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your top disappointing games

mcj metroid

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I'm probably the only person in the world not that crazy about Viewtiful Joe.


I bought it when as soon as it came out after it got glowing reviews but I just couldn't get into it. The graphics looked messy to me and Joe was annoying.


I did buy it again just recently to give it another try but after the first few levels it's back on the shelf, I'll probably try again with I've got nothing left to play.


As a wrestling fan I was really looking forward to the first WWE game on the Gamecube, but Wrestlemania 18 was very poor. The following games weren't much better, though DOR2 was close. But if I want wrestling I'll still play No Mercy.

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Yeah, I didn't like Viewtiful Joe either as, despite appearances, it didn't actually play like an old-fashioned game. I found the "FX" like slowing-down and speeding-up the gameplay too gimmicky and complicated, when all I really wanted was another Shinobi or Dragonninja.

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I gotta agree- No Mercy is a great game. :hehe:


Fuck Yeah, No Mercy. The ladder matches were brilliant. None of these paper thin ladders that other losers used in Smackdown 2. We had actual meaty ladders. I used to pedigree other wrestlers onto the ladder and I thought ohhhhh. DDTing them on there as well. It was insane how much pain you could dish out on that game.


The only annoying thing was the tables. You had to actually climb on the tables. I wanted to suplex somebody through the tables backstage, but it wasn't possible.



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Fuck Yeah, No Mercy. The ladder matches were brilliant. None of these paper thin ladders that other losers used in Smackdown 2. We had actual meaty ladders. I used to pedigree other wrestlers onto the ladder and I thought ohhhhh. DDTing them on there as well. It was insane how much pain you could dish out on that game.


The only annoying thing was the tables. You had to actually climb on the tables. I wanted to suplex somebody through the tables backstage, but it wasn't possible.




Haha mate this is one of your best posts, especially that last bit haha.


I'm going to add Resident Evil 5 on my list of most disappointing games. It's like 4 but...worse in every way :(

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Haha mate this is one of your best posts, especially that last bit haha.


I'm going to add Resident Evil 5 on my list of most disappointing games. It's like 4 but...worse in every way :(

Well not the graphics and inclusion of multiplayer, surely. The co-op play was great; worked really well online and with friends in the same room. I preferred RE4 because it was fresh and had better characters/story, but RE5 was still really good.

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I think the problems stems from playing the game alone, not in co-op

At least most of the complaints I have read about it is from people playing it alone.

Which of course is a problem on its own, it should good when playing single and co-op.

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Would have liked to have tried Viewtiful Joe.


Resi 5 is pretty fun, played through it in co-op, but I'd say there are better co-op games, and it's not even in the same league as Resi 4.


MadWorld is probably my most dissapointing game ever. The first level was good fun, then it just fell down a black hole. Extremely repetitive, uninspiring, incredibly messy visuals, not particularly funny, aweful bike levels, just lacking any real charm. Stopped playing somewhere after the third boss (I think) and sold it.


Also found RE:Umbrella Chronicles very slow, boring and all round unenjoyable aswell, and this was in co-op.

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I did a quick search of this thread and skimmed my previous posts, so I don't think I posted this before. Even if I did, it deserves to be renamed and re-shamed.


Forsaken 64.


I felt the hype. It sounded like a great game, it looked like a great game but when I got my hands on it... not so much. This was a game that was billed as a "flying F-Zero shooter" and I thought that would be right up my alley. However, the music was so bad, the graphics lacked charm and character and... the game just seemed to have no soul. I mean, it controlled fine, it was just dead inside. :(

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Well not the graphics and inclusion of multiplayer, surely. The co-op play was great; worked really well online and with friends in the same room. I preferred RE4 because it was fresh and had better characters/story, but RE5 was still really good.


I've not played 5, but as an outsider, I find the fact that a fair few gamers were praising even the addition of a co-op mode, let alone it being valuable to the overall gameplay very worrying. It is a perfect example of exactly why I worry for the series.


4 was very much an action game and had very little to do with the survival horror nature of the series. I enjoyed the mechanics, and there are tons of memorable moments, so it's a good game. However, I'm not sure I like where Capcom are taking the series. Do people really want co-op in a Resident Evil game? There are already a dozen 3rd or 1st person shooters on systems at the moment, many of which offer co-op. How does 5 stand out from those?


When I think of Resident Evil, I think about isolation, the fear of running around Racoon Forest, unsure what's going to jump out at you. Exploring many hallways, where nothing happens, but it all adds to the tension. Best of all, I remember playing this at night, with the curtains closed, with the lights off, and with nobody awake but me. I would like Capcom to have a try at doing another Resi where you get these feelings again.

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I've not played 5, but as an outsider, I find the fact that a fair few gamers were praising even the addition of a co-op mode, let alone it being valuable to the overall gameplay very worrying. It is a perfect example of exactly why I worry for the series.


