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R.I.P. Stephen Gately :(

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Fail @ him dead suddenly at 33 years old. Apparently he fell asleep and never woke up whilst on holiday in Majorca.


Crazy huh?


2009 was a great loss for music. :(




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You noob. When You Say Nothing At All was a Ronan solo, not a Boyzone soooong. :heh: You should've put No Matter What, or something.


I'm pretty sad about this. I actually saw Boyzone in concert about a year or so ago with some of my Brighton friends. It was very...different. Haha. I had a good time.


R.I.P. Can't believe how young he was.

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It does seem like a lot of famous people are dying before their time this year. Shame etc. He seemed like a nice guy.

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It really scares me to think at anywhere or anytime we can just die.


Anyways it's never nice to hear about someone who's passed away.



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more like steve GAY! OHHH!


and done


but seriously though r.i.p and do we really have a proper cause for death other than " he went to sleep and never woke up" jeez I could have told you that.

Edited by mcj metroid

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It's a shame. I wasn't a massive fan of their music but I liked some of their songs. It's a shame for music this year. :(



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Very sad, very shocking. Boyzone were aimed at my generation, so I always saw them on Saturday morning TV. He seemed a very nice person.

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Why are people entertaining the idea that this was a case of "he fell asleep and died randomly"? I think it's pretty obvious...

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While I don't really care for many Boyzone songs, as a person Stephen Gately always came across as a nice guy so it's sad that he died so young. :(



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Why are people entertaining the idea that this was a case of "he fell asleep and died randomly"? I think it's pretty obvious...


they haven't done a post mortem yet to determine the death. So they can't go making up his cause of death even if it is obvious to some.

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they haven't done a post mortem yet to determine the death. So they can't go making up his cause of death even if it is obvious to some.


Well yeah, I didn't mean the media as such. It was more Caris' post that made me think it. I am willing hazard a guess that this could be avoided if he wasn't doing crazy stuff on the holiday.

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Hmm well my brother's friend did go on a night out and died in his sleep and everyone presumed it was drugs or drink or something but as it turns out he had an undiagnosed heart condition which caused it. As weird as it sounds hopefully its something like that, as others have said Gately seemed like a nice enough person and it would be a shame if his death was due to something such as drugs.

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What a bummer.




Shame he died so young though as others have said I expect there's more to it than him just dying in his sleep.

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Bloody hell, that's something extremely random, unexpected and sad.


I never really did like Boyzone, but that was about their music, not themselves. R.I.P. :(

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RIP. As said, he seemed like a decent chap, even though he was in a boy band/


And just ignore all the sick jokes about him. It's only words.

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Wow, tis a great shame and a shock as well. Such a young age, just goes to show the youth are as vulnerable to sudden deaths as the seniors. R.I.P

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So badly funny. Rez is rubbing off on you.


I hope that was intentional.



And yeah, I'm not gonna bother with all this 'oh my he was such a good guy RIP sadface etcetc'. I dunno if that's harsh, but there's so many of these threads about people I don't really care about anymore and people die every day. It's sad yes, but we all have our time, and just reading lots of posts that essentially say 'omg rip'...it irks me. If it was a discussion about the circumstances/age/etc, or someone who was clearly a massive fan, then maybe not, but yeah, im gonna stop talking now.

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I hope that was intentional.



And yeah, I'm not gonna bother with all this 'oh my he was such a good guy RIP sadface etcetc'. I dunno if that's harsh, but there's so many of these threads about people I don't really care about anymore and people die every day. It's sad yes, but we all have our time, and just reading lots of posts that essentially say 'omg rip'...it irks me. If it was a discussion about the circumstances/age/etc, or someone who was clearly a massive fan, then maybe not, but yeah, im gonna stop talking now.

Well, the thing is he didn't exactly have his time. His time was far from up.

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Well, the thing is he didn't exactly have his time. His time was far from up.


Honestly I'm suprised I haven't heard any crazy christian/gaybashers argue he lived too long and this was a judgement from the almighty god for his sins against...whatever it is you're sinning against...is it jesus, or what? OMG DID STEPHEN GATELY TOUCH JESUS ON THE INSIDE WITH HIS PENOR?! If somebody did that to my son, I might consider taking them out too. Unless he wanted it, then I'd just feel incredibly weird. I'm also going to stop talking once again. :woops:

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