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I seen a ghost.


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N-Europe, I need to get something off my chest.


I went down to Scarborough last week with my best mate to chill at his girlfriends for freshers week.


Now, I slept on the floor in there room on a air bed. I had my iPhone next to me when I went to sleep. Now everything from here on I remember vividly, like it happened 5 minutes ago. Not like "I was dreaming" or something.


I woke up after being a sleep for a while and I seen a Chinese guy at the end of the room. Now I will admit I was very sleepy but I remember it no problem, I didn't dream it. So I seen this guy, blinked and he was gone. I was to tired to care so I went back to sleep.


I woke back up later and he was next to my bed, I said to him "watch you don't step on my iPhone" and I moved it to the other side of the bed, again he gone and I fell a sleep.


Later I woke up again and saw him at the end of the room and I fell back a sleep.


So the next morning I got up and said to the other 2 "Haha last night was wild, I thought I seen a asian guy in the room" and the girls face just dropped. She explained that a asian guy used to live there fitting the description I give.


Now I've just had a phone call from my mate saying that another girl who lives there has just seen a asian guy in a doorway and he vanished. She's really scared and is thinking about leaving the flat.


I could write more on this, details etc but I'm shaking.


I don't know what I want people to say but someone say something, I really am feeling freaked out.

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freaky, but i must throw in my logical hat here.


now, if an asian guy used to live there, thats currently no huge coincidence, its possible that it was mentioned in passing, or referenced in some way without you even realising, but nevel the less, it stayed in your mind. also, the experience sounds very much like something i sometimes get, id call it a waking dream, but im not quiet sure if thats right.


bassicly, when im on the cusp of sleep, i sometimes halloconate and my logic gets all screwed up, i fall asleep quiet easily despite seeing/hearing things that would freak me out normaly.


the girl seeing him too begs the question, did she hear about this? if she did, id guess its just her mind playing tricks/her wanting to see it.

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Those saying they don't exist, can you 100% say that there is zero possibility of once we pass our consciousness goes to another level and can sometimes manifest within the dimension we currently inhabit?


I've experienced some freaky things in my time, some I can explain easily, some I cannot...however I've learned that it's best to never say absolutes.


Sure it could be a waking dream based on a level where someone mentioned the previous tenant and it went in his head and his mind created it. However, the possbilities are endless

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Those saying they don't exist, can you 100% say that there is zero possibility of once we pass our consciousness goes to another level and can sometimes manifest within the dimension we currently inhabit?


Yes. I just did.

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That sure sounds like a "waking dream".


The fact that you didn't find it strange he was there sounds a lot like a dream. And waking dreams also tend to be recurring. The other day, I kept waking up, thinking a big centipede was attacking my ear. There was nothing in the room, but my ear still woke up sore.


And if the guy really isn't dead, then it was definitely a dream (Either that, or he sneaked into the house to mess around with people :heh:)

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Once i saw a spider crawling up and biting me in the back and I got up screaming because it really hurt, but there was nothing there. No bite mark, no spider, nothing.


Now the fact that you didn't care he was there makes this story a bit sketchy. If you weren't in a drowsy state I would be more likely to believe you but it wouldn't have happened then.

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I had a dream a bit like that last night Jonnas except it was an annoying bug buzzing by my ear only to wake up and find there was nothing of the sort in my room.


Originally I was going to say sleep paralysis but since there is a background to this ghost story, I dunno.

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Did he look like this?





And did he tell you to stop breaking his sheetty wall?





seriously though, its probebly just your brain in a sleepy state being all out of it. it dosent matter how sleepy i am, if anybody i dont know walks into the room, or gets near my iphone when im sleepy, i dont just fall asleep.

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