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But that would be pointless. They'd be rehashing the same game twice. And that would just open up the road to more of your chronic moaning.


why would i want to buy 2 and 3 again when i just want a copy of the updated first one?


america sold the first 2 separately. we should too. thats NEVER EVER the case though

Edited by or else you will DIE
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I was swithering whether to get the Primes on the NPC, but I think this has sold it for me. I mainly see this as me getting MP 1 and 2, with 3 as a bonus. Still, with some improvements aside form the controls, I don't feel too bad owning two of the same game.

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I don't own and have never played 2, and I never finished the first one, so I think I might buy this, especially for the multiplayer. I imagine that will be brilliant with the new controls. Shame its not online, but its better than nothing. Perhaps if we're lucky they'll throw in some maps from Prime 3.

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I own all three but will likely just buy this, sell 3 and keep the other 2 in case I ever want to play with the other controls :P


The lack of online support is really bugging me though. It really would have been the icing on an already delicious cake. Makes you wonder how good Retro would have made it too. But one can only dream...

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I'm thinking this means we don't get a new game from Retro anytime soon then. And if they didn't reveal this at E3, perhaps it means they've got enough stuff at E3. If it was a year like last year again, I would assume they would save this for E3 so they could show something.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Excellent news indeed.


Out of interest, has anyone here played the NPC version of the first MP?


Whilst Corruption's control scheme is definitely the best, the game was also designed to make use it of it - I wonder how it feels playing through the other games with it and as to just how much more it brings to the table.

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Just realised this will be the title Matt C was saying the Nintendo hardcore would "appreciate" isn't it?


Oh my god it is isn't... effing hell!! It's good because it's cheap, but it isn't that good news for hardcore gamers because hardcore gamers will have played and completed the three games anyway if they were interested in the series! (most of them).


The slow feeling of dread is drawing near as E3 approaches....are we going to have a winter of Wii Fit Plus and Pikmin 3?!??!!


*I'd be pretty excited about those 2 games, but it's not enough...especially after last year*

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Good chance this was Matt's surprise.


I do think however that Nintendo will have something else.


People don't seem to understand how the development works with the Wii Prefix titles. They're all done by EAD 2. EAD 2 also did Animal Crossing. There are tons of other Nintendo teams, they all obviously have some sort of projects in the works. They're not just sitting their playing Brawl/Mario Kart.

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Good chance this was Matt's surprise.


I do think however that Nintendo will have something else.


People don't seem to understand how the development works with the Wii Prefix titles. They're all done by EAD 2. EAD 2 also did Animal Crossing. There are tons of other Nintendo teams, they all obviously have some sort of projects in the works. They're not just sitting their playing Brawl/Mario Kart.


Dunno, they're f*cking addictive!

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You know what... Nintendo have tempted me. It is one hell of a bundle.


I do own all three however, and may just be instead tempted to play through all three again when I come back from uni.

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but hey what about the multiplayer is metroid prime 2? that with prime 3 controls would be awesome.. the main problem with it was that nobody knew how to control the fucking thing on gamecube that you played?


more levels would be awesome :)


this is actually an awesome annoucement and it WASNT expected.. nobody saw this coming.

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