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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (XBLA, PSN, WiiWare)


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It has minor niggles Imo, not of the game-breaking proportion either, it's not perfect but it's as close to classic Sonic as Sega have achieved ina lonnng time.


Also, fuck the final special stage Raaaawr! I know it's doable but I don't have the time right now, I'll be getting that final Chaos Emerald and completing the game later though for sure.


For anyone on the fence, if you really like Sonic then this should be a no-brainer, just get it... you will enjoy it I'm sure, just as I am, it's still well worthy of the title 'Sonic 4' even with its minor faults. :)

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I recommend downloading the demo, because from what i see of it so far it isn't worth spending 1200 points on it. And thats from the demo perspective, which i downloaded. It's slow, a bit buggy and all that.


Recommendation, wait until it drops down in price. Or better still, wait and see if a release of a disk version (with all eps on) comes out.

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It's fucking amazing that after spending months to refine the game, because people complained it was slow and buggy and full of flaws, it turns out it's still at the very least slow and buggy in many people's opinion.

They didn't refine it well enough. I've hit invisible barriers, been crushed when not touching the crushing thing, had no control whatsoever on even the slightest of inclines.

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Didn't particularly like the demo in all honesty. 1200 points, no chance. There's something about it I don't like, maybe it's the physics, maybe it's the fact that you slow down after you've been rolling for a while. I guess in its own right it's ok but I wouldn't compare it to the previous Sonics because you'll be disappointed.

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I played the trial version on the 360 earlier today. Its not that I don't like it, it's just that I felt the controls were a bit off with the 360's pad. I presume you could use the d-pad for playing as I only tried the analogue stick and it felt wrong in every way. But then the d-pad on the 360 controller isn't particularly great so I don't know whether it'd make any difference or not. ::shrug:


Not bothered really as I was always going to get the WiiWare version (even though it is more expensive than on the 360 as 1200 MS points works out at something like £9.50 or something close to that where as it's £15 on the Wii (if you buy a points card as it's only £10.50 if you purchase your points from the Shop Channel) and PSN).


Also, I don't know about anyone else but does the game not look a little 'expanded' when playing the 360 version? My 360 is set up for widescreen, 1080i as I haven't gotten round to getting another HDMI cable yet, but it seemed like the overal picture was too big for the screen some how. Like, the first elevated bit Sonic can jump on in the first level of Act 1 was pretty much half way up my screen. Just seemed really odd.

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Done two zones so far and I'm absolutely loving this. Once you get used to the physics a bit (which was easy for me as I generally keep holding down in the direction I'm travelling, so I don't suffer the momentum loss in this).


Oh, and it's especially awesome with the Street Fighter 4 pad. Probably the best current-gen pad for playing this game.


The only thing I don't like is having to press Y to carry on at the end of a level. It would be better if it was "press Y to return to menu".

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It has minor niggles Imo, not of the game-breaking proportion either, it's not perfect but it's as close to classic Sonic as Sega have achieved ina lonnng time.



I dunno to me the gameboy advance games look closer to the classic sonic. Just because it uses "inspired" levels from the classic games doesn't mean it's more like them.


I haven't played this game yet but I'm not going to give this the benefit of the doubt after years of mediocrity, and from the " so so" comments here from fans of the classic sonic games I'm not going to bother.


Also nintendo reviewers should be banned from reviewing this game lol. Seriously i've read loads of dodgy ones.

Edited by mcj metroid
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Done two zones so far and I'm absolutely loving this. Once you get used to the physics a bit (which was easy for me as I generally keep holding down in the direction I'm travelling, so I don't suffer the momentum loss in this).


Oh, and it's especially awesome with the Street Fighter 4 pad. Probably the best current-gen pad for playing this game.


The only thing I don't like is having to press Y to carry on at the end of a level. It would be better if it was "press Y to return to menu".


Totally agree, I'm enjoying it as well, I just wish the levels were in an order like the old games, I find it weird that they're not.


