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I like to drink, but I don't get drunk. I haven't had a drink since more than a month ago, and I couldn't tell you in a clear concise order the events of last night, so drunk memory loss doesn't sound fun.


I generally stick to hard liquors though, no beer. For a bunch of underaged drinkers we buy good stuff. Jaeger, Smirnoff, Captain Morgan, and Bacardi 151. Those are staples for a party, but we usually just go with Vodka for a normal evening of hanging out shooting the shit.

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I very, very rarely get to the point where I lose my memories of the previous night. That's only happened once, during Freshers week. Damn you, Propaganda.


I seem to have more memory loss and less headaches. And most of the time, my mind seems to string all the remaining bits so they somehow fit together, meaning that sometimes I don't know until people talk about general things that happened.

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LoL, sorry I should have said depressing.


Sometimes I feel like hanging myself, after i've been out on the piss.


A couple of days later, i'm alright again.


Nah it's ok, I know what you mean :D it's more common than you think to feel a little depressed the morning after drinking though, happens a lot and to me before if I recall correctly... :/ depends who you drink with I guess, how much you'd had, how much of a twat you might have acted if you got too drunk, loads of factors.


For me it was realising that from my experience of going out / getting drunk / going to pubs / clubs was really as shallow and meaningless as I had thought it would be, I kind of wanted it to be fun but it just wasn't, though it may have been partly who I was drinking with, people from work who I didn't really know... >.>


Nowadays if I do drink socially it's only with people who I know and enjoy being around so it's not so bad but even so I still don't go out to drink much at all, I prefer to have a quiet drink with a meal. :D

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Nah it's ok, I know what you mean :D it's more common than you think to feel a little depressed the morning after drinking though, happens a lot and to me before if I recall correctly... :/ depends who you drink with I guess, how much you'd had, how much of a twat you might have acted if you got too drunk, loads of factors.


For me it was realising that from my experience of going out / getting drunk / going to pubs / clubs was really as shallow and meaningless as I had thought it would be, I kind of wanted it to be fun but it just wasn't, though it may have been partly who I was drinking with, people from work who I didn't really know... >.>


Nowadays if I do drink socially it's only with people who I know and enjoy being around so it's not so bad but even so I still don't go out to drink much at all, I prefer to have a quiet drink with a meal. :D


A good night out for me, would be; a nice social drink at my local with some good mates, then taxi up to Broadstreet Birmingham, go into Sports Bar for a bit and then finally go to some night-club. I havn't been to Broadstreet for ages now, but I can't imagine it been shitter than the Bars near me.

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I don't drink very often, I never really get in the 'mood' to drink so to speak, I'm sure jayseven and dan have asked me several times why before, but I just don't like drinking as much as say hanging out sober.


It doesn't bother me who drinks as long as I don't become the gaurdian of said drunk person, luckily the sheffield chaps are pretty good at handling their drink and stuff.

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Not much of a drinker myself. I do have something to drink, but I don't like the taste of beer, so I normally go for a Breezer or a Somersby. I don't think I've ever actually felt the effect of alcohol, perhaps except being slightly more social and "loose". But then again, if the company's good, I can do that without a drop of alcohol.

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However it baffles me how some people are of the opinion that it is necessary to get wasted in order to have a good time. It was also a bit of a shock to me to find out that a good proportion of my hall mates at uni seem to think that there's no point in drinking unless you plan on getting completely wankered. They use like hard drugs.


Exactly. I don't think alcohol is terrible, it's just the way people use it. I tend to think the fermented drinks (beer, cider, wine) are the most wholesome. Distilled drinks just seem a bit unnatural and "dodgy" to me.


I also think people should stick to the units on the back of the bottle. Yes, people get used to drinking more, but you shouldn't. This has been scientifically devised - it's not some politically correct, nanny state thing.


Now, I won't lie, I do genuinely enjoy the occasional beer. I tend to have one pint of English Ale a week - Fuller's London Pride, Adnam's Broadside, Abbot Ale etc. More than one in a night and I feel worse for wear. I don't care if I'm a "lightweight", I don't want my body to get used to more than that.


What I also dislike is the way alcohol is linked to socialising. OK, I do enjoy a beer, and I even like the way it helps you relax, but what I don't like is the way the actual socialising is about drinking, pub crawls etc. I usually just drink Coke, because I never do things because other people think I should.

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I only started to drink when I was 21. (Before the days of cheap, accessible booze from the supermarkets.) I got drunk on my 18th and swore never to cripple my (perceived) superhuman body again. I did well but the social pressure got to me in the end.

Plus moving to Scotland and discovering Whisky and Coke made me never looked back.

Until...I went off the alcymaholic drinks for 2 years aged 23 as I had a 90% drink from a dodgy Cyprus bar (the guy literally blew the cobwebs off it as I had asked for the strongest shiz in the house). I blacked out instantly only to wake up the next day with black sick everywhere. Didn't help that it was Christmas day!

So I gave up and only about a year ago did I return to the Whisky/Bourbon (not biscuits).


Now I only drink enough to get tipsy (usually 6-7 double whisky's) before proceeding to waggle my hips on the dance floor like Travolta circa 1970. Bliss!


Still, my pet hate is women off their faces on booze. (Just seems normal for a lot of fellas?)

I like dolled-up ladies as much as the next guy but when she's falling over you and she has eyes like a panda and lips like a 6yr old who's just eaten strawberry ice-cream and missed her gob I lose all faith in being married one day.

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I only started to drink when I was 21. (Before the days of cheap, accessible booze from the supermarkets.) I got drunk on my 18th and swore never to cripple my (perceived) superhuman body again. I did well but the social pressure got to me in the end.

Plus moving to Scotland and discovering Whisky and Coke made me never looked back.

Until...I went off the alcymaholic drinks for 2 years aged 23 as I had a 90% drink from a dodgy Cyprus bar (the guy literally blew the cobwebs off it as I had asked for the strongest shiz in the house). I blacked out instantly only to wake up the next day with black sick everywhere. Didn't help that it was Christmas day!

So I gave up and only about a year ago did I return to the Whisky/Bourbon (not biscuits).


Now I only drink enough to get tipsy (usually 6-7 double whisky's) before proceeding to waggle my hips on the dance floor like Travolta circa 1970. Bliss!


Still, my pet hate is women off their faces on booze. (Just seems normal for a lot of fellas?)

I like dolled-up ladies as much as the next guy but when she's falling over you and she has eyes like a panda and lips like a 6yr old who's just eaten strawberry ice-cream and missed her gob I lose all faith in being married one day.


Black absinthe? You are brave :heh:

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