4 was very much an action game and had very little to do with the survival horror nature of the series. I enjoyed the mechanics, and there are tons of memorable moments, so it's a good game. However, I'm not sure I like where Capcom are taking the series. Do people really want co-op in a Resident Evil game? There are already a dozen 3rd or 1st person shooters on systems at the moment, many of which offer co-op. How does 5 stand out from those?


When I think of Resident Evil, I think about isolation, the fear of running around Racoon Forest, unsure what's going to jump out at you. Exploring many hallways, where nothing happens, but it all adds to the tension. Best of all, I remember playing this at night, with the curtains closed, with the lights off, and with nobody awake but me. I would like Capcom to have a try at doing another Resi where you get these feelings again.


Yeah I never once thought co-op was remotely needed. It worked well i must admit but i would rather they just got rid of the second character tbh. I also found the music a bit, odd. In RE4 when you used the shotgun or the Red9 it really felt like you were using a powerful weapon, but the sound effects in RE5 were much more tame.


Hell, Arkham Asylum reminded me more of RE4 than RE5 did.

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As a Resi game RE5 was aweful.

And as a stand alone game it wasn't all that brilliant either... played through it in co-op and whilst fun enough, there are better out there.

I don't even think the visuals are particularly nice... everything is overbloomed to the extreme... even things that shouldn't really be reflecting much light... like the characters themselves!

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I've not played 5, but as an outsider, I find the fact that a fair few gamers were praising even the addition of a co-op mode, let alone it being valuable to the overall gameplay very worrying. It is a perfect example of exactly why I worry for the series.


4 was very much an action game and had very little to do with the survival horror nature of the series. I enjoyed the mechanics, and there are tons of memorable moments, so it's a good game. However, I'm not sure I like where Capcom are taking the series. Do people really want co-op in a Resident Evil game? There are already a dozen 3rd or 1st person shooters on systems at the moment, many of which offer co-op. How does 5 stand out from those?


When I think of Resident Evil, I think about isolation, the fear of running around Racoon Forest, unsure what's going to jump out at you. Exploring many hallways, where nothing happens, but it all adds to the tension. Best of all, I remember playing this at night, with the curtains closed, with the lights off, and with nobody awake but me. I would like Capcom to have a try at doing another Resi where you get these feelings again.


I dunno, the co-op is only like the co-op Ashley sections in RE4 except not annoying in any way since you're not responsible for the other person. It's really one of those 'play it to see it' kind of things. When you're playing single player, you're still actually alone (as in no real person) and the NPC isn't stupid. You're mostly only using her for inventory purposes (which is nice) and to pull off moves like leg ups.


As for the old school RE...I really liked the change. I think a lot did, hence RE4 was so loved. The old RE format was quite stale, and there was so much I didn't like about it. The puzzle solving often required you picking stuff up and using it waaay later, or constantly going through the same areas again and again. It wasn't bad, but I just didn't enjoy it as much as RE4 (like when you're trying to avoid getting your head chainsawed off, that was great).

Edited by Sheikah
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I did a quick search of this thread and skimmed my previous posts, so I don't think I posted this before. Even if I did, it deserves to be renamed and re-shamed.


Forsaken 64.


I felt the hype. It sounded like a great game, it looked like a great game but when I got my hands on it... not so much. This was a game that was billed as a "flying F-Zero shooter" and I thought that would be right up my alley. However, the music was so bad, the graphics lacked charm and character and... the game just seemed to have no soul. I mean, it controlled fine, it was just dead inside. :(


I know exactly what you mean (have this game in my collection and tried it again the other day - has not aged well at all!).


I remember renting or borrowing it at the time of release and my bro, sis and I were all playing it with a sorta "huh?" Feeling? Just a very lifeless, dull game with very lacklustre environments.

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Donkey Kong Country 3....it wouldn't have been a bad game on it's own, but compared to the awesomeness of DKC and my personal favourite DKC2 it was seriously lacking. The hit detection seemed a bit..off in the bosses and the enemy sprites looked terrible! It was also the first one where i dreaded the boss fights as they were terrible, (with the exception of the snowman!)


The overworld map was a neat new idea though, i guess that's what they spent their time focusing on. |:

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Donkey Kong Country 3....it wouldn't have been a bad game on it's own, but compared to the awesomeness of DKC and my personal favourite DKC2 it was seriously lacking. The hit detection seemed a bit..off in the bosses and the enemy sprites looked terrible! It was also the first one where i dreaded the boss fights as they were terrible, (with the exception of the snowman!)


The overworld map was a neat new idea though, i guess that's what they spent their time focusing on. |:


Joke post?


I'll be replaying DKC 3 before the years out and its not because its a disappointment.

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