The main physics/momentum issue is just that in this game, you need to hold forward a lot. If you hold forward, the game basically plays like the old one. But if you let go, you'll come to a rather drastic and unexpected stop.


Yes, it is weird isn't it? You can jump and when in mid air let go of the stick and you will totally stop moving forward. It's pretty easy to get used to, but it's still something I'd like them to fix.

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Completed it. Not with all 7 emeralds though. I enjoyed it apart from some annoying parts of a few of the levels. Mad Gear act 3 is pure evil. The physics is a bit weird but you just need to get used to them, didn't really have any momentum problems, though I play by holding right :P. Accidentally killed myself a few times because I pressed A mid-jump and ended up dashing over a platform X_X.

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I reached the final boss (i.e. the last part) with three lives left, died a couple of times so I had no lives left (I panicked as I couldn't remember if x001 was your last life or if x000 was). I lost all my rings during that battle, so I ended up beating the game with no lives and no rings left. That's cutting it a bit close, I think.


I also loved the new elements that they added in the game - it's so great being able to figure out what it all is without the game making you go through a tutorial/telling you exactly what to do first.


I can see myself playing through the game a lot of times.


I also found the levels to be suitably different from the old games, and was quite surprised at how much the design changed throughout the stages.

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A perfect example is early in the Casino Zone Act 2, there is a part where there's a vertical bumper in the middle of a tall dip. You hit the bumper on the right hand side, go up the right wall, accross the ceiling and then into a diagonal bumper.


I'm gonna draw an image... this is what happens when you hit the bumper on teh right, then don't hold forwards.




A good way to see the issue yourself is with the spin dash.


Do a spin dash, rev as many times as you want. Let go then jump immediately and let go of all buttons. Sonic will stop as though he hit a brick wall. Same thing happens if you spin dash off a ledge.


Might seem like I'm being picky but I love the game other than this (and the price tag). Don't see why they didn't simply emulate this core mechanic in order to keep the feel of the old games. The Rush and Advance games did not have this problem.

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This game is the perfect example of why i like demo versions. Felt so slow & unresponsive, like i was playing Sonic's Leisurely Sunday Walk Through Granny Park.


I even played through the demo stage a second time thinking "No no no, it must be something i'm doing wrong. Try boosting, dashing, spinning" but still just takes him absolute ages to get going.


Won't be spending my hard earned points on this.


PS. The dash is a nice touch tho.

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'Fraid so. My little brother has been frustrated trying to get the last Chaos emerald and having to replay Zone 3 act 1 got him quite frustrated.


Quite frustrated? lol I hear that... I had to replay the exact same stage I don't know how many times before I got that last elusive emerald but it was worth it in the end, plus I got pretty high up on the leaderboards for that act and all the enemy kills counted towards the 'enemy hunter' achievement of course. :)


This game is the perfect example of why i like demo versions. Felt so slow & unresponsive,


Game = 10x better than the demo, assuming that you only get to play the first level or two, the game gets progressively better from the second zone, trust me, at first I was thinking 'wrf?' from the first zone but after spending numerous hours with the game I now love it. :D

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The demo only lets you play act 1 of Splash.


Well i caved and bought it! I think it's fantastic, yeah sure it seems to have its little niggles but its like a proper sonic 2d platformer, it's slow for the platforming but when you speed up i was flying through the level kinda thing, great mix.


Special stages ive found a bit weird to control so far though!


The homing attack actually fits in quite well and when your used to using it really speeds up the game!

Edited by Mike1988uk
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I'm gonna have to go and try this later today as my bro downloaded it for his PS3 yesterday!


I tried the demo for the XBOX 360 last night and I certainly didn't hate it, though the thought of playing it with the Wii Remote is much more appealing :hehe: If I like it, I'll maybe get it on Wii Ware unless someone can give me a reason or two as to why I should download it on the XBOX 360 instead :indeed:

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I was doing this on the iPhone, not checked that it works on the console version - but if you're going to run out of time, just press start and retry. Can't help you if you keep bumping into the red "!" circles, but can make stages 4 and 6 much easier


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