handheld that can do a Zelda to the technical quality of a spruced-up Ocarina of Time, there's very little reason to base a future Zelda on a lesser engine.


Remember, the 3DS is really to accompany the Wii 2, not the Wii, so let's call the 3DS the equivalent of a generation 6 console (although probably not quite). That will contrast with Nintendo's next console, which should be generation 7 (eg. PS3), or could even be 8 (eg. PS4). If Link is running around a beautiful, complex, HD version of Hyrule), nothing on the 3DS will be able to trouble that.


But still, I understand the concept of differentiation, so how about having Toon Link on handhelds (cel-shaded, of course) and Adult Link on consoles? I assume the 3DS has impressive cel-shading abilities built-in, so I look forward to seeing them used. The whole Toon Link style is too good not to use again, especially now we have a handheld that could probably depict it almost as well as Wind Waker.


Furthermore, I'd like tight, neat games and overworlds. Pilotwings Resort shows us the 3DS can calculate quite an impressive island system with no trouble (and no loading times). I'd like the handheld Zeldas to match that sort of fluidity.


The stories could also be more avant-garde, like Link's Awakening. Meanwhile, one of the best things about home consoles is that they are absolutely at the cutting edge, so whilst I don't ask that every game is the same, I must admit it's a thrill seeing how Ganon, Hyrule Castle etc can be improved each gen. After all, it was only one generation between Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time. In fact, the relationship between Lttp and Link's Awakening is a good example of how you can have two Zeldas that are technically similar, even if one is on console and one is on handhelds.


Anyway, I've rambled. In short: bring on Zelda 3DS! :)

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I didn't think i could get really excited for a re-release but i am!


Can't wait to play through this again and to see all the things they have added! (The picture inside the shop a few pages back is what really got me going!!).


Now just need to buy a 3DS before it comes out...

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They've been pretty bold with some of the lighting and colouring changes, but overall I'd say it looks a lot better, especially the detail on Ganondorf's horse.


Hyrule Castle looks greatly different to how I remember it...

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I think the old one looks better in this comparison... same goes for a couple of others on there. Not just graphically either - Ganondorf looks a lot more imposing in the old picture above.


And the fire effects look better in the old version in this pic:



Or is it just me?


I do love the new look but it just doesn't seem as striking in these screens.

Edited by The Peeps
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If I was told they'd be playing around with the graphics before seeing screenshots, I'd be expecting much worse than what we've got. I think the texture updates make it look much better and the character design hasn't changed at all. I think it looks great.


I cannot wait :D

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The updated visuals are really nice, but I'm not digging the one showing the battle with Phantom Ganon. :nono:




It's the lighting more than anything, it looks way too bright and clean, I seriously prefer the look on the original version. It's actually one of my favourite parts of the entire game, I loved the dark/eerie vibe of it.

But that seems to be lost in the 3DS version. :hmm:


Anyway, it's just a screen, so I'll reserve judgement until I see it in action.

Perhaps, but try to imagine a screen that dark condensed onto a tiny screen.




I am surprised how looking forward to this I am. Most happy I haven't bought a 3DS just yet. Now we need A Link To The Past 3D. Then put that on the 3DS a few years into the future.

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Perhaps, but try to imagine a screen that dark condensed onto a tiny screen.
Yeah, I guess you've got a point there.

Still not a fan of the added brightness in the originally dark and atmospheric sections of the game though. :sad:


But I'm definitely excited to pick this up and start playing through it again, really looking forward to a nice relaxing spot of portable 3D fishing too. :grin:

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the character design hasn't changed at all.


Well, some strange person decided to make Young Link's tunic shorter.


Yeah, I guess you've got a point there.

Still not a fan of the added brightness in the originally dark and atmospheric sections of the game though. :sad:


I think the 3DS screen may be the main reason for the brightness - dark games (such as Splinter Cell) are unplayable in natural light.

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I am moist with excitement.


Is it good or bad that I have never even played this game in my 22 years?


I feel like I missed out first time round after reading all the great things about it so am very much looking forward to this. :grin:

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